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U.S. Department of Transportation
Fiscal Year 2009 Budget In Brief



The American people deserve a safe, secure, and efficient transportation system. The quality of our lives, the shape of our communities, and the productivity of our Nation's economy depend on the Department of Transportation's (DOT) success in fulfilling these goals.

Established in 1967, DOT sets Federal transportation policy and works with State, local, and private sector partners to promote a safe, secure, efficient, and interconnected national transportation system of roads, railways, pipelines, airways, and waterways. DOT's overall objective of creating a safer, simpler, and smarter transportation program is the guiding principle as we move forward to achieve specific goals.

The FY 2009 budget request for the Department of Transportation totals $68.2 billion in appropriations, obligation limitation, user fees, and exempt obligations. The Department's five key strategic goals are to: (1) improve safety; (2) reduce congestion for all Americans; (3) increase global transportation connectivity in support of the Nation's economy; (4) protect the environment; and (5) support national security, preparedness and response. These five objectives, along with furthering the goals outlined in the President's Management Agenda through organizational excellence, form the foundation for the FY 2009 budget request.

(Dollars in Millions)
FY 2009 Request 1/ 2/
Operating Administration Total Safety Reduced
& Response
Federal Aviation Administration 14,643 9,855 3,672 63 352 219 481
Federal Highway Administration 40,138 9,394 22,442 1,257 6,183 366 496
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 541 501 4 0 0 7 29
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 851 841 0 0 5 0 5
Federal Transit Administration 10,135 13 9,602 1 439 48 31
Federal Railroad Administration 1,091 184 902 0 1 1 3
Research & Innovative Technology Administration 12 0 6 0 1 0 6
Bureau of Transportation Statistics [non-add] [27] [0] [1] [21] [0] [0] [5]
Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 168 135 2 0 26 0 4
Maritime Administration 313 0 15 13 20 264 1
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation 32 0 0 32 0 0 0
Office of the Secretary 181 2 59 16 3 14 87
Office of Inspector General 70 0 0 0 0 0 70
Surface Transportation Board 23 0 11 0 0 0 12
Total, Department of Transportation 68,199 20,295 36,715 1,382 7,030 919 1,225
Share of Total DOT Budgetary Resources 100% 30.7% 53.8% 2.0% 10.3% 1.3% 1.8%
1/ Totals may not add due to rounding.
2/ Excludes proposed cancellations in unobligated balances from prior year appropriations, and includes appropriations, obligation limitations, and exempt obligations