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NGDC Tsunami Inundation Gridding Project

Tsunami DEM Development


The National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is under contract to the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) to develop high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) of combined bathymetry and topography for the NOAA Center for Tsunami Research. The DEMs ("grids") are being used as input for the Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) model developed by PMEL to simulate tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation (e.g., Table 1). Intermediate 9 arc-second bathymetric grids of the U.S. East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean, developed by NGDC, are also being used as input to the MOST model to simulate tsunami propagation.

Table 1: Example of DEM specifications for Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Grid Area Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Coverage Area 78.4°W to 79.2°W and 33.25°N to 33.95°N
Coordinate System Geographic Decimal Degrees
Horizontal Datum World Geodetic System (WGS84)
Vertical datum Mean High Water
Vertical Units Meters
Grid Spacings 1 arc-second and 1/3 arc-seconds
Grid Format ASCII raster grid

Data Sources

The DEMs are developed using the best available digital data. Shoreline, bathymetric, topographic, and shoreline-crossing data (e.g., Figure 1) are obtained from numerous federal and state government agencies, academic institutions, and private companies (e.g., Table 2).

Data sets must be assessed for quality and accuracy both within each data set, and between data sets to ensure consistency and gradual topographic transitioning along the edges of data sets. Data sets are converted into ESRI ArcGIS shape files for viewing and evaluating with ArcMap. The data are collected by numerous methods, in different terrestrial environments, and at various scales and resolutions. For some important bathymetric and topographic features there are no digital data, necessitating hand digitizing of these features for inclusion in the tsunami inundation grids (see Problems Encountered, below).

Figure 1: Data sets used in Myrtle Beach DEM
data sets for Myrtle Beach, South Carolina DEM

Table 2: Bathymetric data sources used in Myrtle Beach DEM
SourceYearData TypeSpatial ResolutionOriginal Horizontal Datum/Coordinate SystemOriginal Vertical Datum
NOS1925 to 1972Hydrographic survey soundingsRanges from 10 meters to 1 kilometer (varies with scale of survey, depth, traffic and probability of obstructions)NAD27 (undocumented for H04521)MLW
USGS1999 to2002Interferometric sonar grid100 meters grid spacingWGS84, UTM Zone 17MLLW
USACE2005 to 2006Hydrographic surveys within the Intracoastal WaterwayTwo parallel survey lines ~ 20 meters apart with ~ 0.4 meter point spacingNAD83, South Carolina State Planes, US foot

Processing Procedures

Figure 2 illustrates the sequence of procedures used in developing the tsunami inundation grids. After initial evaluation of the digital datasets obtained by NGDC, it is necessary to shift the data to common horizontal and vertical datums.

These shifts are accomplished using the software package FME. The relationships between vertical datums (e.g., Mean High Water, Mean Lower Low Water, Mean Sea Level) in some gridding regions have been established and incorporated into the VDatum software tool developed jointly by NOAA's Office of Coast Survey and National Geodetic Survey. VDatum can be utilized to transform the data into Mean High Water (MHW), the vertical datum chosen for tsunami inundation modeling. In other areas, PMEL provides gridded surfaces that represent differences in vertical datums or relationships established from prior investigations. In the remaining areas it is necessary for NGDC to calculate vertical datum relationships from local tide station values.

Some datasets have data point spacings much greater than that required for the 1/3 to 1 arc-second (~10 to 30 meter) tsunami inundation grids. For example, shoreline-crossing beach profiles typically have point spacings on the order of one meter, however, the profiles may be spaced hundreds of meters apart. These datasets need to separately "surfaced" with Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) software to infill regions between the well-defined beach profiles with consistent elevation data values. The resulting "pre-grids" are closely cropped to the spatial extent of the data coverage area to prevent extrapolation into areas covered by other datasets. Many National Ocean Service (NOS) inland water-body surveys also have data point spacings significantly greater than that required for the grids; data points from these surveys are gridded with ESRI ArcCatalog to a distance of 5 grid cells so that the river channels and harbors are well defined. Deep-water NOS surveys typically have data points up to a kilometer or more apart. These surveys are also pre-gridded using ArcCatalog to interpolate between soundings.

Figure 2: Work flow of DEM development
diagram of workflow

Final DEM creation is accomplished using the shareware package MB-System. This National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded software is designed for manipulating multibeam sonar data, including ASCII xyz data. The xyz data are extracted from the edited ESRI shape files and assigned a data "hierarchy" (e.g., Table 3) so that the best data has the largest impact on the values calculated for each grid cell. Gridding is accomplished using a tight spline tension to interpolate between cells with data values, assigning every cell of the DEM an elevation value.

Table 3: Data hierarchy used to assign gridding weight in MB-System for Myrtle Beach DEM
DatasetRelative Gridding Weight
USACE Intracoastal Waterway surveys100
NGDC-digitized Intracoastal Waterway dredged depths100
Beach profiles, Coastal Science and Engineering, Inc.100
Beach profiles, Coastal Carolina University50
Horry County Topographic LiDAR50
USGS NED topography10
USGS interferometric sonar bathymetry data: pre-surfaced5
NOS hydrographic surveys: gridded inland waterways1
NOS hydrographic surveys: gridded open ocean0.1

Problems encountered

Numerous problems may be encountered during the data evaluation and gridding process. These include mismatches between datasets, morphologic changes to the region subsequent to data collection, and problems inherent to the data themselves.

Mismatches between datasets are most common with the NOS hydrographic surveys, many of which date from the early to mid 20th century. This is especially true where geomorphologic and anthropogenic change has modified inland water-bodies. For example, modern dredging of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has significantly deepened that channel. Similarly, many river channels have migrated such that the recent topographic LiDAR data mismatches the older NOS surveys (e.g., Figure 3).

Satellite imagery viewable with Google Earth is used to help assess the current morphology of suspect features before a determination is made as to which dataset to edit.

Figure 3: Example of inland waterway migration
Horse Ford Inlet migration

Figure 4 illustrates the problem of features without representation in any available digital dataset. One significant tsunami-affecting feature in the Myrtle Beach region is a recently built jetty at the entrance of Murrells Inlet. This feature is not represented in NOS hydrographic surveys of the inlet or in USGS National Elevation Dataset (NED) topography but is visible in satellite imagery. NGDC chose to digitize this feature as two, 1-meter elevation lines, and excise NOS soundings in their immediate vicinity. Google Earth satellite imagery and current NOS navigation charts were used to accurately locate the jetty.

Other problems include anomalous data values within datasets. These may result from problems during data collection or initial processing and generally cannot be rectified by NGDC; these data points are usually excised prior to gridding.

Figure 4: Digitized features
Murrells Jetty

Evaluating the digital elevation models

Evaluation of the DEMs consists of several separate checks. The DEMs are visually inspected for anomalous "spikes" and "wells" using ESRI ArcScene, which renders 3-dimensional views of the grids that can be rotated, color-coded by depth and vertically exaggerated (e.g., Figure 5).

Figure 5: Perspective view of Myrtle Beach DEM
perspective view of Myrtle Beach DEM

A "slope" map is also generated (e.g., Figure 6), which highlights changes in slope that should reflect natural morphology rather than artificial features at the edges of datasets.

Close inspection of the DEMs reveals artificial features that necessitate reevaluation of the data and regridding. For direct comparison of elevation values, bench marks and points, typically local highs with specified elevations are extracted from USGS topographic charts and compared to DEM cell values in corresponding locations. More exact evaluations utilize tide stations within the gridding region (e.g., Table 4), consisting of known elevations above MHW that can be directly compared with the corresponding elevations extracted from the DEMs. In this instance, the benchmark elevations are not used in the gridding process.

Slope map of Myrtle Beach DEM
Figure 6: Slope map of Myrtle Beach DEM

Table 4: Comparison of tidal bench mark elevations, in meters, with the 1 arc-second Myrtle Beach DEM
86600981975078° 34'45"W33° 52'07"N5.0256.624641.59964
86601471975078° 34'41"W33° 51'39"N7.4166.82289-0.59310
86601661986078° 39'00"W33° 51'23"N2.362-1.38160-3.74360
86602651976078° 37'49"W33° 49'59"N1.531-0.96400-2.49500
86606421982078° 48'40"W33° 45'51"N10.84910.54685-0.30214
86608541982078° 55'06"W33° 42'40"N5.8645.26787-0.59612
86609831982079° 00'24"W33° 41'21"N5.0955.408440.31344
86610701979078° 55'15"W33° 39'23"N3.8762.88868-0.98731
86611391982079° 05'47"W33° 39'02"N3.7033.15566-0.54733
86612991981079° 09'11"W33° 36'28"N3.4730.67200-2.80099
86614191975079° 00'32"W33° 35'01"N3.8374.172210.33521
86615291982079° 01'50"W33° 33'35"N1.5190.72462-0.79437
86615591975079° 02'30"W33° 33'04"N1.9800.91384-1.06615
86615821982079° 01'22"W33° 32'40"N1.465-0.44029-1.90529
86616841986079° 04'09"W33° 30'35"N1.1760.23777-0.93822
86619891982079° 07'30"W33° 26'13"N1.6932.008410.31541
86619911975079° 10'45"W33° 26'16"N3.7671.18093-2.58606
86620711975079° 07'56"W33° 24'44"N1.7351.14338-0.59161
86622451982079° 11'43"W33° 21'02"N0.8110.12637-0.68462
86622991976079° 11'40"W33° 20'06"N0.8420.14878-0.69321
Standard Deviation1.25010

Additional Information

Additional tsunami inundation DEM development information on procedures, data sources, and analysis specific to each completed grid is available in the accompanying report for that region.

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