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Employment, Independence, & Equality


Ticket to Work Program Status in California


The Social Security Administration's Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (Ticket to Work Program) was authorized by the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 (Public Law 160-170). The general goal of the Ticket to Work (TTW) Program is to expand the universe of service providers that are available to those individuals between ages 18-64 who are entitled to Social Security benefits based on disability (SSDI) and for those who are eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) based on disability or blindness.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has revised the TTW regulations to improve the overall effectiveness of the program to maximize the economic self-sufficiency of beneficiaries through work opportunities. The final regulations were published in the Federal Register on May 20, 2008 and are effective July 21, 2008. SSA believes that the New TTW Regulations will:

  • Encourage more organizations to become ENs and increase the range and number of service providers available to serve beneficiaries.
  • Promote more partnering between organizations and expand the range of services offered to beneficiaries.
  • Promote better coordination of a variety of services to beneficiaries at the federal, State and local levels, including coordination of VR and EN services and better coordination of SSA Work Incentives.

DOR's Fact Sheet on the New Ticket to Work (TTW) Program

If you would like more information about TTW, visit SSA's website at http://www.socialsecurity.gov/work/newregs.html.

MAXIMUS also has information about the new TTW program at http://www.yourtickettowork.com.

If you are interested in applying for Department of Rehabilitation services and want to learn more about the TTW program, contact DOR's toll-free helpline at:
1-866-449-2730 (Voice)
1-866-359-7705 (TTY)

You can also e-mail us at ttwinfo@dor.ca.gov.



  • Ticket to Work Question and Answers (MS Word - unavailable at this time)

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Alternate formats of the publication above may be requested by calling 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778). When you make the request, please have the following information available.

  1. Name and SSA Publication No. of the pamphlet or factsheet you want.
  2. Your preferred format (Braille, audio cassette tape, CD or enlarged print).
  3. Name, mailing address, and telephone number where we should send the requested publication.