Welcome to the Department of Rehabilitation - 
Employment, Independence, & Equality


Service Providers

DOR uses a variety of service providers to help disabled individuals achieve independence and employment. While DOR is mandated to use Public and Private Not for Profit Agencies whenever possible, there are times when Private for Profit Agencies or Individual Service Providers may be used.

- Definitions of providers

- Information on Services

- Information on requirements to become a service provider


Public or Private Not for Profit Agency - A Public Agency is directly funded by the government such as a school or other social service agency. A Private Not for Profit is an IRS and State of California approved Not For Profit organization.

Private For Profit Agency - A private licensed business, Private For Profit Agencies can be utilized when necessary services from Public or Private Not For Profit Agencies are not available or sufficient. Once approval has been granted from the Deputy Director for use, the requirements are the same as a Public or Private Not for Profit Agency.

Individual Service Providers (ISP) - A person that is not a part of any company or agency. Persons that are interested in serving clients directly as Individual Service Providers need to contact the local District Administrator to discuss the local service needs and approval process.


DOR contracts with providers to offer the following Vocational Rehabilitation Services:

  • Academic tutors - (ISP only) assist clients with specific courses related to an academic course of study. Tutors must be able to maintain both impartiality and confidentiality in all assignments.
  • Vocational skills tutors - (ISP only) assist clients in learning specific vocational skills. Tutors must be able to maintain both impartiality and confidentiality in all assignments.
  • Language Interpreting - may be necessary for clients with limited English Speaking abilities or deafness requiring sign language or real time captioning
  • Employment services - vocational evaluation, vocational assessment, situational assessment, personal, vocational social adjustment, job placement, job coaching, work services, supported employment
  • Rehabilitation technology - technology assessment, technology systems, installation/set-up and training
  • Independence development - Independent Living Skills Training, Orientation and Mobility (O & M) Training, Benefits Counseling
  • Personal Support Services - Personal support, Readers, Notetakers, Drivers, Attendants
  • Business consultation
  • Driver Assessment/Instruction Services - Assist clients to become safe and independent drivers.


Service vendors should contact their local District Administrator to discuss their interest in developing necessary services for DOR clients. The local district and the assigned Community Resources Development Section (CRDS) Resources Specialist may meet with the interested agency to discuss the vendorization and certification process, as appropriate.

Public or Private Not For Profit agencies that are interested in providing Work Services and Supported Employment Job Coaching to developmentally disabled individuals may contact the Department's Community Resources Development (CRD) unit for information on the approval process. The Department's Community Rehabilitation Program Certification and Vendorization Handbook (June 1, 2002) provides the necessary information on the requirements for certification, CARF Accreditation and vendorization and can be ordered by contacting the Community Resources Development Section at crdssinfo@dor.ca.gov or calling (916) 558-5445 (Voice).

Certification - Agencies are required to be certified by one of DOR's Resources Specialist prior to providing vocational rehabilitation services to DOR clients. Current Employment and Community Services Standards may require the agency and specific service to also be CARF accredited.

Vendorization - consists of a process to develop an appropriate service description and rate for the approved service.

CARF - is a Private Not For Profit accreditation agency that provides an impartial review of vocational rehabilitation agencies and services. Their website address is www.carf.org.

Rates - During the vendorization process for an agency, a rate is determined by a legislative mechanism or by using a cost statement process, depending on the specific service.

Terms & Conditions for VR Service Providers

Grants - Grants for public or private not for profit agencies may be available for vocational rehabilitation services.