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Dr. Milton English in a classroom The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) participates each year in National DNA Day by sending researchers out to high schools around the country. These "Ambassadors" visit classrooms and talk about their research, their career path or what's exciting in genetic research today.

Ambassadors are NHGRI researchers, trainees, and other staff who present current topics in genetics, the work they do, as well as career options in the field to high school audiences. In 2008, NHGRI will be sending about 40 DNA Day Ambassadors to discuss their fields of study to high schools around the country and to high schools in the DC metropolitan area. Through the use of educational materials, online resources and speakers, students are engaged in learning about the latest advances and technologies in genetics, and how they might get involved in the field.

The NHGRI Ambassadors provide unique and meaningful DNA Day activities to a diverse audience of students and teachers.

Milton English, Ph.D.

Testimonies from Ambassadors

Dr. Milton English has been an NHGRI DNA Day Ambassador for several years :
"It has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had as a member of the institute," said Dr. English. "I really feel as if I am giving back to the public. It is also very rewarding to talk to kids about genome and my work."

"I also feel it is important for kids to see that scientists are a diverse group of individuals and I am all too happy to inform them about another career choice as a scientist."

What do teachers have to say about the Ambassador visits?

"The speaker coincided with the completion of our study of DNA. It was great. The students were able to see examples of applications of DNA technology and careers related to DNA study. " New Bern High School

"This was the most informative and engaging program that my students have been exposed to ever. I was very pleased with the presenter and the information she presented. My students understood why they were studying DNA." Towers High School

"It was excellent. Our students were able to see a real-life application of DNA. They were introduced to research and prospective job opportunities that they typically would not be." Brunswick Early College High School

"It was wonderful! Good to have someone else present ideas-especially someone so current on the issues. This helped with the review for my AP Biology students as we prepare for the national exam. This will also help me next year as I teach genetics." Dacula High School

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Last Reviewed: August 26, 2008

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