Overview of the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program

Presented by LTC Partners -

A John Hancock/MetLife Joint Venture


January 28, 2002

Discussion Topics

Background on LTC Partners

Key Components of the Program

Description of the Educational Campaign

Early Enrollment Program

Open Season

Discussion Topics

Role of the LTC Partners Account Manager

Role of the Implementation Coordinator

Payroll/Pension/Annuity Overview


Your Input

About LTC Partners

A John Hancock/MetLife Joint Venture Company

Both companies are leaders in group and individual long term care insurance

Both companies have well-known brand names and strong financial ratings

About LTC Partners

LTC Partners will manage all core functions that support the program

LTC Partners will be located at Pease International Tradeport in Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Key Components of the Program

Educational Campaign

Early Enrollment Program

Open Season

Ongoing Education and Enrollment

Educational Campaign

Multimedia and multiphase program

Initial launch will span over the entire year

Goal is to provide sufficient education to enable informed purchase decisions

Ongoing efforts will occur in 2003 and thereafter

Components of the Educational Campaign

Bulletin series - 5 monthly newsletters

Internal communications - emails, posters, tent cards, brochures, plan booklet

Satellite broadcasts

Web site - www.ltcfeds.com

Call center - 1-800-LTC -FEDS



Components of the Educational Campaign

Early mailing list registration program:

To subscribe to Bulletin Series and/or receive enrollment information

Sign up via call center: 1-800-LTC -FEDS (1-800-582-3337)

Sign up via Web site: www.ltcfeds.com

Components of the Educational Campaign

National Public Relations Campaign


National Advisory Committee

Portraits Panel

Early Enrollment Program

What is it ?

Limited choice of benefits offered to those who are ready to buy and have waived the educational campaign

When will it occur ?

Begins March 25, 2002 and extends through May 15, 2002

Who is eligible ?

Employees, annuitants, members and retired members of uniformed services, and qualified family members who already know what LTC and LTCI are all about

Early Enrollment Program

Underwriting requirements

Short form for employees, uniformed service members, and their spouses

Full underwriting for all other eligibles

Billing options available

Automatic bank withdrawal

Direct billing

NO payroll deduction!

Early Enrollment Program

How will it be communicated ?

LTC Partners Web site

Call center

March Bulletin

Home mailing to registrants requesting enrollment information

What is the coverage effective date, if approved ?

Later of May 1st or first of month following acceptance

Cost of coverage based on age on date that application is received

Early Enrollment Program

Can insureds change benefits during Open Season ?

Yes, details are being finalized

Original age will be preserved

Can insureds switch to payroll/pension/ annuity deduction during Open Season ?


Open Season

What is it ?

The launch of all benefit options under the Program

Standard plan

Non standard plan

Service package

When will it occur ?

Begins July 1 and extends through December 31, 2002

Staggered enrollments

60-day enrollment periods

Open Season

Who is eligible ?

Employees, annuitants, members and retired members of uniformed services, and qualified family members

Underwriting requirements

Short form for employees, uniformed service members, and their spouses

Full underwriting for all other eligibles

Open Season

Billing options available

Payroll and pension/annuity deduction

Automatic bank withdrawal

Direct billing

How will it be communicated ?

LTC Partners Web site

Call center

Information at the workplace

Mailings to those registered on our mailing list

Mailings to home if addresses provided

Open Season

How will it be communicated?


Public relations campaign

What is the coverage effective date, if approved?

Later of October 1, 2002 or first of month following acceptance

Cost of coverage based on age of insured as of July 1, 2002

Role of LTC Partners Account Manager

Our Goals

To ensure a successful introduction of the Program

To fully support the Implementation Coordinators in every aspect of the rollout in every way possible

Role of LTC Partners Account Manager

The Strategy

Work with the assigned Implementation

Coordinator from each

agency/department/military service

Act as single point of contact at LTC Partners

Minimize work for Coordinators

Help facilitate program rollout

Maintain direct, frequent contact with Coordinators

Role of LTC Partners Account Manager


The Strategy

Act as a resource for everything related to the Program - an LTC expert on demand

Deliver high quality customer service

Provide ongoing support throughout 2002 and beyond

Role of the Implementation Coordinator

Provide feedback regarding most effective means of communicating within each agency

Disseminate education and enrollment materials as the Program is rolled out

Help schedule worksite meetings in cafeterias, auditoriums, etc.

Role of the Implementation Coordinator

Not expected to be an LTC expert!

Refer LTC related questions and issues to:

1-800-LTC -FEDS (1-800-582-3337)


Their designated Account Manager

Payroll/Pension/Annuity Deduction Overview

Application forms will be returned directly to LTC Partners

LTC Partners will send a file to agencies indicating who to withhold premiums from and the amount to be deducted

Payroll and pension/annuity deduction will begin the first pay period on or after

October 1, 2002

Payroll/Pension/Annuity Deduction Overview

Authorization for payroll and pension/annuity deduction will be given directly to LTC Partners on the application form

Payroll/pension/annuity deduction will be available for employees, annuitants, members/retired members of uniformed services, and their qualified family members

All changes/adjustments/corrections will be initiated by LTC Partners, not agency


December 2001: - Contract awarded to LTC Partners

- Call center went live

- LTC Partners Web site went live

January 2002: - Conduct focus groups week of January 28th

February 2002: - Bulletin offer mailed to annuitants

- Provide Implementation Coordinators with Bulletin offer for actives



March 2002: - Early Enrollment Program goes live: March 25

April 2002: - 2nd Bulletin released: Theme #2:

Youre Not Covered

- Collaterals supporting Theme #2 released to Implementation Coordinators

May 2002: - 3rd Bulletin released: Theme #3

Cost of Services and Funding Options


May 2002: - Collaterals supporting Theme #3 released to Implementation Coordinators

- Second satellite broadcast -

LTCI and Who Should Purchase It

- Early Enrollment Program ends May 15th

June 2002: - 4th Bulletin released: Theme #4

How to Choose a Plan


June 2002: - Federal Benefits Conference,

Norfolk, VA

- Collaterals supporting Theme #4 released to Implementation Coordinators

- Collaterals supporting Open Season mailed to Implementation Coordinators

July 2002: - Open Season begins July 1st


July 2002: - 5th Bulletin released: Theme #5 The Federal LTC Insurance Plan Why Now?

- Collaterals supporting Theme #5 released to Implementation Coordinators

- Third satellite broadcast: Review of the Federal LTCI Program


July 2002: - Enrollment kit offer mailed to applicable eligibles

- Enrollment packages mailed upon request

- Reminders mailed 2 weeks after enrollment packages mailed upon request

- Meetings to support rollout


July 2002: - Collaterals supporting Open Season provided to Implementation Coordinators

August - - Open Season Enrollment

December 2002: continues

- Enrollment kit offer mailed to applicable eligibles

- Enrollment packages mailed upon request


August - - Reminders mailed 2 weeks

December 2002: after enrollment packages mailed

- Meetings to support rollout

- Collaterals supporting open season provided to Implementation Coordinators

- Payroll/Pension/Annuity deduction begins: October



Your Input

Portraits Panel

Collateral Materials

Portraits Panel

Testimonials of caregivers

Seeking volunteers who are comfortable sharing a long term care experience

Sample profiles:

Sandwich generation

Long distance caregiver

Disabled spouse

Please contact Anne Colby at ltcpartners@jhancock.com with nominees


Collateral Materials

Table Tent Card

Large (8 1/2 x 11) Flyer

Small (6 x 9) Flyer

Poster without date and location

Poster with date and location

Counter card with take one

Stand-alone counter card

Collateral Materials

Collateral Materials

Individuals Interested in Learning More About the Program


Call 1-800-LTC -FEDS (1-800-582-3337)

Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time

Via Web Site: www.ltcfeds.com