Auction History FAQs

The Auction History query provides access to information about auctions of U.S. Treasury bills, notes, bonds, and TIPS. Information is available for viewing and download through our Historical Auction Query.

What file formats are available for downloading?

Our data is provided in 3 globally accepted ASCII file formats:

  • CSV (Comma Separated Values) - This is a simple text format with each value separated by a comma. The first line will contain the column headings. The subsequent lines will contain rows of data in the same order as the column headings. Most software packages include an import option for “CSV” data.
  • TSV (Tab Separated Values) - This is a simple text format similar to CSV, but each value is separated by a tab.
  • XML (Valid Extensible Markup Language) - This is a recently recommended data format for structured document interchange on the Web by the W3C. There are two forms of XML: well formed and valid. We provide the “valid” form of XML data. Please refer to our DTD for details on our XML documents.

What is this data used for?

This data is provided so that you may import it into your spreadsheet, database, or charting package for further analysis. If you have trouble importing the data into these third-party software packages, please refer to the manual for that package. We do not provide support for third-party packages.

Why does the XML data display in my Internet Explorer 5.x?

Microsoft's browser, Internet Explorer 5.0, is the first browser to implement an XML parser within the browser. Because it recognizes XML as a valid data type, it displays the data similar to the way it recognizes HTML. To finish your download, use the '“File, Save As” feature from the menu to save your data file to your local system.