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Federal Highway Administration Research Library

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About Us

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Research Library mission is the following:

In support of the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center's research, development, and technology (RD&T) mission to investigate new highway technologies and transfer those research results to the transportation community, the FHWA Research Library will provide collections, electronic resources, and services in support of the research needs of FHWA staff; and collect and maintain all research reports by or for FHWA RD&T.

The FHWA Research Library exists to serve the information needs of FHWA employees. The FHWA Research Library will answer questions from the general public as time permits. Non-FHWA employees looking for copies of FHWA reports should see "Sources for FHWA Reports."

In addition to a circulating collection of books, reports, technical standards, and periodicals, the FHWA Research Library provides reference and research services, and interlibrary borrowing services to FHWA employees.

The FHWA Research Library staff can help employees find information on a topic, perform comprehensive literature searches in support of research projects, search library catalogs, article databases and the Internet, and locate facts and statistics.

If the FHWA Research Library collection does not contain the materials needed by staff, library staff can obtain materials such as journal articles, conference proceedings, and technical books, through interlibrary borrowing.

Highlights of the FHWA Research Library Collections

FHWA Office of Research, Development, and Technology reports, including the

TS (Technical Sharing) series; IP (Implementation) series; RD (Research and Development) series; and the current HRT (Highway Research and Technology series).

State Planning and Research Program reports—State DOT research, and University Transportation Center research reports sponsored by FHWA.

Transportation Research Board (TRB) publications.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) publications.

Public Roads magazine, beginning with the vol. 1, no. 2, June 1918 issue.

Bureau of Public Roads (name of Nation's highway agency between 1918-1939 and 1949-1967) historical materials.

Online Tools

The following online tools are available for transportation research. FHWA employees should contact the FHWA Reference Librarian to access subscription databases (Compendex, IEEE Xplore, etc.) available for their research needs.

Transportation Libraries Catalog

Transportation Libraries Catalog (TLCat) is a shared catalog of transportation-related books and other publications held in government, university, and other transportation libraries. TLCat is a subgroup of Online Computer Library Center Catalog (OCLC WorldCat).

Cataloged FHWA Research Library materials can be searched through TLCat. To determine if a publication is in the FHWA Research Library collection, after performing a search and expanding a record, click on "Libraries that own item." The FHWA Research Library code is FHATR.

Note: Only a fraction of the FHWA Research Library collection has been cataloged and added to OCLC WorldCat. Please contact the FHWA Research Library to verify whether they possess a particular publication.

National Transportation Library Integrated Search engine

National Transportation Library Catalog (NTL Catalog)—FHWA and State Planning and Research (SP&R) reports available online with full-text can be searched through the NTL Catalog. In the pull-down "Search in" box choose "NTL Catalog." The NTL Catalog records provide links to the full text.

Transportation Research Information Services Database (TRIS Online)—TRIS indexes, provides abstracts, and provides some full text of published and ongoing transportation research, including many of the TRB and AASHTO publications in the FHWA Research Library collection. TRIS can be searched from the same NTL Integrated Search engine. In the pull-down "Search in" box, choose "TRIS online."

Transportation Research Thesaurus

Transportation Research Thesaurus—The Transportation Research Thesaurus (TRT) is a thesaurus of transportation-related terminology used by catalogers and indexers in assigning descriptors and subject terms to publications. Researchers also can search by these terms when searching for publications by subject/keyword.

Other Electronic Resources

TRB Publications Index

TRB Research in Progress


The FHWA Research Library loans circulating materials to FHWA employees only.

The FHWA Research Library does not loan file copies of FHWA reports, most reference/legal materials, entire issues or volumes of periodicals, or historical materials.

Loans from the FHWA Research Library collection to the general public shall be made through the requestor's local library through an Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

FHWA Research Library Interlibrary Loan Policy

Libraries Sharing Transportation Resources (LSTR)

LSTR is a group of transportation libraries that wish to practice no charge reciprocal resource sharing. Libraries can quickly and easily identify no charge libraries in OCLC, and therefore, streamline ILL transactions.

To participate in LSTR, a library must meet the requirements and agree to the conditions contained in the LSTR Participant Agreement.

To join LSTR: print-off, complete, and send the LSTR Participant Agreement to the FHWA Research Library.

Contact Us

FHWA Research Library
Rm. A200
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, VA 22101-2296
Fax: 202-493-3495
Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday

Jennifer Boteler
Supervisory/Reference Librarian
Contact for: in-depth reference and research assistance (literature searches); library policies and procedures

Lance Warren
Exploratory Advanced Research Librarian
Contact for: (Exploratory) Advanced Research information and research assistance

Kathy Martin
Contact for: classification and subject headings

Bo Ram Lee
Senior Library Technician
Contact for: interlibrary loans and document delivery

John McKenna
Library Technician
Contact for: circulation and collection questions


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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration