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May 31, 2007

Are You Ready for Digital Free Agency?

One of the biggest impacts of consumerization in the enterprise is that it puts more power into the hands of individual employees.
Combine this trend with increasing numbers of easing-into-retirement Baby Boomers, working parents and others who want a better work/life balance, and employers’ continued difficulty in finding workers with desired qualifications. What do you get?
“Digital […]

IT Industry Finds Little to Like in Immigration Bill

The sweeping immigration bill currently being debated in the Senate has won the backing of President Bush. But he appears to be one of the few fans of the bipartisan proposal.
It is being bashed by folks all over the political spectrum and, somewhat surprisingly, by companies that employ high-tech professionals.
The Senate bill would, after all, […]

May 29, 2007

There’s Good News, Bad News for Employers in China’s Planned Labor Law

We blogged recently about how rising wages in India and China will likely make it more expensive to do business in those countries, possibly leading companies to evaluate other offshore alternatives.
Now comes news that China will soon introduce a new labor law that “aims to empower employees,” according to coverage on SiliconValley.com.
The law would boost […]

Reading, Writing and Robots: Schools Get Creative to Interest Students in IT

The number of engineers graduating annually from U.S. universities trails the numbers of like graduates in India and China, a worrying statistic that presents “the greatest single threat to American prosperity,” says Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter, co-author of a Competitiveness Index produced by the national Council on Competitiveness.
While the U.S. still turns out […]

May 25, 2007

Tech Spending Appears Mired in Malaise

When we interviewed Paul Carton of ChangeWave Research back in September, he said it was too early to tell whether tech spending slowdowns in 2006’s fourth quarter would be “indicative of the soft landing the Street has been looking for, or a harbinger of tougher days to come.”
It’s beginning to look as if tough times […]

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