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Guatemala will be the venue for the Sixth Water Dialogue

Organized by the Government of Guatemala and the Inter-American Water Resources Network (IWRN), the Sixth Dialogue will take place in Guatemala City, on August 12-17, 2007. The Sixth Inter-American Dialogue on Water Management (D6) is the most prominent regional event that gathers a wide array of stakeholders and practitioners in the theme of water management in the Americas.

Organized by the Inter-American Water Resources Network and the Government of Guatemala, with the collaboration of many international agencies, civil society organizations, academic institutions, and the private sector, the Sixth Dialogue will take on the need to evolve .From Dialogue to action . Strengthening partnerships and building the basis for meeting the Millennium Development Goals..

To access the D6 page, click here


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To enhance sustainable integrated water resources policies and management in the Americas by providing an inclusive and collaborative environment among individuals, organizations, and governments.







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