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The help provided to the grieving families of deceased military personnel and the ceremonial paying of respect at their memorials provide the final demonstration of our Nation's gratitude to those who faithfully defended our country in peace and war.

guidance icon

DoD Directive 1300.15, Military Funeral Support
DoD Directive 1300.22, Mortuary Policy
DoD Instruction 1300.18, Military Personnel Casualty Matters, Policies and Procedures

DoD Resources Icon


Military Funeral Honors. This Web site provides the general public with information on military funeral honors, as well as helpful links to related military and veterans issues Web sites.
Arlington National Cemetery. The official Web site of the nation's cemetery provides a virtual tour of the cemetery, information on exhibits and memorials, and how to find a specific grave.
National Cemetery Administration. Department of Veterans Affairs, this site provides information about burial, national and military cemeteries, military honors, and VA burial benefits.
Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office. The Department of Defense (DoD) is committed to an unwavering effort to bring home or account for each and every service member lost due to hostile action.

Service Resources Icon


Air Force Aid Society arranges transportation, provides low cost loans and other important support for Air Force families in need.
Army Emergency Relief Society arranges transportation, provides low cost loans and other important support for Army families in need.

Army Personnel Command (PERSCOM Online). This site can provide information on the Army Casualty and Memorial Affairs Operation Center.
Federal Employees Education and Assistance Fund provides educational benefits and emergency assistance exclusively to all civilian federal and postal employees and their dependent family members.
Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society arranges transportation, provides low cost loans and other important support for Navy and Marine Corps families in need.

Other Resources Icon


American Red Cross provides a variety of casualty support services, including arranging low-cost lodging.
The Intrepid/Anheuser-Busch Fallen Heroes Fund will provide scholarships to spouses and children of U.S. military and coalition personnel killed during the war in Iraq.
The National League of POW/MIA Families.
The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, Inc. (TAPS) is a national non-profit organization made up of, and providing services to, all those who have lost a loved one while serving in the Armed Forces.

United Services Organization (USO) will assist the families of military casualties in arranging transportation and finding low-cost lodging.

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