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State & Local Toolkit: Basic Information

A Guide to Building Clean Diesel Programs

Clean Diesel
Grants and Funding

Current Funding Opportunities

State Clean Diesel Program

This toolkit provides a broad array of tools and resources for designing, funding, and evaluating programs that reduce diesel engine emissions.


This toolkit is a compilation of examples and procedures designed to help state, regional, and local governments improve air quality and public health through diesel engine emission reduction efforts, particularly for those states and localities participating in the National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC) State Grant Program and/or the National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program.

Protecting public health and keeping the air clean are shared responsibilities. As policy makers, state and local governments can do their part for clean air by reducing emissions from their fleets and by creating and managing incentive programs to help others reduce diesel emissions.

The information is separated into the following categories:

Building Support

Strong support for an emission reduction program increases the likelihood for a successful outcome. These resources describe clean diesel benefits and cost-effectiveness, and include information about available partnerships (such as the Regional Clean Diesel Collaboratives), outreach materials, and educational resources.

Program Design

How can you create an effective diesel emission reduction program? What incentives, grants, and requirements should be included? Potential program ideas are presented here along with factors to consider when choosing a program. Every jurisdiction is different, so use this information to design a program that best works under local circumstances.


Finding the funds to support the desired program is among the greatest challenges for a successful clean diesel program. State programs that provide support for these projects are described as are other potential funding resources.


Did a particular clean diesel program work? What criteria should be used to evaluate a project? How should emissions reductions be calculated? The information here discusses the records that should be kept, the credits that might be claimed, and the reports that should be written to document the performance of the program.

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