Corporation for National and Community Service


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

CONTACT: Mikel Herrington
Phone: 202-606-6706


2008 Competitive Continuations Guidance

FY 2008 Guidance for Commissions on Submitting Competitive Continuation Recommendations

Dear Colleagues,

The purpose of this message is to remind you of the Corporation’s policy for submitting 2008 AmeriCorps requests for competitive continuations and continuation expansions.

Procedure for Requesting Continuations

As stated in the Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity " We expect grantees to enroll the full number of members included in their grant award. Enrollment rates will have a direct bearing on the number of slots and the size of awards we approve in the continuation and recompete processes…We recognize retention rates may vary among equally effective programs depending on the program model. We expect grantees to pursue the highest retention rate possible. Retention rates will have a direct bearing on the number of slots and the size of awards we approve in the continuation and recompete processes."

Please enter your recommendations for continuations in the recommendations summary page in eGrants. We expect you to base your recommendations for continuations on the following criteria:

  • Enrollment. Per the NOFO, full enrollment is the standard. An explanation is required if level or expanded funding is recommended for a program with lower than full enrollment. For programs in their second grant year, enrollment for the first full year and to date for the current year should be considered. For programs in their first year, enrollment to date should be considered. If enrollment for the current program year is incomplete or not yet started (e.g. for a summer service program), please explain in your recommendation narrative.
  • Retention. There are many factors impacting retention, and the Corporation does not express an expectation in the NOFO for full retention. However, if commissions recommend a program without full retention for level or expanded slots or award, they must explain why the program has not fully retained its members and what plans are in place to improve retention.
  • Compliance with 30 day enrollment
  • Compliance with 30 day exiting
  • Compliance with fiscal reporting deadlines
  • Compliance with program reporting deadlines
  • Progress towards performance objectives
  • Demonstrated ability to reach match

As in the past, your subgrantees need to complete the continuation application in eGrants and submit it to you.

To calculate your enrollment and retention using the data in WBRS:

  1. Open WBRS Central to your state
  2. Click on the "Members" tab
  3. Click on "Extra Views" tab
  4. Click on "Member Roster" tab
  5. Select a program from the drop down menu
  6. Select a grant year
  7. Click on the "Create Report" button
  8. Scroll to Roster Totals and note the number listed on the Total Members row (A)
  9. Scroll to Roster Totals and determine and note the total number listed for the Slots Awarded column (B)
  10. Scroll through all of the members listed on the report and note how many members have the "[srp]" designation in the Member Status column next to their names (C)
  11. The formula for calculating the enrollment rate is: A/(B+C)
  12. Under the Member Roster, note how many members are listed under "Did Not Earn an Award" (D)
  13. The formula for calculating retention is: (A-D)/A

If a subgrantee falls below full enrollment, full retention, or is not compliant, making progress, or reaching match, yet you still recommend level or increased funding, you must fully justify your recommendation. If you are recommending an expansion, in any case, you also need to justify your recommendation. All requests for expansion will be considered in totality by the Corporation in relation to available funds.

Following your submission, your Program Officer will consider your recommendation. If he or she concurs with your recommendations, your recommendations will move forward in the decision making process. If she or he does not concur, you will be contacted for further information, justification, or negotiation.

Continuation Expansions

Based on our anticipated appropriation, and the expected volume of new and recompleting applications in 2008, the Corporation expects to approve very few requests for expansion within continuation requests in fiscal year 2008. Preference will be given to expansions that include low cost MSYs and expansions of programs demonstrating outcomes that have exceeded their goals.

For State grantees, the Corporation will consider cost per MSY for continuation expansions at the program level, rather than aggregated by state. Each state must still adhere to its maximum average cost per MSY of $12,600. The cost per MSY for EAP grantees must remain at or below $600. In addition, based on the number of new applications, we may support expansion requests that address the Corporation’s strategic initiatives:

  • Mobilizing more volunteers.
  • Ensuring a brighter future for all of America’s youth.
  • Engaging students in communities.
  • Harnessing baby boomers’ experience.
  • Supporting Disaster Preparedness and Response.

Budget Increase

In 2008, your continuation request may not include an increase for cost of living as it has in the past.

If you have questions about this guidance, please contact your program officer.


Mikel Herrington
Deputy Director
AmeriCorps State and National
1201 New York Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20525
Phone: (202) 606 - 6706
Fax: (202) 606 - 3476


VIEWED ON: Wednesday, September 17, 2008