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MSID staff have developed the following tools in support of, or in collaboration with, industry and consortia partners to further the work of international standards development, validation, or implementation.

Testing and Evaluation Support

MIP XML Testbed - collection of XML-Related Tools

Information Mapping Test Tool - helps you to verify the mapping implementation from the internal data representation to an XML representation and vice versa.

Express Engine - STEP (ISO 10303) development environment which supports the validation of STEP data populations via EXPRESS (ISO 10303-11) schemata and the transformation of STEP data populations from one schema to another via EXPRESS-X (ISO 10303-14) schemata.

MCITT - Manufacturer's CORBA Interface Testing Toolkit

Plug-Fest - provides an environment for SE tool developers to assess the interoperability of their implementations

Semantic Technology Support

Minimal Interface to Vampire (MIV) - provides a graphical user interface to the open source version (version 2) of the Vampire Theorem Prover

PSL's "20 Questions" - a tool to help map process characteristics into PSL Ontology concepts.

Sumo2loom - developed to translate SUMO into a form that can be used by the LOOM-V4 inference engine.

Application Support

Automating Equipment Information Exchange (AEX) - software and test suites for AEX , a set of XML schemas supporting capital facility equipment engineering, procurement, construction, and operations and maintenance work processes.

Expect - a tool for automating interactive applications.

Express Injector - The EXPRESS Injector maps EXPRESS schemas (ISO 10303 Part 11 form) to the EXPRESS meta-model, producing XMI 2.1.

Expresso for Linux and Windows - a tool to aid in the the development and validation of EXPRESS schema. It also provides an Express-X mapping engine.

Manufacturing Simulation & Visualization Demonstrations - Audio Video Interleaved (AVI) files are provided as samples of some of the work NIST has done in the area of simulation and visualization for manufacturing.

Moss Supply Chain Data Mapping - a collection of tools to document the relationships ('mapping') among data used to manage off-shore supply chains

Standards Development Support

STEP-Related Tools

NICS - a NIST Identifier Collaboration Service that provides a way to register your use of, or interest in, identifiers.

Disclaimer - These products were produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the U.S. government and by statute is not subject to copyright in the United States . Recipients of these products assume all responsibility associated with their operation, modification, maintenance, and subsequent redistribution. View full disclaimer.

Names of companies and products, and links to commercial pages are provided in order to adequately specify procedures and equipment used. In no case does such identification imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the products are necessarily the best available for the purpose.

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Date Created: August 2, 2005
Last Modified: July 9, 2007

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