Welcome to the Department of Rehabilitation - 
Employment, Independence, & Equality


How to Apply for Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Eligibility for DOR services is based on the following factors:

  1. You have a physical or mental impairment.
  2. Your impairment constitutes or results in a significant impediment to employment for you; and
  3. You require and can benefit from vocational rehabilitation services to prepare you to obtain, retain or regain employment.

More information can be found on our Vocational Rehabilitation Services Information page.

If there is evidence that you might not be able to benefit from DOR services because of the severity of your disability, you can be provided an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to benefit from DOR services, by working in a realistic work setting (a trial work experience). If needed, you may receive needed DOR services during the trial work experience.

You will need to contact your local DOR office and request services by first, reading our Consumer Information Handbook (Rich Text Format), then by either:

  1. Applying for services online from our website.
  2. Or downloading an application and mailing the completed form to us.
  3. Or calling and requesting an application be mail to you, then mailing the completed form back to us.
  4. Or visiting an office in person and completing an application there.
  5. Or giving the information needed to start the assessment process in another reasonable format.

- Local Office Link

- Application Link