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We're All In It Together

The Florida Commission on Human Relations serves as a resource in addressing and resolving discrimination issues which impact each and every one of us.

It is against Florida law to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status or familial status.

File a Complaint

The Commission was established by the Florida Legislature to investigate and resolve discrimination complaints in the areas of:


The Commission is dedicated to helping businesses create a more tolerant and productive workforce and avoid costly litigation.


The Commission works to prevent or resolve conflicts and discrimination by promoting mutual respect and raising awareness on human and civil rights issues.


The Commission offers mediation services, providing a free and impartial way to solve conflicts.


The Commission is committed to enforcing Florida's civil rights and Fair Housing laws.

55+ Communities

The Commission is the state agency that registers all 55 and older communities in Florida .