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GAMS Class C ... Elementary and special functions (search also class L5)


  • C1
  • Integer-valued functions (e.g., factorial, binomial coefficient, permutations, combinations, floor, ceiling)
  • C2
  • Powers, roots, reciprocals
  • C3
  • Polynomials
  • C4
  • Elementary transcendental functions
  • C5
  • Exponential and logarithmic integrals
  • C6
  • Cosine and sine integrals
  • C7
  • Gamma
  • C8
  • Error functions
  • C9
  • Legendre functions
  • C10
  • Bessel functions
  • C11
  • Confluent hypergeometric functions
  • C12
  • Coulomb wave functions
  • C13
  • Jacobian elliptic functions, theta functions
  • C14
  • Elliptic integrals
  • C15
  • Weierstrass elliptic functions
  • C16
  • Parabolic cylinder functions
  • C17
  • Mathieu functions
  • C18
  • Spheroidal wave functions
  • C19
  • Other special functions

    Modules for class C15

    Package MATHEMATICA at ITL

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