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Sec1843[42 U.S.C. 1395v] (a) The Secretary shall, at the request of a State made before January 1, 1970, or during 1981 or after 1988, enter into an agreement with such State pursuant to which all eligible individuals in either of the coverage groups described in subsection (b) (as specified in the agreement) will be enrolled under the program established by this part.

(b) An agreement entered into with any State pursuant to subsection (a) may be applicable to either of the following coverage groups:

(1) individuals receiving money payments under the plan of such State approved under title I or title XVI; or

(2) individuals receiving money payments under all of the plans of such State approved under titles I, X, XIV, and XVI, and part A of title IV.

Except as provided in subsection (g), there shall be excluded from any coverage group any individual who is entitled to monthly insurance benefits under title II or who is entitled to receive an annuity under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974[232]. Effective January 1, 1974, and subject to section 1902(f), the Secretary shall, at the request of any State not eligible to participate in the State plan program established under title XVI, continue in effect the agreement entered into under this section with such State subject to such modifications as the Secretary may by regulations provide to take account of the termination of any plans of such State approved under titles I, X, XIV, and XVI and the establishment of the supplemental security income program under title XVI.

(c) For purposes of this section, an individual shall be treated as an eligible individual only if he is an eligible individual (within the meaning of section 1836) on the date an agreement covering him is entered into under subsection (a) or he becomes an eligible individual (within the meaning of such section) at any time after such date; and he shall be treated as receiving money payments described in subsection (b) if he receives such payments for the month in which the agreement is entered into or any month thereafter.

(d) In the case of any individual enrolled pursuant to this section—

(1) the monthly premium to be paid by the State shall be determined under section 1839 (without any increase under subsection (b) thereof);

(2) his coverage period shall begin on whichever of the following is the latest:

(A) July 1, 1966;

(B) the first day of the third month following the month in which the State agreement is entered into;

(C) the first day of the first month in which he is both an eligible individual and a member of a coverage group specified in the agreement under this section; or

(D) such date as may be specified in the agreement; and

(3) his coverage period attributable to the agreement with the State under this section shall end on the last day of whichever of the following first occurs:

(A) the month in which he is determined by the State agency to have become ineligible both for money payments of a kind specified in the agreement and (if there is in effect a modification entered into under subsection (h)) for medical assistance, or

(B) the month preceding the first month for which he becomes entitled to monthly benefits under title II or to an annuity or pension under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974.

(e) Any individual whose coverage period attributable to the State agreement is terminated pursuant to subsection (d)(3) shall be deemed for purposes of this part (including the continuation of his coverage period under this part) to have enrolled under section 1837 in the initial general enrollment period provided by section 1837(c). The coverage period under this part of any such individual who (in the last month of his coverage period attributable to the State agreement or in any of the following six months) files notice that he no longer wishes to participate in the insurance program established by this part, shall terminate at the close of the month in which the notice is filed.

(f) With respect to eligible individuals receiving money payments under the plan of a State approved under title I, X, XIV, or XVI, or part A of title IV, or eligible to receive medical assistance under the plan of such State approved under title XIX, if the agreement entered into under this section so provides, the term “carrier” as defined in section 1842(f) also includes the State agency, specified in such agreement, which administers or supervises the administration of the plan of such State approved under title I, XVI, or XIX. The agreement shall also contain such provisions as will facilitate the financial transactions of the State and the carrier with respect to deductions, coinsurance, and otherwise, and as will lead to economy and efficiency of operation, with respect to individuals receiving money payments under plans of the State approved under titles I, X, XIV, and XVI, and part A of title IV, and individuals eligible to receive medical assistance under the plan of the State approved under title XIX.

(g)(1) The Secretary shall, at the request of a State made before January 1, 1970, or during 1981 or after 1988, enter into a modification of an agreement entered into with such State pursuant to subsection (a) under which the second sentence of subsection (b) shall not apply with respect to such agreement.

(2) In the case of any individual who would (but for this subsection) be excluded from the applicable coverage group described in subsection (b) by the second sentence of such subsection—

(A) subsections (c) and (d)(2) shall be applied as if such subsections referred to the modification under this subsection (in lieu of the agreement under subsection (a)), and

(B) subsection (d)(3)(B) shall not apply so long as there is in effect a modification entered into by the State under this subsection.

(h)(1) The Secretary shall, at the request of a State made before January 1, 1970, or during 1981 or after 1988, enter into a modification of an agreement entered into with such State pursuant to subsection (a) under which the coverage group described in subsection (b) and specified in such agreement is broadened to include (A) individuals who are eligible to receive medical assistance under the plan of such State approved under title XIX, or (B) qualified medicare beneficiaries (as defined in section 1905(p)(1)).

(2) For purposes of this section, an individual shall be treated as eligible to receive medical assistance under the plan of the State approved under title XIX if, for the month in which the modification is entered into under this subsection or for any month thereafter, he has been determined to be eligible to receive medical assistance under such plan. In the case of any individual who would (but for this subsection) be excluded from the agreement, subsections (c) and (d)(2) shall be applied as if they referred to the modification under this subsection (in lieu of the agreement under subsection (a)), and subsection (d)(2)(C) shall be applied (except in the case of qualified medicare beneficiaries, as defined in section 1905(p)(1)) by substituting “second month following the first month” for “first month”.

(3) In this subsection, the term “qualified medicare beneficiary” also includes an individual described in section 1902(a)(10)(E)(iii).

(i) For provisions relating to enrollment of qualified medicare beneficiaries under part A, see section 1818(g).

[232]  P.L. 75–162 [as amended by P.L. 93–445].

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Last reviewed or modified Thursday Aug 21, 2008
