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Selected Publications

Mitochondrial DNA Replication Group

  1. Ferraris S, Clark S, Garelli E, Davidzon G, Moore SA, Kardon RH, Bienstock RJ, Longley MJ, Mancuso M, Rios PG, Hirano M, Copeland WC, DiMauro S. (2008) Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, vision, and hearing loss in a patient with mutations in POLG2 and OPA1. Archives of neurology 65(1):125-131. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  2. Copeland, W.C. (2007) Inherited mitochondrial diseases of DNA Replication. Sep 24; [Epub ahead of print]. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  3. Graziewicz, M.A., Bienstock, R.J., and Copeland, W.C. (2007) The DNA polymerase γ Y955C disease variant associated with PEO and parkinsonism mediates the incorporation and translesion synthesis opposite 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine. Hum. Mol. Genet. 16:2729–2739. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS
  4. Lewis, W., Day, B.J., Kohler, J.J., Hosseini, S.H., Chan, S.S.L., Green, E., Haase, C.P., Keebaugh, E., Long, R., Ludaway, T., Russ, R., Steltzer, J., Tioleco, N., Santoianni, R., and Copeland, W.C. (2007) Decreased MtDNA, Oxidative Stress, Cardiomyopathy, and Death from Transgenic Cardiac Targeted Human Mutant Polymerase γ. Laboratory Investigation. 87: 326-335. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  5. Chan, S.S.L., Santos, J.H., Meyer, J.N., Mandavilli, B.S., Cook, Jr., D.L., McCash, C.L., Van Houten, B., Copeland, W.C., Walker, V.E., and J.B. Bishop (2007) Mitochondrial toxicity following perinatal exposure of CD-1 mice to AZT, 3TC, or AZT-3TC. Env. Mol. Mut. 48:190-200. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  6. Chan S.S.L., Longley M.J., and Copeland W.C. (2006) Modulation of the W748S mutation in DNA polymerase γ by the single nucleotide polymorphism, E1143G, in mitochondrial disorders. Hum Mol Genetics 15(23): 3473-3483. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  7. Graziewicz, M. A., Longley, M. J., and Copeland, W. C. (2006) DNA polymerase gamma in Mitochondrial DNA Replication Group and repair. Chemical Reviews (Ed. Robert Kuchta) 106(2): 383-405. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  8. Longley, M. J., Clark, S., Yu Wai Man, C., Hudson, G., Durham, S. E., Taylor, R. W., Nightingale, S., Turnbull, D. M., Copeland, W. C., and Chinnery, P. F. (2006) Mutant POLG2 disrupts DNA polymerase gamma subunits and causes progressive external ophthalmoplegia. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 78(6): 1026-1034. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  9. Lewis, W., Kohler, J.J., Hosseini, S.H., Haase, C.P., Copeland. W.C., Bienstock, R.J., Ludaway, T., McNaught, J., Russ, R., Stuart. T., and Santoianni, R. (2006) Antiretroviral nucleosides, deoxynucleotide carrier, and mitochondrial DNA: evidence supporting the DNA pol gamma hypothesis. AIDS, 20(5): 675-684. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  10. Stuart, G.R., Santos, J.H., Strand, M.K., Van Houten, B., and W.C. Copeland (2006) Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA Defects in Saccharomyces cerevisiae With Mutations in DNA Polymerase gamma Associated With Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia Hum. Mol. Genetics 15(2): 363-374. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  11. Nguyen, K. V., Sharief, F.S., Chan, S.S.L., Copeland, W.C. and R.K. Naviaux (2006) Molecular diagnosis of Alpers Syndrome. J. of Hepatology 45(1): 108-116. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  12. Zheng, W., Khrapko, K., Coller, H.A., Thilly, W.G., and Copeland, W.C. (2006) Origins of human mitochondrial point mutations as DNA polymerase gamma–mediated errors. Mutation Research 599(1-2): 11-20. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  13. Chan, S.S.L., Longley, M.J., and W.C. Copeland (2005) The common A467T mutation in the human mitochondrial DNA polymerase (POLG) compromises catalytic efficiency and interaction with the accessory subunit. J. Biol. Chem. 280(36): 31341-31346. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  14. Chan, S.S.L., Longley, M.J., Naviaux, R.K., and W.C. Copeland (2005) Mono-allelic POLG expression resulting from nonsense-mediated decay and alternative splicing in a patient with Alpers syndrome. DNA Repair. 4(12): 1381-1389. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  15. Longley, M. J., Graziewicz, M. A., Bienstock, R. J., and Copeland, W. C. (2005) Consequences of mutations in human DNA polymerase gamma. Gene 354: 125-131. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  16. Song, S., Pursell Z. F., Copeland W. C., Longley M. J., Kunkel T. A., and Mathews, C. K. (2005) DNA precursor asymmetries in mammalian mitochondrial tissues and possible contribution to mitochondrial mutagenesis through reduced replication fidelity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 102(14): 4990-4995. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  17. Graziewicz, M.A., Longley, M.J., Bienstock, R.J., Zeviani, M., Copeland W. C. (2004) Structure-function defects of human mitochondrial DNA polymerase in autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 11(8): 770-776. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  18. Bienstock, R.J. and Copeland ,W. C. (2004) Molecular insights into NRTI inhibition and mitochondrial toxicity revealed from a structural model of the human mitochondrial DNA polymerase. Mitochondrion 4(2-3): 203-213. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  19. Graziewicz, M.A., Sayer, J.M., Jerina , D.J. and Copeland, W. C. (2004) Nucleotide incorporation by human DNA polymerase gamma opposite benzo[a]pyrene and benzo[c]phenanthrene diol epoxide adducts of deoxyguanosine and deoxyadenosine. Nucleic Acids Res. 32(1): 397-405. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  20. Strand, M. K., Stuart, G., Longley, M. J., Graziewicz, M. A., Dominick, O. C., and Copeland, W. C. (2003) POS5 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a mitochondrial NADH kinase required for stability of mitochondrial DNA. Eukaryotic Cell 2(4): 809-820. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  21. Lim, S.E., Ponamarev, M.V., Longley, M.J., and Copeland, W.C. (2003) Structural determinants in human DNA polymerase gamma account for mitochondrial toxicity from nucleoside analogs J. Mol. Biol. 329(1): 45-57. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  22. Ponamarev, M.V., Longley, M.J., Nguyen, D., Kunkel, T.A., and Copeland, W.C. (2002) Active site mutation in DNA polymerase gamma associated with progressive external ophthalmoplegia causes error-prone DNA synthesis. J. Biol. Chem. 277(18): 15225-15228. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  23. Graziewicz, M.A., Day, B.J., and Copeland, W.C. (2002) The mitochondrial DNA polymerase as a target of oxidative damage. Nucleic Acids Res. 30(13): 2817-2824. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  24. Copeland, W. C., Editor (2002) Mitochondrial DNA: Methods and Protocols. Humana Press. Vol. 197. 432 pp. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  25. Longley, M.J., Nguyen, D., Kunkel, T.A. and Copeland, W.C. (2001) The fidelity of human DNA polymerase gamma with and without exonucleolytic proofreading and the p55 accessory subunit. J. Biol. Chem. 276(42): 38555–38562. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website
  26. Lim, S.E., and Copeland, W.C. (2001) Differential incorporation and removal of antiviral deoxynucleotides by human DNA polymerase gamma. J. Biol. Chem. 276(26): 23616-23623. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS Website

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