Water Quality Information Center of the National Agricultural Library
Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Monitoring Water Quality for Agricultural Wastes and Agrichemicals (II)

 JULY 1993 - SEPTEMBER 1995
 104 citations from AGRICOLA
 Diane Doyle
 Water Quality Information Center
 This electronic bibliography is intended primarily to provide
 awareness of recent investigations and discussions of a topic and
 is not intended to be in-depth and exhaustive. The inclusion or
 omission of a particular publication or citation should not be
 construed as endorsement or disapproval. 
 Send suggestions for electronic bibliographies related to water
 resources and agriculture to wqic@nalusda.gov
 To locate a publication cited in this bibliography, please
 contact your local, state, or university library.  If you are
 unable to locate a particular publication, your library can
 contact the National Agricultural Library (please see "Document
 Delivery Services" at http://www.nal.usda.gov/ddsb).
 1. Accuracy of nutrient runoff load calculations using
 time-composite sampling.
 Shih, G.; Abtew, W.; Obeysekera, J. 
 Trans-ASAE v.37, p.419-429. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: runoff-; phosphorus-; fertilizers-; drainage-;
 water-quality; watershed-management; sampling-;
 Abstract: The accuracy of time-composite sampling as a means to
 calculate phosphorus loads from agricultural runoff was evaluated
 analytically and numerically. It was shown that, when hydrographs
 and concentration graphs were positively correlated, computations
 using a time-composite sampling strategy resulted in load
 underestimation. Combinations of 11 synthetically generated and
 12 actual hydrographs and concentration graphs of agricultural
 runoff events were used for numerical analysis. The bias in load
 calculation with different sampling frequencies was determined.
 The influence of cross-correlation of hydrographs and
 concentration graphs on the direction and magnitude of bias was
 demonstrated. Although flow-composite sampling is theoretically
 correct for load computation, it is more expensive and, like
 other approaches, still involves uncertainties in both flow and
 concentration measurements. The dependence of the coefficient of
 variation (CV) of load on CV of flow rate, CV of concentration,
 and the cross-correlation between flow rate and concentration is
 presented analytically and graphically. To achieve load estimates
 comparable to the accuracy of flow-composite sampling, multiple
 time-composite sampling methods were investigated. This analysis
 indicates that with eight concentration values from eight
 time-composite samples of a runoff event, a reliable load
 estimation can usually be made.
 NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32T
 2. Agrichemical detection in a shallow unconfined aquifer as
 influenced by sampling technique.
 Clay, D. E.; Holman, P. W.; Clay, S. A.; Schumacher, T. E.;
 Scholes, K. A.; Bender, A. R. 
 Soil-Sci-Soc-Am-j. [Madison, Wis.] Soil Science Society of
 America. Jan/Feb 1994. v. 58 (1) p. 102-104. 
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: groundwater-pollution; agricultural-chemicals;
 movement-in-soil; aquifers-; contamination-; detection-;
 sampling-; simulation-
 Abstract: The sample collection system may influence the ability
 to describe the complex temporal and spatial variation of
 contaminants within an aquifer. The objective of this study was
 to evaluate the probability of detecting atrazine
 (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine) using a
 bailer or skimmer in an unconfined aquifer located below an
 atrazine-treated surface soil. In the simulated aquifer, the
 surface skimmer collected more Br(-) than the fixed sampling port
 located 15 cm below the aquifer surface and bailer. In the
 unconfined aquifer, the probability of an atrazine detection was
 higher when samples were collected with a surface skimmer than a
 bailer. These results suggest that the ability to determine
 vertical transport of contaminants from surface soil to shallow
 aquifers at the point of agrichemical application is dependent on
 surface sampling of the aquifer.
 NAL Call No.: 56.9-So3
 3. Agricultural chemical news: apparent shift in EPA's ground
 water policy.
 Cohen, S. 
 Ground-water-monit-remediat. Dublin, OH : Ground Water Pub. Co.,
 c1993-. Summer 1994. v. 14 (3) p. 97-98. 
 Descriptors: pesticides-; groundwater-; water-policy;
 groundwater-pollution; monitoring-; environmental-legislation;
 federal-government; state-government;
 environmental-protection-agency; state-management-plans
 NAL Call No.: GB1001.G76
 4. An analysis of methods used to report water quality results
 from a national sample: National Swine Survey.
 Hurd, S. 
 Animal-health-insight p.1-4. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: pigs-; animal-health; water-quality; wells-; age-;
 nitrate-; detection-; methodology-; usa-
 NAL Call No.: SF623.A64
 5. Analysis of sulfonylurea herbicides by gas-liquid
 chromatography. 2. Determination of chlorsulfuron and
 metsulfuron-methyl in soil and water samples.
 Klaffenbach, P.; Holland, P. T. 
 J-agric-food-chem v.41, p.396-401. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: chlorsulfuron-; metsulfuron-; herbicide-residues;
 soil-; water-; soil-pollution; water-pollution;
 chemical-analysis; gas-liquid-chromatography; gas-chromatography;
 methylation-; derivatives-; heat-stability;
 n,n-dimethylchlorsulfuron-; n,n-dimethylmetsulfuron-methyl-
 Abstract: Sulfonylureas are extracted from water samples using
 solid-phase extraction (SPE) with C18-silica/ Teflon disks. Soil
 samples are extracted with 0.1 M sodium hydrogen carbonate, and
 the acidified extracts are processed as for water samples. The
 concentrated eluents are treated with diazomethane in ethyl
 acetate, which forms the thermally stable N,N'-dimethyl
 derivatives of the herbicides. Residues are screened by capillary
 GC using effluent splitting to electron capture and
 nitrogen-phosphorus detectors. Residues are confirmed by GC-MS
 using selected ion monitoring. Detection limits were below 0.1
 microgram/L for water and below 1 microgram/kg for soil samples.
 Accuracy and precision at 0.5 and 0.1 micrograms/L each were,
 respectively, for chlorsulfuron 95+/- 2% and 110 +/- 16% and for
 metsulfuron-methyl 90 +/- 6% and 98 +/- 11%. At 5 and 1
 microgram/kg each in soil the recoveries were, respectively, for
 chlorsulfuron 78 +/- 20% and 69 +/- 6% and for metsulfuron-methyl
 92 +/- 18% and 105 +/- 17%. The methods are superior to previous
 methods for these herbicides based on GC because the intact
 herbicides are determined rather than thermal degradation
 NAL Call No.: 381-J8223
 6. Application of a GIS-based nonpoint source nutrient loading
 model for assessment of land development scenarios and water
 quality in Owasco Lake, New York.
 Heidtke, T. M. 
 Water-sci-technol v.28, p.595-604. (1993).
 Paper presented at the IAWQ First International Conference on
 "Diffuse (Nonpoint) Pollution: Sources, Prevention, Impact,
 Abatement." September 19-24, 1993, Chicago, Illinois.
 Descriptors: lakes-; water-quality; phosphorus-; loads-;
 water-pollution; models-; geographical-information-systems;
 land-use; new-york
 NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
 7. Assessing nonpoint-source pollution risk: a GIS application.
 Lull, K. J.; Tindall, J. A.; Potts, D. F. 
 J-for v.93, p.35-40. (1995).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: water-pollution; risk-;
 geographical-information-systems; land-use; watersheds-;
 montana-; risk-assessment
 NAL Call No.: 99.8-F768
 8. Assessing the impact of composting yard trimmings.
 Cole, M. A. 
 Biocycle v.35, p.92-94, 96. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: litter-plant; yards-; composts-; composting-;
 heavy-metals; nutrients-; pesticides-; pollutants-; leaching-;
 water-pollution; risk-; assessment-
 NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
 9. Assessing your farm chemical storage and handling practices.
 Weston, D. 
 NDSU-Ext-Serv. Fargo, N.D. : The University. Apr 1994. (AE-1077)
 11 p. 
 Descriptors: fertilizers-; pesticides-; agricultural-chemicals;
 farm-storage; handling-; assessment-; groundwater-; wells-;
 pollutants-; leaching-; safety-; north-dakota;
 NAL Call No.: S544.3.N9C46
 10. Assessment of manure-application effects upon the runoff
 water quality by algal assays and chemical analyses.
 Couillard, D.; Li, J. F. 
 Environ-Pollut v.80, p.273-279. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: runoff-water; manures-; application-methods;
 application-rates; rain-; nitrogen-; phosphorus-;
 bioavailability-; algae-; biological-production; growth-;
 chemical-analysis; water-quality; surface-water; eutrophication-
 NAL Call No.: QH545.A1E52
 11. Assessment of nonpoint-source contamination of the High
 Plains aquifer in south-central Kansas, 1987.  Assessment of
 nonpoint-source contamination, High Plains aquifer, Kansas.
 Helgesen, J. O.;  Stullken, L. E.; Rutledge, A. T. 
 Washington, DC : U.S. G.P.O. ; Denver, CO : For sale by U.S.
 Geological Survey, Map Distribution, 1994. v, 51 p. : ill., maps.
 "Assessment of nonpoint-source contamination, High Plains
 aquifer, Kansas"--Title on p. (4) of cover.
 Descriptors: Land-use-Environmental-aspects-Kansas;
 Nonpoint-source-pollution-Kansas; Groundwater-Kansas-Quality;
 NAL Call No.: 407--G29W-no.2381-C
 12. Assessment of nonpoint source pollution in stormwater runoff
 in Louisville, (Jefferson County) Kentucky, USA.
 Marsh, J. M. 
 Arch-environ-contam-toxicol. New York, Springer-Verlag. Nov 1993.
 v. 25 (4) p. 446-455. 
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: storms-; runoff-water; water-pollution; pesticides-;
 bioassays-; biological-indicators; fish-; kentucky-
 NAL Call No.: TD172.A7
 13. Assessment of pollution of groundwater by atrazine.
 Kuhnt, G.; Franzle, O. 
 Land-degrad-rehabil v.4, p.245-251. (1993).
 Special Issue on the June 1992 Conference of the Society for
 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) / edited by G.P.
 Hekstra, E. Ivanova and J.H. Weverling.
 Descriptors: atrazine-; groundwater-pollution; risk-;
 monitoring-; soil-types; simulation-; models-; germany-
 NAL Call No.: S622.L26
 14. Assessment of the fate of two herbicides in a Wyoming
 rangeland soil: column studies.
 Krzyszowska, A. J.; Allen, R. D.; Vance, G. F. 
 J-environ-qual v.23, p.1051-1058. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: dicamba-; picloram-; leaching-; persistence-;
 sorption-; soil-organic-matter; degradation-; rangeland-soils;
 groundwater-pollution; simulation-models; LEACHP-model
 Abstract: Extensive use of dicamba (2-methoxy-3,6-dichlorobenzoic
 acid) and picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid) in
 arid Wyoming, along with large volumes of irrigation water used
 in some areas, has created a concern for the potential
 contamination of surface and groundwaters by these herbicides.
 Persistence and mobility of dicamba and picloram were
 investigated in a Wyoming rangeland soil using batch adsorption
 and soil column studies. The objectives of this study were to
 characterize soil chemical and physical properties that affect
 herbicide transport, examine herbicide sorption, model herbicide
 movement, and estimate degradation rate constants. Essentially no
 sorption of dicamba was detected; however, picloram sorption was
 greatest in the highest organic C content horizon. Both saturated
 (5.90, 2.96, and 0.82 kg ha-1 dicamba and 1.85, 0.97, and 0.47 kg
 ha-1 picloram) and unsaturated (2.76 and 1.00 kg ha-1 for dicamba
 and picloram, respectively) column experiments were conducted.
 The herbicides and Br tracer (34, 38, 69, and 137 micrograms L-1)
 were displaced through the soil columns using distilled water
 that was added in daily increments (60 mL d-1). Degradation rate
 constants were calculated using both simple recovery fraction
 technique and by matching LEACHP-generated breakthrough curves to
 experimental data. For the two columns receiving intermediate
 application rates, anaerobic picloram dissipation was more rapid
 (t1/2 = 19 d) than for aerobic conditions (t1/2 = 87 d). The rate
 of dissipation of dicamba was approximately the same under
 aerobic and anaerobic conditions (t1/2 = 15 and 17 d in the
 saturated and unsaturated columns, respectively). Picloram and
 dicamba dissipation was more rapid at. application rates, t1/2 of
 23 and 17 d were measured for picloram and dicamba, respectively.
 Both herbicides were found to be highly mobile, with the mobility
 of picloram increasing at higher pore-water velocities.
 NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
 15. Assessment of the reproductive and developmental toxicity of
 pesticide/fertilizer mixtures based on confirmed pesticide
 contamination in California and Iowa groundwater.
 Heindel, J. J.; Chapin, R. E.; Gulati, D. K.; George, J. D.;
 Price, C. J.; Marr, M. C.; Myers, C. B.; Barnes, L. H.; Fail, P.
 A.; Grizzle, T. B. 
 Fundam-appl-toxicol v.22, p.605-621. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: pesticide-mixtures; ammonium-nitrate;
 groundwater-pollution; drinking-water; toxicity-; reproduction-;
 feed-intake; body-weight; reproductive-performance; mice-;
 fetal-development; fetal-resorption; litter-size; rats-;
 adverse-effects; california-; iowa-; water-consumption
 Abstract: Pesticides and fertilizers, as used in modern
 agriculture, contribute to the overall low-level contamination of
 groundwater sources. In order to determine the potential of
 pesticide and fertilizer mixtures to produce reproductive or
 developmental toxicity at concentrations up to 100x the median
 level found in groundwater, we prepared and studied two mixtures
 of pesticides and a fertilizer (ammonium nitrate). One mixture
 containing aldicarb, atrazine, dibromochloropropane,
 1,2-dichloropropane, ethylene dibromide, and simazine plus
 ammonium nitrate was considered to be a representative of
 groundwater contamination in California (CAL). The other,
 containing alachlor, atrazine, cyanazine, metolachlor,
 metribuzin, and ammonium nitrate, simulated groundwater
 contamination in Iowa (IOWA). Each mixture was administered in
 the drinking water of either Swiss CD-1 mice during a
 Reproductive Assessment by Continuous Breeding study or pregnant
 Sprague-Dawley rats (gd 6-20) at three dose levels (1x, 10x, and
 100x) where 1x was the median concentration of each pesticide
 component as determined in the groundwater surveys in California
 or Iowa. Unlike conventional toxicology studies, the purpose of
 this study was to evaluate the health effects of realistic human
 concentrations. Thus, the testing concentrations are probably
 well below the maximally tolerated dose. Propylene glycol was
 used as the solubilizer for the pesticides in drinking water
 formulations in both studies. In the reproductive study, neither
 mixture caused any clinical signs of toxicity, changes in food or
 water consumption, or body weight in either F0 or F1 mice at
 doses up to 100x the median groundwater concentrations. There
 were no. performance of either the F0 or the F1 generation mice
 exposed to either CAL or IOWA at up to 100x. Similarly, measures
 of spermatogenesis, epididymal sperm concentration, percentage
 motile sperm, percentage abnormal sperm, and testicular and
 epididymal histology were normal. In the developmental study,
 CAL- or IOWA-exposed female did not exhibit any significant
 treatment-related clinical signs of toxicity. No adverse effects
 of CAL or IOWA were observed for measures of embryo/fetal
 toxicity, including resorptions per litter, live litter size, or
 fetal body weight. CAL or IOWA did not cause an increased
 incidence of fetal malformations or variations. In summary,
 administration of these pesticide/fertilizer mixtures at levels
 up to 100-fold greater than the median concentrations in
 groundwater supplies in California or Iowa did not cause any
 detectable reproductive (mice), general, or developmental
 toxicity (rats).
 NAL Call No.: RA1190.F8
 16. An assessment system for potential groundwater contamination
 from Agricultural pesticide use in North Dakota.
 Seelig, B. 
 NDSU-Ext-Serv. Fargo, N.D. : The University. Mar 1994. (63) 12 p. 
 Descriptors: groundwater-; agricultural-chemicals;
 water-pollution; aquifers-; filtration-; pesticides-;
 soil-types-textural; permeability-; farmland-; seed-dressings;
 NAL Call No.: S544.3.N9C46
 17. Automated recognition of target compounds at low levels in
 environmental samples by means by capillary gas
 chromatography-mass spectrometry with dedicated mass spectral
 libraries and the macro program AUTARG. II. Application to
 pesticides in groundwater samples.
 Stan, H. J.; Heberer, T. 
 J-chromatogr-A v.653, p.55-62. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: pesticides-; pesticide-residues; gas-chromatography;
 mass-spectrometry; computer-software; data-banks; screening-;
 automation-; groundwater-pollution; computer-analysis
 NAL Call No.: QD272.C4J68
 18. Automated recognition of target compounds at low levels in
 environmental samples by mean by capillary gas
 chromatography-mass spectrometry with dedicated mass spectral
 libraries and the macro program AUTARG. I. Description of the
 macro program AUTARG.
 Stan, H. J.; Schwarzer, F. 
 J-chromatogr-A v.653, p.45-53. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: pesticides-; pesticide-residues; gas-chromatography;
 mass-spectrometry; computer-software; data-banks; screening-;
 automation-; soil-pollution; water-pollution; computer-analysis
 NAL Call No.: QD272.C4J68
 19. Background levels of nitrate-nitrogen and selected heavy
 metals for the Ames Plantation Watershed Project.
 Ammons, J. T.; Gallagher, A. O.; Livingston, R. L.; Branson, J.
 L.; Lewis, R. J. 
 Tenn-farm-home-sci p.30-33. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: soil-analysis; nitrate-nitrogen; heavy-metals;
 wells-; field-tests; tennessee-
 NAL Call No.: 100-T25F
 20. A chemodynamic approach for estimating losses of target
 organic chemicals from water during sample holding time.
 Capel, P. D.; Larson, S. J. 
 Chemosphere v.30, p.1097-1107. (1995).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: pesticide-residues; pollutants-; water-; samples-;
 chemical-reactions; sorption-; losses-; volatilization-;
 NAL Call No.: TD172.C54
 21. Clean-up and confirmation procedures for gas chromatographic
 determination of pesticide residues in contaminated waters. I.
 Viana, E.; Molto, J. C.; Manes, J.; Font, G. 
 J-chromatogr-A v.655, p.285-292. (1993).
 Paper presented at the "21st Scientific Meeting of the Spanish
 Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques," October 21-23,
 1992, Granada, Spain.
 Descriptors: organochlorine-pesticides;
 organophosphorus-pesticides; pesticide-residues;
 gas-chromatography; sample-pretreatment; sulfuric-acid;
 potassium-hydroxide; inorganic-acids; water-pollution;
 NAL Call No.: QD272.C4J68
 22. A comparative study of policy measures for groundwater
 pollution control.
 Oh, S. I. 
 J-rural-dev v.16, p.257-275. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: nitrates-; groundwater-pollution; pollution-control;
 taxes-; externalities-; environmental-policy; farm-inputs;
 mathematical-models; comparisons-; water-use; social-costs;
 pigouvian-taxes; input-taxes
 NAL Call No.: HD2095.5-.J8
 23. Comparison of on-line solid-phase disk extraction to
 liquid-liquid extraction for monitoring selected pesticides in
 environmental waters.
 Chiron, S.; Fernandez Alba, A.; Barcelo, D. 
 Environ-sci-technol v.27, p.2352-2359. (1993).
 In the special issue: Southeast Asia: facing development
 Descriptors: pesticides-; water-pollution; monitoring-;
 NAL Call No.: TD420.A1E5
 24. The concept and need for a phosphorus assessment tool.
 Lemunyon, J. L.; Gilbert, R. G. 
 J-prod-agric v.6, p.483-486. (1993).
 Paper presented at the "Symposium on assessment of potential
 phosphorus losses from a field site", November 4, 1992,
 Minneapolis, Minnesota.
 Descriptors: resource-management; phosphorus-; losses-from-soil;
 eutrophication-; water-pollution; risk-; assessment-; indexes-;
 phosphorus-index; nonpoint-source-pollution
 NAL Call No.: S539.5.J68
 25. Designing a nitrate monitoring program in a heterogeneous,
 carbonate aquifer.
 Smith, R. T.; Ritzi, R. W. Jr. 
 Ground-Water. Dublin, Ohio : Ground Water Pub. Co. July/Aug 1993.
 v. 31 (4) p. 576-584. 
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: aquifers-; carbonates-; hydraulic-conductivity;
 finite-element-analysis; simulation-models; nitrates-;
 movement-in-soil; zea-mays; glycine-max; rotations-;
 groundwater-pollution; ohio-; slug-tests
 NAL Call No.: TD403.G7
 26. Determination of acid herbicides in aqueous samples by
 liquid-solid disk extraction and capillary gas chromatography.
 Hodgeson, J.; Collins, J.; Bashe, W. 
 J-chromatogr-A v.659, p.395-401. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: herbicides-; herbicide-residues; extraction-;
 gas-chromatography; drinking-water; groundwater-;
 NAL Call No.: QD272.C4J68
 27. Determination of dissolved-phase pesticides in surface water
 from the Yakima River basin, Washington, using the Goulden
 large-sample extractor and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
 Foster, G. D.; Gates, P. M.; Foreman, W. T.; McKenzie, S. W.;
 Rinella, F. A. 
 Environ-sci-technol v.27, p.1911-1917. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: surface-water; water-pollution; dissolving-;
 pesticides-; analytical-methods; washington-;
 NAL Call No.: TD420.A1E5
 28. Determination of N-methylcarbamate pesticides in
 environmental water samples using automated on-line trace
 enrichment with exchangeable cartridges and high-performance
 liquid chromatography.
 Hiemstra, M.; Kok, A. de. 
 J-chromatogr-A v.667, p.155-166. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: carbamate-pesticides; metabolites-;
 pesticide-residues; hplc-; extraction-; automation-;
 water-pollution; drinking-water; surface-water
 NAL Call No.: QD272.C4J68
 29. Determination of pesticides in river water by gas
 chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected-ion monitoring.
 Kobayashi, H.; Ohyama, K.; Tomiyama, N.; Jimbo, Y.; Matano, O.;
 Goto, S. 
 J-Chromatogr v.643, p.197-202. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: herbicides-; herbicide-residues; water-pollution;
 determination-; rivers-; gas-chromatography; mass-spectrometry
 NAL Call No.: 475-J824
 30. Determination of pesticides in water by capillary gas
 chromatography with splitless injection of large sample volumes.
 Suzuki, T.; Yaguchi, K.; Ohnishi, K.; Yamagishi, T. 
 J-chromatogr-A v.662, p.139-146. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: insecticide-residues; fungicide-residues;
 herbicide-residues; gas-chromatography; extraction-;
 groundwater-; groundwater-pollution
 NAL Call No.: QD272.C4J68
 31. Development and implementation of the Virginia agronomic land
 use evaluation system (values).
 Donohue, S. J.; Simpson, T. W.; Baker, J. C.; Monnett, M. M.;
 Hawkins, G. W. 
 Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.25, p.1103-1108. (1994).
 Paper presented at the 1993 International Symposium on Soil
 Testing and Plant Analysis: Precision Nutrient Management, August
 14-19, 1993, Olympia, Washington. Part 1.
 Descriptors: fertilizer-requirement-determination; soil-testing;
 nutrients-; management-; databases-; land-use; land-evaluation;
 water-quality; environmental-protection; water-pollution;
 pollution-control; point-sources; virginia-; nutrient-management;
 nonpoint-source-pollution; values-database
 NAL Call No.: S590.C63
 32. Economic and environmental effects of nitrogen testing for
 fertilizer management.
 Bosch, D. J.;  Fuglie, K. O.;  Keim, R. W.; United States. Dept.
 of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. Resources and
 Technology Division. 
 [Washington, D.C.] : Economic Research Service, Resources and
 Technology Division, [1994] iv, 37 p. : ill., map.
 Cover title.
 Descriptors: Nitrogen-fertilizers-United-States;
 NAL Call No.: aS651.B67--1994
 33. Economics of agricultural management measures in the coastal
 zone.  Economic Research Service report.
 Heimlich, R. E.;  Barnard, C. H. C. H. 1.; United States. Dept.
 of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. 
 Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research
 Service, 1995. ii, 45 p. : ill..
 "February 1995"--P. [i].
 Descriptors: Coastal-zone-management-United-States;
 NAL Call No.: A281.9--Ag8A-no.698
 34. Economics of screening for pesticides in ground water.
 Natarajan, U.; Rajagopal, R. 
 Water-resour-bull v.30, p.579-588. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: pesticides-; groundwater-; water-quality;
 groundwater-pollution; screening-; monitoring-;
 mathematical-models; cost-effectiveness-analysis; usa-;
 sequential-analysis-screening; sample-compositing-screening
 Abstract: In the United States, millions of dollars are currently
 spent to monitor water quality for a whole suite of organic
 compounds. However, results of several surveys conducted in the
 past decade indicate that only a few pesticides occur in a small
 proportion of wells. Screening methods based on historical
 evidence of contamination patterns and knowledge of the locales
 will have significant potential to reduce these costs and
 effectively identify contamination problems. In this paper, the
 economics of utilizing two screening methods, sequential analysis
 and sample compositing, in the design of monitoring strategies is
 captured in the form of mathematical models and illustrated for a
 state-level monitoring program. When the two methods are adopted,
 the total analytical cost to conclusively identify contaminated
 wells in a network of 4,000 wells is shown to range from $12,500
 to $1,575,000 depending on the extent of contamination. In
 contrast, the total analytical cost of a conventional program
 where all the wells in the network are sampled and tested for a
 standard suite of pesticides at a cost of $250/sample is one
 million dollars. Given such wide range in costs, it is prudent to
 incorporate the screening concepts presented in this paper in the
 development of cost-effective monitoring programs.
 NAL Call No.: 292.9-Am34
 35. Effective monitoring strategies for demonstrating water
 quality changes from nonpoint source controls on a watershed
 Spooner, J.; Line, D. E. 
 Water-sci-technol v.28, p.143-148. (1993).
 Paper presented at the IAWQ First International Conference on
 "Diffuse (Nonpoint) Pollution: Sources, Prevention, Impact,
 Abatement." September 19-24, 1993, Chicago, Illinois.
 Descriptors: water-quality; pollution-; sources-; watersheds-;
 agricultural-production; agricultural-land; treatment-; usa-;
 NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
 36. Effects of management practices on surface water quality from
 rice fields.
 Feagley, S. E.; Sigua, G. C.; Bengston, R. L.; Bollich, P. K.;
 Linscombe, S. D. 
 La-Agric-La-Agric-Exp-Stn v.36, p.8-10. (1993).
 Descriptors: oryza-sativa; water-pollution; weed-control;
 cultural-control; fertilizers-; field-tests; no-tillage-;
 cultivation-; water-quality; louisiana-
 NAL Call No.: 100-L939
 37. An environmental yardstick for pesticides: an instrument to
 measure the environmental impact of pesticides.
 Reus, J. 
 Acta-hortic. Wageningen : International Society for Horticultural
 Science. Oct 1993. v. 347 p. 215-224. 
 Paper presented at the, "Second International Symposium on
 Integrated Fruit Production", August 24-28, 1992, Veldhoven,
 Descriptors: pesticides-; environmental-impact;
 groundwater-pollution; toxicity-; soil-flora; soil-fauna;
 aquatic-organisms; risk-; methodology-; netherlands-;
 pollution-points; integrated-fruit-production
 NAL Call No.: 80-Ac82
 38. Enzyme immunoassay based survey of precipitation and surface
 water for the presence of atrazine, metolachlor and 2,4-D.
 Hall, J. C.; Van Deynze, T. D.; Struger, J.; Chan, C. H. 
 J-Environ-Sci-Health-Part-B-Pestic-Food-Contam-Agric-Wastes v.28,
 p.577-598. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: atrazine-; metolachlor-; 2,4-d-; precipitation-;
 surface-water; enzyme-immunoassay; water-quality; monitoring-
 NAL Call No.: TD172.J61
 39. An enzyme immunoassay for the environmental monitoring of the
 herbicide bromacil.
 Bekheit, H. K. M.; Lucas, A. D.; Szurdoki, F.; Gee, S. J.;
 Hammock, B. D. 
 J-agric-food-chem v.41, p.2220-2227. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: bromacil-; elisa-; herbicide-residues;
 polluted-soils; water-; water-pollution; soil-pollution;
 indirect-elisa; direct-elisa
 Abstract: Competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs)
 were devised for the environmental monitoring of the herbicide
 bromacil. The polyclonal antibodies used in this work were raised
 against two haptens. The bromacil molecule was derivatized at the
 N-1- and 6-methyl-positions to obtain these haptens with
 carboxyalkyl [(CH2)nCO2H] spacer arms. The antibodies have been
 examined in several immunoassay formats. Two additional haptens
 were also synthesized and used for the preparation of coating
 antigens and enzyme tracers. Some of the heterologous indirect
 ELISAs in a coating antigen format showed promising sensitivities
 and, with only a few exceptions, slight cross-reactivities with a
 series of bromacil metabolites and related compounds. The best
 sensitivity (IC50 = 0.25 ppb) and specificity were achieved with
 a system using antibodies derived from the hapten bearing the
 handle at the 6-methyl group (n = 1) and coating antigen
 synthesized from hapten with the bridging group at the
 N-1-position (n = 5). Further investigations were performed with
 this ELISA. Changing the pH value in the range 5-8.5 did not
 influence the sensitivity of the optimized assay. Human urine,
 however, exercised a strong effect on sensitivity, which varied
 from sample to sample. Organic solvents also affected assay
 sensitivity; nevertheless, IC50s remained below 11 ppb with
 solvent concentrations up to 12.5%. Water samples spiked with
 bromacil were analyzed by ELISA. The results showed excellent
 correlation to spiked amounts at levels of 0.1-160 ppb. Soil
 samples fortified with bromacil were extracted with 1% aqueous
 NaOH, and then the obtained solutions were simply diluted with
 the assay buffer and analyzed by ELISA. Recoveries in the
 concentration range. formats did not perform better than the
 heterologous coating antigen assays. However, use of this format
 in homologous assays dramatically improved the sensitivity from
 poor inhibition to IC50s of 3-10 ppb.
 NAL Call No.: 381-J8223
 40. EPA produces draft of ground water monitoring guidelines for
 Cohen, S. 
 Ground-water-monit-remediat. Dublin, OH : Ground Water Pub. Co.,
 c1993-. Spring 1995. v. 15 (2) p. 86-87. 
 Descriptors: pesticides-; guidelines-; groundwater-; monitoring-;
 federal-government; usa-; environmental-protection-agency
 NAL Call No.: GB1001.G76
 41. Evaluating the extent of pesticide contamination in
 Virginia's groundwater.
 Bruggeman, A. C.; Mostaghimi, S.; Holtzman, G. I.; Shanholtz, V.
 O.; Shukla, S.; Ross, B. B. 
 Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
 Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1994. (94-2186/94-3019) 25 p. 
 Paper presented at the 1994 International Summer Meeting
 sponsored by The American Society of Agricultural Engineers, June
 19-22, 1994, Kansas City, Missouri.
 Descriptors: pesticides-; groundwater-pollution;
 nitrate-nitrogen; water-quality; temporal-variation; wells-;
 monitoring-; virginia-
 NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
 42. Evaluation of runoff and erosion models.
 Wu, T. H.; Hall, J. A.; Bonta, J. V. 
 J-irrig-drain-eng v.119, p.364-382. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: erosion-; runoff-; sediment-yield; measurement-;
 NAL Call No.: 290.9-AM3Ps-IR
 43. An expert systems approach for assessing the potential for
 pesticide contamination of ground water.
 Crowe, A. S.; Mutch, J. P. 
 Ground-water. Dublin, Ohio : Ground Water Pub. Co. May/June 1994.
 v. 32 (3) p. 487-498. 
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: pesticides-; groundwater-pollution; expert-systems;
 assessment-; models-
 NAL Call No.: TD403.G7
 44. Farming for drinking water : nitrate pollution of water : an
 assessment of a regulatory regime.
 Elworthy, S. 1. 
 Aldershot ; Brookfield : Avebury, c1994. ix, 123 p..
 Includes bibliographical references.
 Descriptors: Nitrates-Environmental-aspects;
 NAL Call No.: TD427.N5E44--1994
 45. Field scale testing of a hyperfiltration unit for removal of
 creosote and pentachlorophenol from ground water: chemical and
 biological assessment.
 Middaugh, D. P.; Thomas, R. L.; Lantz, S. E.; Heard, C. S.;
 Mueller, J. G. 
 Arch-environ-contam-toxicol. New York, Springer-Verlag. Apr 1994.
 v. 26 (3) p. 309-319. 
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: groundwater-pollution; creosote-;
 pentachlorophenol-; filtration-; filter-aids; toxicity-; tests-;
 menidia-; ceriodaphnia-
 NAL Call No.: TD172.A7
 46. Field-scale testing of a two-stage bioreactor for removal of
 creosote and pentachlorophenol from ground water: chemical and
 biological assessment.
 Middaugh, D. P.; Lantz, S. E.; Heard, C. S.; Mueller, J. G. 
 Arch-environ-contam-toxicol. New York, Springer-Verlag. Apr 1994.
 v. 26 (3) p. 320-328. 
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: groundwater-pollution; creosote-;
 pentachlorophenol-; groundwater-; treatment-; bioreactors-;
 microbial-activities; pseudomonas-; performance-appraisals;
 toxicity-; tests-; menidia-; ceriodaphnia-
 NAL Call No.: TD172.A7
 47. Field-testing of nonpoint source monitoring efficiency.
 Yoder, R. E.; Mote, C. R.; Yoder, D. C.; Ammons, J. T.; Tyler, D.
 D.; Wilson, G. V.; Sanders, W. L. 
 Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
 Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1994. (94-2091/94-2119) 17 p. 
 Paper presented at the "1994 International Summer Meeting
 sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
 June 20-23, 1994, Kansas City, Missouri.
 Descriptors: water-pollution; water-quality; flow-; wells-;
 NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
 48. Final report, Thirty County Ground Water Monitoring Program
 in Florida : submitted to the Florida Pesticide Review Council
 December 3, 1993.  Thirty County Ground Water Monitoring Program
 in Florida, final report.
 Shahane, A. N.;  Dwinell, S. E.; Florida. Dept. of Agriculture
 and Consumer Services. 
 Tallahassee, FL : Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer
 Services, [1993] 31 leaves : map, 
 Descriptors: Pesticides-Environmental-aspects-Florida;
 Groundwater-Florida; Hydrogeology-Florida;
 Water-Florida-Pesticide-content; Water-Pollution-Florida
 NAL Call No.: QH545.P4S53--1993
 49. Gas chromatographic/nitrogen-phosphorus detection method for
 determination of ethylene thiourea in finished drinking waters:
 collaborative study.
 Longbottom, J. E.; Edgell, K. W.; Erb, E. J.; Lopez Avila, V. 
 J-AOAC-Int v.76, p.1113-1120. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: water-pollution; drinking-water; monitoring-;
 contaminants-; pesticide-residues; thiourea-; determination-;
 NAL Call No.: S583.A7
 50. GLEAMS modeling of BMPs to reduce nitrate leaching in Middle
 Suwannee River Area.
 Reck, W. R. 
 Environmentally sound agriculture  proceedings of the second
 conference  20-22 April 1994 /. St. Joseph, Mich. : American
 Society of Agricultural Engineers, c1994. 1994. 361-367. 
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: groundwater-; water-quality; nitrate-nitrogen;
 leaching-; farming-systems; farm-management; dairy-farming;
 poultry-farming; monitoring-; models-; computer-techniques;
 NAL Call No.: S589.7.E57-1994
 51. Groundwater contamination from agricultural sources in
 Northern Italy: long-term monitoring and mathematical modelling.
 Fortina, L.; Capodaglio, A. G.; Baldi, M. 
 Water-sci-technol v.28, p.369-377. (1993).
 Paper presented at the IAWQ First International Conference on
 "Diffuse (Nonpoint) Pollution: Sources, Prevention, Impact,
 Abatement." September 19-24, 1993, Chicago, Illinois.
 Descriptors: groundwater-pollution; herbicides-;
 mathematical-models; italy-
 NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
 52. Groundwater quality.
 Mayer, A. S.; Imhoff, P. T.; Mitchell, R. J.; Rabideau, A. J.;
 McBride, J. F.; Miller, C. T. 
 Water-environ-res v.66, p.532-585. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: groundwater-pollution; pollutants-;
 transport-processes; water-quality; monitoring-; biodegradation-;
 movement-in-soil; groundwater-flow; sorption-; desorption-;
 pesticides-; leaching-; models-; literature-reviews
 NAL Call No.: TD419.R47
 53. Guidance specifying management measures for sources of
 nonpoint pollution in coastal waters : issued under the authority
 of Section 6217(g) of the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization
 Amendments of 1990.
 United States. Environmental Protection Agency. 
 Washington, DC : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
 Water, 1993. 1 v. (various pagings) : ill..
 "January 1993.".
 United-States-Coastal-Zone-Act-Reauthorization-Amendments-of-1990; Water-Pollution-United-States;
 NAL Call No.: KF3787.25.U55--1993
 54. A guide for understanding the atrazine ground and surface
 water risk reduction measures.
 Grow-Veg-Small-Fruit-Newsl. Storrs, Conn. : Coop. Ext. Serv.,
 USDA, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Univ. of Conn.
 Apr 1993. v. 93 (4) p. 8-12. 
 Descriptors: atrazine-; water-pollution; application-rates;
 pollution-control; regulations-; usa-
 NAL Call No.: SB321.G85
 55. Handling and storing pesticides.
 Bonner, J. 
 Publ-Miss-State-Univ,-Coop-Ext-Serv. State College, Miss. :
 Cooperative Extension Service, Mississippi State University. Oct
 1993. (1910) 7 p. 
 In subseries: Farm a Syst.
 Descriptors: pesticides-; storage-; application-; risk-;
 assessment-; water-quality
 NAL Call No.: 275.29-M68Ext
 56. The impact of livestock-farming on Welsh streams: the
 development and testing of a rapid biological method for use in
 the assessment and control of organic pollution from farms.
 Rutt, G. P.; Pickering, T. D.; Reynolds, N. R. M. 
 Environ-Pollut v.81, p.217-228. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: water-pollution; streams-; organic-wastes;
 intensive-livestock-farming; aquatic-invertebrates;
 biological-indicators; environmental-assessment; methodology-;
 NAL Call No.: QH545.A1E52
 57. The impact of the citrus conversion process on ground and
 surface water
 Shahane, A. N. 
 Environmentally sound agriculture  proceedings of the second
 conference  20-22 April 1994 / p.461-470. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: citrus-; crop-production; land-use; conversion-;
 environmental-impact; water-quality; surface-water; groundwater-;
 pesticides-; nutrient-content; monitoring-; case-studies;
 NAL Call No.: S589.7.E57-1994
 58. Integrating water quality modeling with ecological risk
 assessment for nonpoint source pollution control: a conceptual
 Chen, Y. D.; McCutcheon, S. C.; Rasmussen, T. C.; Nutter, W. L.;
 Carsel, R. F. 
 Water-sci-technol v.28, p.431-440. (1993).
 Paper presented at the IAWQ First International Conference on
 "Diffuse (Nonpoint) Pollution: Sources, Prevention, Impact,
 Abatement." September 19-24, 1993, Chicago, Illinois.
 Descriptors: water-quality; protection-; pollution-control;
 ecology-; risk-; assessment-; models-; usa-;
 NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
 59. Laws and programs for controlling nonpoint source pollution
 in forest areas.
 Brown, T. C.; Brown, D.; Binkley, D. 
 Water-resour-bull v.29, p.1-13. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: water-pollution; water-quality; pollution-control;
 monitoring- legislation-; programs-; state-government;
 federal-government; usa-; best-management-practices
 Abstract: Recent federal legislation strengthened nonpoint source
 pollution regulations and helped to support and standardize
 pollution control efforts. A comprehensive review of current
 state and federal programs for forest areas reveals a substantial
 increase in agency water quality protection activities. These new
 efforts emphasize monitoring to assess the use and effectiveness
 of best management practices (BMPs). Recent monitoring reveals
 that BMP use is increasing and that such use typically maintains
 water quality within standards. However, information is generally
 lacking about the cost effectiveness of BMP programs. Carefully
 designed and executed monitoring is the key to better
 specification of BMPs and more cost effective water quality
 NAL Call No.: 292.9-Am34
 60. Long-term sulfate dynamics at Lange Bramke (Harz) used for
 testing two acidification models.
 Lange, H.; Hauhs, M.; Schmidt, S. 
 Water-air-soil-pollut v.79, p.339-351. (1995).
 In the special issue: Biogeochemical monitoring in small
 catchments / edited by J. Cerny, M. Novak, T. Paces and R.K.
 Weider. Integrated Monitoring in Small Catchments," held
 September 18-20, 1993, Prague, Czech Republic.
 Descriptors: sulfate-; nitrate-; hydrogen-ions; soil-solution;
 runoff-; acidification-; elements-; anions-; cations-;
 mountains-; watersheds-; forest-soils; coniferous-forests;
 picea-abies; lower-saxony; magic-model; bem-model
 NAL Call No.: TD172.W36
 61. Measurement of leakage from dairy waste holding ponds.
 Demmy, G. G.; Bottcher, A. B.; Nordstedt, R. A. 
 Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
 Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1993. (934017) 15 p. 
 Paper presented at the "1993 International Summer Meeting
 sponsored by The American Society of Agricultural Engineers," and
 The Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering," June 20-23,
 1993, Spokane, Washington.
 Descriptors: animal-wastes; seepage-; groundwater-;
 NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
 62. Modeling the effects of agricultural practices on nitrate
 concentration of shallow ground water in the Coastal Plain.
 Xie, M.; Huffman, R. L.; Jennings, G. D. 
 Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
 Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1994. (94-2091/94-2119) 16 p. 
 Paper presented at the "1994 International Summer Meeting
 sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers,"
 June 20-23, 1994, Kansas City, Missouri.
 Descriptors: nitrate-nitrogen; wells-; monitoring-;
 water-quality; groundwater-pollution; simulation-models;
 NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
 63. Monitoring for aldicarb residues in ground water of the
 Central Valley of California.
 Marade, S. J.; Weaver, D. J. 
 Bull-environ-contam-toxicol v.52, p.19-24. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: aldicarb-; insecticide-residues; monitoring-;
 groundwater-; depth-; groundwater-pollution; california-
 NAL Call No.: RA1270.P35A1
 64. Monitoring for selected degradation products following a
 spill of VAPAM into the Sacramento River.
 Rosario, A. d.; Remoy, J.; Soliman, V.; Dhaliwal, J.; Dhoot, J.;
 Perera, K. 
 J-environ-qual v.23, p.279-286. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: soil-fumigants; accidents-; river-water;
 water-quality; drinking-water; water-pollution;
 spatial-distribution; metabolites-; analytical-methods;
 public-health; california-; pesticide-spill; contaminant-plume
 Abstract: Following a rail accident that spilled the soil
 fumigant VAPAM into the Sacramento River on 14 July 1991, a
 special study was carried out to assess the extent of
 contamination in Lake Shasta.  A total of 32 river water samples
 collected on 18 July and another 316 samples collected from 22
 July through 30 August were analyzed.  Data obtained clearly
 showed the presence of the degradation products of Metham,
 namely, methyl isothiocyanate, carbonyl sulfide, methyl sulfide,
 and traces of methylamine.  However, due to the emergency nature
 of the incident that required quick analytical turnaround times,
 as well as the unavailability of a satisfactory analytical
 method, the presence of Metham could not be demonstrated with
 certainty initially. Nonetheless, the laboratory's timely
 response to the crisis assisted public health officials in
 assessing the extent of the contamination and assuring the
 community-at-large that their drinking water was safe to consume. 
 None of the degradation products analyzed were detected 1 wk
 after the spill.
 NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
 65. Monitoring pesticide and nitrate in Virginia's groundwater--a
 pilot study.
 Bruggeman, A. C.; Mostaghimi, S.; Holtzman, G. I.; Shanholz, V.
 O.; Shukla, S.; Ross, B. B. 
 Trans-ASAE v.38, p.797-807. (1995).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: groundwater-; water-quality; wells-; pesticides-;
 groundwater-pollution; monitoring-; aquifers-; nitrate-;
 sampling-; virginia-
 Abstract: Between October 1992 and February 1993, a total of 359
 private wells in Northampton County were sampled and data on
 water-quality variables (temperature, pH, and conductivity), well
 construction, and site characteristics were collected. The
 groundwater samples were analyzed for aldicarb, alachlor,
 atrazine, carbofuran, linuron, methomyl, metolachlor, metribuzin,
 napropamide, pendimethalin, pronamide, simazine, and nitrate. The
 wells were stratified into shallow wells, withdrawing water from
 the unconfined aquifer, and deep wells, withdrawing water from
 the deeper confined aquifers. The study was undertaken as a pilot
 study to demonstrate the applicability of a recently developed
 framework for evaluating the extent of pesticide contamination in
 Virginia's groundwater. Pesticides were detected in 14% of the
 shallow wells and in 7% of the deep wells sampled. Pesticide
 detection was associated with the well depth, with a higher
 probability of detecting a pesticide in the shallow unconfined
 aquifer than in the deeper aquifers. Nitrate above the U.S. EPA
 drinking water standard of 10 mg/L was found in 17% of the
 shallow and 1% of the deep wells. Pesticide and nitrate
 detections were not significantly related to well and site
 characteristics, such as crop type, location of well head, and
 distance to the nearest water body.
 NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32T
 66. Monitoring water quality for agricultural wastes and
 agrichemicals: January 1991 - June 1993.
 Emmert, B. 
 Quick-bibliogr-ser. Beltsville, Md., National Agricultural
 Library. Sept 1993. (93-67) 39 p. 
 Updates QB 92-68.
 Descriptors: water-quality; agricultural-wastes;
 agricultural-chemicals; groundwater-pollution; bibliographies-
 NAL Call No.: aZ5071.N3
 67. The Moores Creek BMP effectiveness monitoring project.
 Edwards, D. R.; Daniel, T. C.; Murdoch, J. F.; Vendrell, P. F. 
 Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
 Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1993. (932085) 26 p. 
 Paper presented at the "1993 International Summer Meeting
 sponsored by The American Society of Agricultural Engineers, and
 The Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering," June 20-23,
 1993, Spokane, Washington.
 Descriptors: poultry-manure; runoff-water; water-quality;
 NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
 68. New directions in pesticide research, development,
 management, and policy : proceedings of the Fourth National
 Conference on Pesticides, November 1-3, 1993.
 Weigmann, D. L.; National Conference on Pesticides (4th : 1993 :
 Blacksburg, Va. 
 Blacksburg, VA : Virginia Water Resources Research Center,
 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1994. xi,
 852 p. : ill..
 Cosponsors: American Water Works Association ... [and others].
 NAL Call No.: TD427.P35N36--1993
 69. Nonpoint source control in the Long Creek EPA National
 Monitoring Project.
 Jennings, G. D.; Line, D. E.; Coffey, S. W.; Spooner, J.; Harman,
 W. A. I.; Burris, M. A. 
 Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
 Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1994. (94-2186/94-3019) 12 p. 
 Paper presented at the 1994 International Summer Meeting
 sponsored by The American Society of Agricultural Engineers, June
 19-22, 1994, Kansas City, Missouri.
 Descriptors: water-quality; monitoring-; pollution-control;
 dairy-farms; animal-wastes; management-; runoff-; arable-land;
 nutrients-; crop-management; water-supply; watersheds-
 NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
 70. Nonpoint sources.
 Line, D. E.; Osmond, D. L.; Coffey, S. W.; Arnold, J. A.; Gale,
 J. A.; Spooner, J.; Jennings, G. D. 
 Water-environ-res v.66, p.585-601. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: water-pollution; soil-pollution; water-quality;
 water-resources; pollutants-; pesticides-; biodegradation-;
 pollution-control; models-; monitoring-; literature-reviews
 NAL Call No.: TD419.R47
 71. Nutrient management measure to be implemented in the coastal
 Weinberg, A. C. 
 J-soil-water-conserv v.49, p.71-72. (1994).
 In the special issue: Nutrient management. Paper presented at a
 conference held on April 20-22, 1993, St. Louis, Missouri.
 Descriptors: water-quality; environmental-protection;
 coastal-areas; water-pollution; pollution-control; programs-;
 state-government; legislation-; nonpoint-source-pollution
 NAL Call No.: 56.8-J822
 72. On-farm nitrogen tests improve fertilizer efficiency, protect
 Hartz, T. K.; Smith, R. F.; Schullbach, K. F.; LeStrange, M. 
 Calif-agric v.48, p.29-32. (1994).
 Descriptors: nitrogen-fertilizers; efficiency-;
 groundwater-pollution; field-tests; sap-; soil-testing;
 NAL Call No.: 100-C12Cag
 73. On-line and off-line sample preparation of acidic herbicides
 and bentazone transformation products in estuarine waters.
 Chiron, S.; Martinez, E.; Barcelo, D. 
 J-chromatogr-A v.665, p.283-293. (1994).
 Paper presented at the "6th Symposium on Handling of
 Environmental and Biological Samples in Chromatography," July
 19-21, 1993, Guildford, U.K.
 Descriptors: bentazone-; phenoxy-herbicides; residues-;
 extraction-; liquid-chromatography; mass-spectrometry;
 water-pollution; estuaries-; surface-water
 NAL Call No.: QD272.C4J68
 74. Optimization of an analytical procedure for the determination
 of triazine herbicides in environmental samples.
 Prosen, H.; Zupancic Kralj, L.; Marsel, J. 
 J-chromatogr-A v.704, p.121-130. (1995).
 Paper presented at the "International Symposium on
 Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques," October 10-13,
 1994, Bled, Slovenia.
 Descriptors: triazine-herbicides; herbicide-residues;
 extraction-; chromatography-; hplc-; polluted-water;
 drinking-water; river-water; maize-soils
 NAL Call No.: QD272.C4J68
 75. Pesticide contamination of groundwater in Virginia: BMP
 impact assessment.
 Mostaghimi, S.; McClellan, P. W.; Cooke, R. A. 
 Water-sci-technol v.28, p.379-387. (1993).
 Paper presented at the IAWQ First International Conference on
 "Diffuse (Nonpoint) Pollution: Sources, Prevention, Impact,
 Abatement." September 19-24, 1993, Chicago, Illinois.
 Descriptors: groundwater-pollution; pesticides-; water-quality;
 improvement-; watersheds-; monitoring-; systems-; agronomy-;
 techniques-; wells-; virginia-; best-management-practices
 NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
 76. Pesticide contamination of mixing/loading sites: proposals
 for streamlined assessment and cleanup, and pollution prevention.
 Thomas, M. V. 
 Environmentally sound agriculture  proceedings of the second
 conference  20-22 April 1994 / p.203-207. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: soil-pollution; groundwater-pollution; pesticides-;
 contamination-; assessment-; methodology-; cleaning-;
 pollution-control; florida-
 NAL Call No.: S589.7.E57-1994
 77. Regional assessment of NLEAP NO3-N leaching indices.
 Wylie, B. K.; Shaffer, M. J.; Hall, M. D. 
 Water-resour-bull v.31, p.399-408. (1995).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: nitrates-; nitrate-nitrogen; leaching-; indexes-;
 aquifers-; groundwater-; agricultural-land;
 groundwater-pollution; irrigated-sites; fertilizers-;
 geographical-information-systems; colorado-;
 nonpoint-source-groundwater-pollution; south-platte-river
 Abstract: Nonpoint source ground water contamination by nitrate
 nitrogen (NO3-N) leached from agricultural lands can be
 substantial and increase health risks to humans and animals.
 Accurate and rapid methods are needed to identify and map
 localities that have a high potential for contamination of
 shallow aquifers with NO3-N leached from agriculture. Evaluation
 Of Nitrate Leaching and Economic Analysis Package (NLEAP) indices
 and input variables across an irrigated agricultural area on an
 alluvial aquifer in Colorado indicated that all leaching indices
 tested were more strongly correlated with aquifer NO3-N
 concentration than with aquifer N mass. Of the indices and
 variables tested, the NO3-N Leached (NL) index was the NLEAP
 index most strongly associated with groundwater N03-N
 concentration (r2 values from 0.37 to 0.39). NO3-N concentration
 of the leachate was less well correlated with ground water NO3-N
 concentration (r2 values from 0.21 to 0.22). Stepwise regression
 analysis indicated that, although inorganic and organiclinorganic
 fertilizer scenarios had similar r2 values, the Feedlot Indicator
 (proximity) variable was significant over and above the NO3-N
 Leached index for the inorganic scenario. The analysis also
 showed that combination of either Movement Risk Index (MRI) or
 NO3-N concentration of the leachate with the N03-N Leached index
 leads to an improved regression, which provides insight into
 area-wide associations between agricultural activities and ground
 water NO3-N concentration.
 NAL Call No.: 292.9-Am34
 78. Regional scale ground-water vulnerability estimates: impact
 of reducing data uncertainties for assessments in Hawaii.
 Loague, K. 
 Ground-water. Dublin, Ohio : Ground Water Pub. Co. July/Aug 1994.
 v. 32 (4) p. 605-616. 
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: groundwater-pollution; pesticides-; leaching-;
 assessment-; hawaii-
 NAL Call No.: TD403.G7
 79. Regulations generate business for resourceful dealers.
 Luporter, C. 
 Solutions v.37, p.28-31. (1993).
 Descriptors: pesticides-; testing-; businesses-; regulations-;
 federal-government; environmental-impact; water-quality; usa-
 NAL Call No.: 57.8-SO4
 80. Risk assessment and communication related to water resources:
 January 1985-Dec 1993.
 Makuch, J.; Emmert, B. 
 Quick-bibliogr-ser. Beltsville, Md., National Agricultural
 Library. Apr 1994. (94-27) 40 p. 
 Descriptors: water-resources; environmental-impact;
 environmental-impact-reporting; wastes-; public-health; risk-;
 NAL Call No.: aZ5071.N3
 81. The role of ecotoxicity testing in assessing water quality.
 Chapman, J. C. 
 Aust-j-ecol v.20, p.20-27. (1995).
 In the special issue; Use of biota to assess water quality /
 edited by R.H. Norris, B.T. Hart, M. Finlayson and K.R. Norris.
 Descriptors: water-pollution; water-quality; pollutants-;
 bioassays-; indicator-species; biological-indicators; toxicity-;
 pesticide-residues; algae-; aquatic-organisms;
 NAL Call No.: QH540.A8
 82. Sampling of non-point source contamination in high-capacity
 Zlotnik, V. A.; Spalding, R. F.; Exner, M. E.; Burbach, M. E. 
 Water-sci-technol v.28, p.409-413. (1993).
 Paper presented at the IAWQ First International Conference on
 "Diffuse (Nonpoint) Pollution: Sources, Prevention, Impact,
 Abatement." September 19-24, 1993, Chicago, Illinois.
 Descriptors: irrigation-; wells-; groundwater-pollution;
 nitrates-; atrazine-; concentration-; sampling-; nebraska-
 NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
 83. Sampling your irrigation water.
 Neufeld, J.; Balliette, J.; Adams, V. D.; Wheeler, G. 
 Fact-sheet-Max-C-Fleischmann-Coll-Agric,-Coop-Ext-Serv. [Reno,
 Nev.] : The College,. 1994. (94-28) 2 p. 
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: irrigation-water; water-quality; salinity-; sodium-;
 boron-; chloride-; ions-; ph-; bicarbonates-; nitrogen-;
 hazards-; samples-
 NAL Call No.: S544.3.N3C66
 84. Saving the catchments of Albany's harbours.
 Prout, A. 
 J-agric. South Perth, W.A. : Dept. of Agriculture, 1972-. 1993.
 v. 34 (4) p. 137-140. 
 Descriptors: estuaries-; water-quality; pollution-; agriculture-;
 phosphorus-fertilizers; runoff-; pollution-control; soil-testing;
 erosion-control; soil-amendments; land-use; pastures-; australia-
 NAL Call No.: 23-W52J
 85. Simultaneous field measurement of nitrate-nitrogen and matric
 pressure head.
 Moutonnet, P.; Pagenel, J. F.; Fardeau, J. C. 
 Soil-Sci-Soc-Am-j. [Madison, Wis.] Soil Science Society of
 America. Nov/Dec 1993. v. 57 (6) 1458-1462. 
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: soil-analysis; matric-potential; nitrate-nitrogen;
 nitrogen-content; soil-solution; measurement-; tensiometers-;
 modification-; groundwater-pollution; monitoring-; tensionic-
 Abstract: Groundwater protection from NO3 pollution requires
 frequent measurements of potential water fluxesand NO(3)-N
 concentrations. This study was conducted to improve researchers'
 abilities in  managing these two parameters by using a new
 device. We developed a method allowing the researcherto
 simultaneously measure the hydraulic head and the NO(3)-N
 concentration in the soil watersolution. Measurements were
 made using the tensionic, in which a permeable porous ceramic cup 
  allows the diffusion of NO3 from the soil to the water inside
 the cup. Diffusion is completedwithin 8 d. A system of
 capillary tubes allows this water to be extracted for measurement
 of  NO(3)-N, and it may be reinjected subsequently. An aliquot
 can be used for isotopic analysis. Testscarried out on a maize
 crop (Zea mays L.) in 1991 led to two
 NAL Call No.: 56.9-So3
 86. Solid-phase extraction followed by high-performance liquid
 chromatographic analysis for monitoring herbicides in drinking
 Balinova, A. 
 J-Chromatogr v.643, p.203-207. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: herbicide-residues; drinking-water; water-pollution;
 analysis-; hplc-
 NAL Call No.: 475-J824
 87. Summary of aldicarb monitoring and research programs in the
 Jones, R. L.; Estes, T. L. 
 J-contam-hydrol v.18, p.107-140. (1995).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: aldicarb-; pesticide-residues; degradation-; soil-;
 leaching-; monitoring-; drinking-water; water-pollution;
 unsaturated-zone; saturated-zone
 NAL Call No.: TD426.J68
 88. Theory, modeling, and experience in the management of
 nonpoint-source pollution.
 Russell, C. S.; Shogren, J. F. 
 Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1993. xvii, 345 p. : ill.,
 Papers presented at a workshop sponsored by the Association of
 Environmental and Resource Economists and held at the University
 of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, in June 1991.
 Agricultural-pollution-Government-policy-United-States-Congresses; Water-Pollution-Measurement-Congresses;
 NAL Call No.: HC110.W43T48-1993
 89. Tillage effects on agrichemical movement through the Vadose
 Wilson, G. V.; Tyler, D. D.; Storck, N. J.; Essington, M. E.;
 Mueller, T. G. 
 Tenn-farm-home-sci p.34-39. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: soil-analysis; water-quality; macropores-;
 conservation-tillage; groundwater-; infiltration-; leachates-;
 field-tests; tennessee-
 NAL Call No.: 100-T25F
 90. Tracking seepage with terrain conductivity survey and wells.
 Huffman, R. L.; Westerman, P. W. 
 Pap-Am-Soc-Agric-Eng. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of
 Agricultural Engineers,. Summer 1993. (934016) 13 p. 
 Paper presented at the "1993 International Summer Meeting
 sponsored by The American Society of Agricultural Engineers," and
 The Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering," June 20-23,
 1993, Spokane, Washington.
 Descriptors: animal-wastes; lagoons-; seepage-; groundwater-;
 water-quality; monitoring-
 NAL Call No.: 290.9-Am32P
 91. Unlocking Iowa's farming future: assuring profit--preserving
 water resources.
 PM-Iowa-State-Univ-Coop-Ext-Serv. Ames, Iowa : Iowa State
 University, Cooperative Extension Service. Feb 1993. (1501) 24 p. 
 Descriptors: farm-management; conservation-tillage;
 erosion-control; nitrogen-fertilizers; groundwater-pollution;
 soil-testing; phosphorus-; pesticides-; manures-; iowa-
 NAL Call No.: 275.29-IO9PA
 92. Use and abuse of sample surveys in agroecology.
 Sparks, T. H.; Firbank, L. G. 
 Asp-appl-biol p.161-170. (1994).
 In the series analytic: Sampling to make decisions / edited by P.
 Brain, S.H. Hockland, P.D. Lancashire, and L.C. Sim.
 Descriptors: sampling-; land-improvement; drainage-;
 soil-management; flood-control; plantations-; agricultural-land;
 weed-control; watersheds-; runoff-; runoff-water; nitrate-
 NAL Call No.: QH301.A76
 93. Use of Gammarus pulex bioassay to measure the effects of
 transient carbofuran runoff from farmland.
 Matthiessen, P.; Sheahan, D.; Harrison, R.; Kirby, M.; Rycroft,
 R.; Turnbull, A.; Volkner, C.; Williams, R. 
 Ecotoxicol-environ-saf v.30, p.111-119. (1995).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: carbofuran-; granules-; broadcasting-;
 drainage-water; watersheds-; stream-flow; storms-;
 gammarus-pulex; feeding-; inhibition-; toxicity-; mortality-;
 nontarget-effects; nontarget-organisms
 NAL Call No.: QH545.A1E29
 94. Use of GIS to rank counties for potential groundwater
 Smith, P. A.; Scott, H. D. 
 Ark-farm-res v.42, p.4-5. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: information-systems; groundwater-;
 groundwater-pollution; monitoring-; probabilistic-models;
 pesticides-; prediction-; arkansas-;
 NAL Call No.: 100-Ar42F
 95. Use of ground water monitoring data for pesticide regulation.
 Barrett, M. R.; Williams, W. M.; Wells, D. 
 Weed-technol v.7, p.238-247. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: water-quality; groundwater-pollution; pesticides-;
 leaching-; pesticide-residues; drinking-water; regulations-;
 health-hazards; contaminants-; quality-standards; monitoring-;
 usa-; maximum-contaminant; levels-
 NAL Call No.: SB610.W39
 96. Using the phosphorus assessment tool in the field.
 Stevens, R. G.; Sobecki, T. M.; Spofford, T. L. 
 J-prod-agric v.6, p.487-492. (1993).
 Paper presented at the "Symposium on assessment of potential
 phosphorus losses from a field site", November 4, 1992,
 Minneapolis, Minnesota.
 Descriptors: site-class-assessment; phosphorus-;
 losses-from-soil; risk-; indexes-; site-factors;
 resource-management; water-pollution; oregon-; washington-;
 phosphorus-index; nonpoint-source-pollution
 NAL Call No.: S539.5.J68
 97. Water Monitoring: aerial spray applications.
 Bush, B. F. 
 Proc-For-Veg-Manage-Conf p.32-37. (1993).
 Descriptors: herbicide-residues; monitoring-; water-quality;
 water-pollution; aerial-spraying; weed-control;
 vegetation-management; forests-; california-
 NAL Call No.: QH541.5.F6F67
 98. Water-quality assessment of the Delmarva Peninsula, Delaware,
 Maryland, and Virginia : effects of agricultural activities on,
 and distribution of, nitrate and other inorganic constituents in
 the surficial aquifer.  Water quality assessment of the Delmarva
 Peninsula, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. inorganic
 constituents in the surficial aquifer.
 Hamilton, P. A.; Geological Survey (U.S.). 
 Towson, Md. : U.S. Geological Survey ; Denver, CO : Books and
 Open-file Reports Section [distributor], 1993. iv, 87 p. : ill.,
 maps  1 computer disk (3 1/2 in.).
 Errata slip inserted. drive and DOS.
 Descriptors: Water-quality-Delmarva-Peninsula;
 NAL Call No.: TD225.D45W37--1993
 99. Water-quality assessment of the Kentucky River Basin,
 Kentucky : nutrients, sediments, and pesticides in streams,
 1987-90.  Water quality assessment of the Kentucky River Basin,
 Haag, K. H.;  Porter, S. D.; Geological Survey (U.S.). 
 Louisville, Ky. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological
 Survey ; Denver, CO : Earth Science Information Center, Open-File
 Reports Section [distributor], 1995. ix, 135 p. : ill., maps.
 "National Water-Quality Assessment Program"--Cover.
 100. Water-quality assessment of the Rio Grande Valley study
 unit, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas : analysis of selected
 nutrient, suspended-sediment, and pesticide data.  Water quality
 assessment of the Rio Grande Valley study unit, Colorado, New
 Mexico, and Texas.
 Anderholm, S. K.;  Radell, M. Jo.;  Richey, S. F.; Geological
 Survey (U.S.). 
 Albuquerque, N.M. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological
 Survey ; Denver, Colo. : Earth Science Information Center,
 Open-File Reports Section [distributor], 1995. xiv, 203 p. :
 ill., maps.
 Three maps on 3 folded leaves in pocket.
 Descriptors: Groundwater-Pollution-Rio-Grande-Valley;
 NAL Call No.: GB701.W375--no.94-4061
 101. Water-quality assessment of the South Platte River Basin,
 Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming : analysis of available nutrient,
 suspended-sediment, and pesticide data, water years 1980-92. 
 Water quality assessmet of the South Platte River Basin,
 Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming.
 Dennehy, K. F.; Geological Survey (U.S.). 
 Denver, Colo. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological
 Survey : Earth Science Information Center, Open-File Reports
 Section [distributor], 1995. vii, 145 p. : ill., maps.
 Shipping list no.: 95-0128-P.
 Descriptors: Water-quality-South-Platte-River-Watershed-Colo;
 Suspended-sediments-Environmental-aspects-South-Platte-River-Watershed-Colo; -and-Neb;
 Pesticides-Environmental-aspects-South-Platte-River-Watershed-Colo; -and-Neb
 NAL Call No.: GB701.W375--no.94-4095
 102. Water quality monitoring on a 2500-acre agricultural
 watershed at Ames Plantation.
 Yoder, R. E.; Mote, C. R. 
 Tenn-farm-home-sci p.15-18. (1994).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: water-quality; water-pollution; groundwater-;
 surface-water; runoff-water; erosion-; conservation-tillage;
 sampling-; contaminants-; tennessee-; nonpoint-source-pollution;
 NAL Call No.: 100-T25F
 103. Well sampling for agrichemicals in high capacity systems.
 Zlotnik, V. A.; Burbach, M. E.; Exner, M. E.; Spalding, R. F. 
 J-soil-water-conserv v.50, p.95-101. (1995).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: groundwater-pollution; point-sources; nitrate-;
 atrazine-; contamination-; irrigated-sites; wells-; sampling-;
 aquifers-; nebraska-; non-point-source-pollution;
 NAL Call No.: 56.8-J822
 104. Well-water quality data from a volunteer sampling program:
 Audubon County, Iowa.
 Seigley, L. S.; Hallberg, G. R.; Walther, P. R.; Miller, G. A. 
 J-Iowa-Acad-Sci-J-I-A-S v.100, p.15-20. (1993).
 Includes references.
 Descriptors: water-quality; wells-; coliform-count;
 contaminants-; nitrate-nitrogen; sampling-; volunteers-;
 water-pollution; iowa-
 NAL Call No.: Q11.J68

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J. R. Makuch /USDA-ARS-NAL-WQIC/ jmakuch@nal.usda.gov