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1.) Solar mean magnetic field data from Crimea Solar Observatory 1968-1976

2.) Solar mean magnetic field data from Stanford Solar Observatory 1975-present

3.) Solar polar magnetic field reversals information 1948-1992 -- Dr. K. Harvey

Solar Mean Magnetic Field Data (All ftp)

Sun-As-A-Star measurements of the solar magnetic field are summed over the solar disk (the net magnetic field intensity in microTeslas). V.A. Kotov of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory provides the data from 19 March 1968 through 13 October 1976; P.H. Scherrer of the Stanford Solar Observatory provides values from 16 May 1975 to the present.

Several observations are made daily, centered around local noon. Each value reported is a weighted average of all measurements for that day. The weighting arises from effects that include solar rotation, limb darkening, and weakening of the sensitive absorption line within active regions. For a complete explanation of the program, see P.H. Scherrer, The Mean Magnetic Field of the Sun: Observations at Stanford, SOLAR PHYSICS, Vol. 54, pp. 353-361 (1977).

1. Crimea Sun-As-A-Star solar mean magnetic field data 1968-1976 2. Stanford Sun-As-A-Star solar mean magnetic field data 1975-present 3. Solar Polar Magnetic Field Reversals 1948-1992
  • E-mail message from Dr. Karen Harvey -- information from her Ph.D. thesis work

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