ITLMCSDScientific Applications  Visualization Group
Visualization Software
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Up Visualization Parallel Computing Data Mining Released Software


DiVisa is an application distributed here as free for download and use. As a courtesy, it is requested that credit be given to the Scientific Applications and Visualization Group at NIST.

In order to gain insight into data collected from networks and network simulations, we have developed an information visualization tool called DiVisa.

DiVisa is a multi-dimensional visualization tool developed for researchers to understand the behavior of their data. From raw data, the user can interact with the visualization in order to obtain different "points of views" and thus to extract more information from the data. Geometrical forms such as squares, ellipses or lines are associated with data and visual attributes such as position, size, shape, color, stroke are used to represent different dimensions. Indeed, the researcher can easily modify the associations between data items and visual attributes, apply mathematical functions on and between items, subset and zoom in on areas, data ranges, or times of interest, superpose curves with transparency to compare them, and animate the visualization to show time series data. Moreover, the program can read any kind of data (simulation, statistics, text or numeric, etc.), and converters have been implemented to read several data formats without need for reformatting.

 Figure 1: One frame from an animated visualization of a simulation of the "Abilene" network. On the left panel, the innermost nodes are the backbone routers, the next ring represents the subnet routers, and the outermost ring shows the leaf routers. On the right panel, the time series curves of the routers (one is currently selected) are displayed. On the right side, different options available: numeric data display (top); superposed time series curves (middle); and diagram view (bottom).
Figure 1: One frame from an animated visualization of a simulation of the "Abilene" network. On the left panel, the innermost nodes are the backbone routers, the next ring represents the subnet routers, and the outermost ring shows the leaf routers. On the right panel, the time series curves of the routers (one is currently selected) are displayed. On the right side, different options available: numeric data display (top); superposed time series curves (middle); and diagram view (bottom).

Version 08.08.29: DiVisa_8.8.29.jar

Updates since previous version:

(bullet) K. Mills converter: memory selection improved;
(bullet) K. Mills converter: bug correction while selecting a directory;
(bullet) Text displayed: portability improved (for Windows and Mac);
(bullet) Options added: possibility to change the font, location and angle of the dashes in the visualization.

Version 08.08.26: DiVisa_8.8.26.jar

Updates since previous version:

(bullet) Bug with the Time double slider (in "Parameters") fixed.
(bullet) Bug with the Accuracy slider initialisation fixed.

Version 08.08.22: DiVisa_8.8.22.jar

Updates since previous version:

(bullet) complete rebuilding of the option "Get All Curves" for an element (accessible with right-click on an element)
(bullet) K. Mills converter: modification of the access for the selected xml file/directory
(bullet) K. Mills converter: memory kept for multiple operations
(bullet) visualizations saving: "CSV saving" bug fixed and progression bar added;
(bullet) Some others minor bugs fixed.

Version 08.08.14: DiVisa_8.8.14.jar

This is the first version available on the Internet.

Updates since previous version:

(bullet) visualizations saving: only one window with all available options instead of multiple windows;
(bullet) visualizations loading: graphical change to add properly the template option selection;
(bullet) K.Mills converter: the way selections are done have been changed to give more flexibility to the user;
(bullet) Accuracy selection: the selection is done throught a spinner to give the user the option to "enter" the number.

Updates for future releases:

(bullet) memory usage improvment;
(bullet) K.Mills converter: add more flexibility to select Algorithms/Simulations/Runs;
(bullet) K.Mills converter: create a template option designed for this converter.

Visualization: Cedric Houard John G. Hagedorn Group Leader: Judith E. Terrill

For information about this application, contact Cedric Houard

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Date created: 2001-08-14, Last updated: 2008-08-29.