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Physical Activity and Fitness



Modifications to Objectives and Subobjectives

Progress Toward Healthy People 2010 Targets

Progress Toward Elimination of Health Disparities

Opportunities and Challenges

Emerging Issues

Progress Quotient Chart

Disparities Table (See below)

Race and Ethnicity

Gender, Education, Location, and Disability

Objectives and Subobjectives


Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

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Midcourse Review  >  Table of Contents  >  Focus Area 22: Physical Activity and Fitness  >  Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas
Midcourse Review Healthy People 2010 logo
Physical Activity and Fitness Focus Area 22

Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

1. Access to Quality Health Services
1-3. Counseling about health behaviors

2. Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions
2-2. Activity limitations due to arthritis
2-3. Personal care limitations
2-8. Arthritis education
2-9. Cases of osteoporosis
2-11. Activity limitations due to chronic back conditions

3. Cancer
3-5. Colorectal cancer deaths
3-7. Prostate cancer deaths
3-9. Sun exposure and skin cancer
3-10. Provider counseling about cancer prevention

4. Chronic Kidney Disease
4-8. Medical evaluation and treatment for persons with diabetes and chronic kidney disease

5. Diabetes
5-1. Diabetes education
5-2. New cases of diabetes
5-3. Overall cases of diagnosed diabetes
5-4. Diagnosis of diabetes
5-5. Diabetes deaths
5-6. Diabetes-related deaths
5-7. Cardiovascular disease deaths in persons with diabetes

6. Disability and Secondary Conditions
6-2. Feelings and depression among children with disabilities
6-3. Feelings and depression interfering with activities among adults with disabilities
6-4. Social participation among adults with disabilities
6-9. Inclusion of children and youth with disabilities in regular education programs
6-10. Accessibility of health and wellness programs
6-12. Environmental barriers affecting participation in activities
6-13. Surveillance and health promotion programs

7. Educational and Community-Based Programs
7-2. School health education
7-3. Health-risk behavior information for college and university students
7-5. Worksite health promotion programs
7-6. Participation in employer-sponsored health promotion activities
7-10. Community health promotion programs
7-11. Culturally appropriate and linguistically competent community health promotion programs
7-12. Older adult participation in community health promotion activities

8. Environmental Health
8-1. Harmful air pollutants
8-2. Alternative modes of transportation
8-9. Beach closings
8-20. School policies to protect against environmental hazards

9. Family Planning
9-11. Reproductive health education

11. Health Communication
11-1. Households with Internet access
11-4. Quality of Internet health information sources

12. Heart Disease and Stroke
12-1. Coronary heart disease (CHD) deaths
12-7. Stroke deaths
12-9. High blood pressure
12-10. High blood pressure control
12-11. Action to help control blood pressure
12-13. Mean total blood cholesterol levels
12-14. High blood cholesterol levels
12-16. LDL-cholesterol level in CHD patients

15. Injury and Violence Prevention
15-1. Nonfatal head injuries
15-2. Nonfatal spinal cord injuries
15-13. Deaths from unintentional injuries
15-14. Emergency department visits for nonfatal unintentional injuries
15-16. Pedestrian deaths
15-18. Nonfatal pedestrian injuries
15-21. Motorcycle helmet use
15-23. Bicycle helmet use
15-24. Bicycle helmet laws
15-27. Deaths from falls
15-28. Hip fractures
15-29. Drownings
15-31. Injury protection in school sports

16. Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
16-3. Adolescent and young adult deaths
16-12. Weight gain during pregnancy

17. Medical Product Safety
17-2. Use of information technology
17-5. Receipt of oral counseling about medications from prescribers and dispensers

18. Mental Health and Mental Disorders
18-5. Disordered eating behaviors
18-7. Treatment for children with mental health problems
18-9. Treatment for adults with mental disorders

19. Nutrition and Overweight
19-1. Healthy weight in adults
19-2. Obesity in adults
19-3. Overweight or obesity in children and adolescents
19-16. Worksite promotion of nutrition education and weight management

20. Occupational Safety and Health
20-1. Work-related injury deaths
20-2. Work-related injuries
20-3. Overextension or repetitive motion
20-9. Worksite stress reduction programs

23. Public Health Infrastructure
23-2. Public access to information and surveillance data
23-17. Population-based prevention research

24. Respiratory Diseases
24-1. Deaths from asthma
24-2. Hospitalizations for asthma
24-3. Hospital emergency department visits for asthma
24-4. Activity limitations
24-5. School or work days lost
24-6. Patient education
24-7. Appropriate asthma care

25. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
25-11. Responsible adolescent sexual behavior

26. Substance Abuse
26-9. Substance-free youth
26-14. Steroid use among adolescents
26-17. Perception of risk associated with substance abuse
26-23. Community partnerships and coalitions

27. Tobacco Use
27-1. Adult tobacco use
27-2. Adolescent tobacco use
27-3. Initiation of tobacco use
27-4. Age at first tobacco use
27-5. Smoking cessation by adults
27-7. Smoking cessation by adolescents

28. Vision and Hearing
28-9. Protective eyewear

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