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A winning balance of in-house, outsourced and services-based resources

October 31, 2006

Technology’s World Party

We see lots of stories about globalization’s impact on the economy. One that recently caught our eye has to do with its strong — and ultimately lasting — impact on the tech economy.
A Fortune senior editor makes the case that countries as disparate as Libya and Spain — hardly traditional bastions of tech — are […]

October 28, 2006

India: Where Are All the Tech Workers?

With foreign technology companies eager to invest in operations in India, perhaps it’s no surprise that the country’s supply of qualified labor can’t keep up with the booming demand.
A shortage of employees with the right kinds of skills — including fluency in English and management experience —  has been a festering problem for India, along with rising […]

October 26, 2006

India Still Favored Destination for Tech Investment

Much was made of the decisions by Apple and a few other companies to withdraw operations from India earlier this year. A stream of articles appeared, with many pundits wondering whether these moves signaled a bigger trend.
Based on recent reports of growing foreign investment in India, however, it appears that those earlier withdrawals were nothing more […]

October 24, 2006

Outsourcing Is Not Just About the Money

One of the points constantly referenced in most reports about the maturing outsourcing market is companies’ increased interest in factors other than cost.
These days, it’s not as much about saving money as it is about speeding time to market, supplementing sparse workforces, or offloading routine functions to allow in-house staff to turn their attention to more strategic […]

October 20, 2006

Is IT Ignoring Remote Access?

It’s no secret that most companies have no idea how much it costs to support their remote employees. As Gartner pointed out recently, too many enterprises support lots of different access devices and, worse, do not have standardized processes in place for doing so.
One of the primary reasons behind this expensive lack of standardization, at least according […]

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