NOAA GFO Altimeter IGDR Format: 11/24/03 ITEM PARAMETER UNITS RANGE BYTES 1 UTC (since 1/1/85) sec 2E8 to 5E8 4 2 UTC (continued) micro sec 0 to 1E6 4 3 Latitude micro deg +/- 72.0E6 4 SLR/Doppler 4 Longitude micro deg 0 to 360.0E6 4 "" 5 Orbit mm 7.7E8 to 8.1E8 4 "" 6 Flags bits (see below) 4 7 H (uncorrected) cm +/- 1.5E5 4 8 Sigma (H) cm 0 to 100 2 Linear Fit 9 SWH cm 0 to 2500 2 10 Sigma (SWH) cm 5 to 100 2 11 AGC .01 dB ?? 2 12 Sigma (AGC) .01 dB ?? 2 13 No. in average 6-10 2 14 Mean Sea Surface cm +/- 1.5E5 2 OSUMSS95 15 Solid Tide mm +/- 500 2 T/P (TIDPOT) 16 Ocean Tide mm +/- 5000 2 CSR_3.0 17 Wet (NCEP) mm 0 to -400 2 Operational 18 Dry (NCEP) mm -2100 to -2400 2 "" 19 Iono mm 0 to -200 2 IRI95 20 ATT_SWH correction mm ?? 2 21 Sigma-0 .01 dB 0 to 4000 2 22 Attitude**2 1e-4 deg**2 ?? 2 ** 11/24/2003 23 SDR Status Word #1 bits 2 24 Wet (NVAP) mm 0 to -400 2 Climatology 25 Wet (MWR) mm 0 to -400 2 Radiometer TOTAL NUMBER OF BYTES 64 Notes: 1) Values unavailable for any reason are set to 2147483646 (4 bytes, 2**31 - 2) or 32767 (2 bytes, 2**15 - 1). 2) Flag bits: 0: Set to 1 if over water, based on 1/12th-deg land mask Set to 0 if over land 1: Set to 1 if over water > "2251m", based on 1-deg mask Set to 0 if over shallow sea < "2251m", or over land 8: Set to 1 if wet/dry model interp. > 6 hours (06/21/2001) 2-31: RA Quality Word #1, bits 2-31, from SDR (bits 0,1,8 = spare) Also, field #23 contains flag bits from Status Word #1 (2-byte) 3) H is height above the reference ellipsoid, computed as the difference between the orbit (mm) & the altimeter range to the sea surface (cm): H = Orbit/10.0 - Altimeter The reference ellipsoid is: ae = 6378136.3 m; f = 1/298.257 (Topex/Poseidon) Environmental corrections (mm) are applied to H (cm) as follows: H (corrected) = H - 0.1 ( Tides + Wet + Dry + Iono ) Instrumental corrections have already been applied to the "uncorrected" heights in field #7. 4) Field #22 changed from attitude (.01 deg) to attitude squared (.0001 deg**2) on 11/24/03 to avoid clipping from SDR values of attitude. Attitude squared is computed from fitted VATT according to the formula: att**2 = b1**2 * (VATT_F - b0); b0=1.11, b1=.8747.