United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Rotational grazing along the Creeper Trail, South Fork of the Holsten River Project.  Virginia.  NRCS image by Jeff Vanuga.

Friday, September 12, 2003

The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.

Focus on the Field
Truchas reseeding site.New Mexico Land Grant Recovering From Wildfire
Healthy grass grows today in the Truchas Land Grant where a year ago the charred leavings of a major wildfire dominated the landscape. The reseeded area's recovery was so significant in the past year it proved many erosion control plans unnecessary. FULL STORY

WRP the “Right Thing” for Indiana Landowner
By placing 61 acres of his 85-acre farm in the Wetlands Reserve Program, Mike Valentine is restoring the land to its gentle origins: the lush wetlands of the upper Tippecanoe River Basin, the home of deer, wild turkeys, blue sky and a flowing river. "It was just the right thing to do for this ground," Valentine said. FULL STORY

EQIP Projects Bring San Diego Nurseries into Clean Water Act Compliance
NRCS, through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, is helping nurseries meet San Diego's new water quality standards without resorting to over-irrigating. FULL STORY

Lawlor Wakem.Newsletter Features Drought, Fire Rehab
The latest edition of 'Plant Solutions,' the NRCS Plant Materials Program’s new e-newsletter, is online. This issue includes a feature story with Colorado rancher Lawlor Wakem and his management techniques to weather drought. FULL STORY

Planting Guide for Reseeding America's West
More than 100 different kinds of plants well suited to rangelands, pastures, streambanks, road cuts, or other sites that need to be reseeded, in the intermountain states are profiled in a unique handbook, "Intermountain Planting Guide." FULL STORY

District’s Technology Shows 'Where It’s At' in Northern California Watersheds
A project spearheaded by the Western Shasta Resource Conservation District puts anyone with Web access close to what’s happening with natural resources in 18 northern California watersheds. FULL STORY

Sundholm Environmental Education Center.Iowa Districts and RC&D Make Environmental Education a 'Moving Experience'
Now you see it…now it you see it some place else.  Less than a month ago, a sturdy 36-foot by 30-foot cabin sat nestled on the Sundholm family farm near Albert City. Today, it’s at its new location, 35 miles down the road on the Clay County Fairgrounds in Spencer. FULL STORY

Word from Washington
Whitten Building.  Washington, D.C.  Image by Ken Hammond. USDA Reallocates Nearly $60 Million of Farm Bill Funds for Conservation on Private Working Lands
On September 12, 2003, Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced the reallocation of nearly $58.6 million to be used for conservation technical and financial assistance. “This reallocation of 2002 Farm Bill funding will allow more producers to make conservation part of their farm and ranch operations,” Veneman said. “The Bush Administration remains committed to helping producers achieve good stewardship and conserve natural resources.”  USDA NEWS RELEASE

USDA Releases $55.7 Million to Restore and Protect Wetlands
On September 12, 2003, Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced the availability of $55.7 million for the Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP), administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service.  “These funds will help farmers and ranchers voluntarily protect and restore our country’s valuable wetland ecosystems," Veneman said. “This is one way USDA is supporting the Administration’s commitment to protect our wildlife, habitats and ecosystem health.”  USDA NEWS RELEASE

USDA Announces Draft National Framework for Animal Agriculture Conservation
released a draft National Animal Agriculture Conservation Framework to help address the conservation challenges and opportunities of animal agriculture. “This framework emphasizes the importance of a public-private partnership to promote environmental stewardship in animal agriculture,” said Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman. USDA NEWS RELEASE

USDA and DOE Award $23 Million in Joint Biomass Research and Development Initiative
USDA and the U.S. Department of Energy announced the selection of 19 projects that will receive $23 million for biomass research, development and demonstration projects.  “These grants will help develop additional renewable energy resources and expand markets for agricultural products,” said Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman. USDA NEWS RELEASE

NRCS Proposed Reorganization Web Page Now Online
Get the latest official information about the proposed reorganization of NRCS. PROPOSED REORG WEB PAGE

NRCS Fares Well in Job Competitions
NRCS has successfully met its minimum competitive sourcing goals for Fiscal Year 2003. FULL STORY

NRCS Legislative Summaries, Testimony, and Reports
Timely and accurate information from NRCS Legislative Affairs.

Tech Tip
Hydrologic Modeling with GIS
The National Water and Climate Center and the National Cartographic and Geospatial Center have jointly developed an ArcView Geographic Information System (GIS) interface to the NRCS WinTR-20 hydrologic model.  The model is used to estimate watershed surface water runoff associated with single storm events. FULL STORY

Drought Information and Assistance
With good planning, good management, and good information, farms and ranches can reduce the impacts of drought. USDA and its partners offer links to accurate and timely information on how to prepare for and deal with drought.

Upcoming Events
Major conferences and exhibitions of interest to NRCS and its partners are happening all across the Nation.  Find an event near you.

NRCS assistance.Discover NRCS!
The people of NRCS, along with the agency’s partners, help owners of America’s private lands conserve soil, water, and other natural resources. NRCS is known worldwide for its accomplishments and innovations in conserving soil, protecting wildlife, improving water quality, restoring wetlands, preserving farmland, enhancing grasslands, and taking other actions to keep natural resources productive and plentiful.  Learn more about the Natural Resources Conservation Service!

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