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Estuaries 101 Curriculum Teacher Registration Form

Thank you for your interest in the Estuaries 101 Curriculum. You are invited to help us test and evaluate new curriculum materials and online tools that we’ve developed.

What will I need to do? To begin, please complete this short registration survey to tell us a little bit about yourself. The information you provide about yourself and your classroom will help us correlate your future responses and allow us to determine how well the materials are meeting your needs. Click here for information on NOAA's Privacy Policy.

Then download and test any of our four curriculum modules. The Life, Physical and Earth Science modules consist of a teacher's guide that you can download and print. The Chesapeake Bay module is mostly an on-line module with Web pages that you and your students can use to access real scientific data.

After you have used any or all of the modules, please complete an online feedback form. Each module contains a link to the online feedback form.

We believe the best way to assess the quality of the materials is to ask for feedback from educators like you that actually use it. We appreciate your time and your willingness to help. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Contact Information  (* ) fields are required.

First Name*
Last Name*
School Address

Zip Code
Country (If US, please leave it blank)

Grade level(s) you teach:*


Primary subject taught: (Choose all that apply)

In what educational setting(s) do you teach?* (Choose all that apply)

How many days would you estimate that you currently spend teaching about estuaries, watersheds, coastal areas, and/or oceans?*  

Which module will you use in your classroom?* (Choose all that apply)

What is the total number of students that you will engage in the module(s) checked above?

How many classes will participate?

How do you plan to integrate this project into your teaching practice?* (Choose all that apply)

How did you hear about this opportunity to pre-test the Estuaries 101 curriculum?* (Choose all that apply)



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