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Upper Carson River

Upper Carson River Data Compilation

Compile existing data, evaluate trends in streamflow, and determine the types of data needed to refine understanding of ground-water/surface-water interaction in the upper Carson River Basin.

Project Chief:

Cooperator: Churchill County; Truckee-Carson Irrigation District; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Period of project: 2006-2008

Changing land and water use throughout the upper Carson River Basin and steady population growth and development is increasing the demand for water resources in the basin. Agricultural land is being urbanized while land not previously irrigated may be converted to agricultural use. Changes in land- and water-use and increasing development of water resources in the upper Carson River Basin may affect flow of the river and, in turn, affect downstream water users dependent on sustained river flows to Lahontan Reservoir.


Compile existing surface-water, ground-water, and water-quality data in the upper Carson River Basin, evaluate trends in streamflow upstream of Lahontan Dam, and determine the types of data needed to refine understanding ground-water/surface-water interaction in the study area.

Strategy and Approach

This study is intended to be the initial phase of a long-term investigation of surface-water/ground-water interactions in the upper Carson River Basin. The objectives will be met by completing four main tasks: (1) compile and review historical surface- and ground-water data, (2) describe current surface- and ground-water quality, (3) complete a statistical analysis of historical upper Carson River streamflow and evaluate surface-water/ground-water interactions, and (4) determine the locations and type of data needed to refine understanding of surface-water/ground-water interactions. Data will be compiled from a literature search of existing reports on ground water, surface water, and water quality in the upper Carson River Basin, USGS databases, files from the Federal Water Master's office, State and local agencies, and from ongoing studies. An appraisal will be made of current water-quality conditions with respect to both surface water and ground water. A statistical analysis of Carson River streamflow will be made using long-term data from several gaging stations. This analysis, in conjunction with ground-water data, may show if ground-water pumping has had a measurable effect on Carson River flows.

Relevance and Benefits

Evaluating the upper Carson River from its headwaters to Lahontan Dam will provide water-resources information that can be used by water planners of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, State of Nevada, Douglas County, Lyon County, Churchill County, and the Truckee-Carson Irrigation District. Results from this study will help the USGS meet its mission of providing reliable, impartial information that is used to manage water and directly addresses the Environment & Natural Resources portion of the USGS strategic plan.

Contact Information

Justin Mayers
USGS Nevada Water Science Center
2730 N. Deer Run Rd.
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: (775) 887-7715

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Page Contact Information: Nevada Water Science Center Web Team
Page Last Modified: July 7, 2008