START (global change SysTem for Analysis, Research, and Training

Cities at Risk Workshop, Asia’s densely populated deltas and mega-deltas and other low-lying coastal urban areas are among those described in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report as “key societal hotspots of coastal vulnerability” with many millions of people potentially affected. - Cities at Risk Page

Farai Mapanda
University of Zimbabwe

“Short-term Impact of Cultivating Miombo Woodlands on Greenhouse Gas Exchange”

Agricultural encroachment of forestlands, as a result of the rapidly evolving agrarian reforms in Southern Africa, is an important but poorly understood external driver in soil emission of greenhouse gases. The objectives of this proposed project are to quantify emissions of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide, from plots on: 1) cleared and cropped, 2) only cleared, and 3) undisturbed woodlands.  Changes in the area forested land, and the management of those lands for agriculture, have serious implications for the greenhouse gas balance of savanna woodlands.

On Monday 08 September 2008, Farai Mapanda presented a poster at the 10th International Conference of the International Global Atmospheric Committee in Annecy, France. Poster

His research is supported by an African Small Grant from START.

START is responding to the challenge of global environmental change by building human and institutional capacity and generating knowledge to support decisions that enable sustainable development in developing country regions. Through a framework of regional research centers, research nodes, science committees and secretariats, START
  • Conducts research on regional aspects of global change;
  • Provides fellowship and education opportunities;
  • Shares knowledge, expertise and data;
  • Bridges between science and society to support decision making; and
  • Mobilizes financial, institutional and human resources.

Biodiversity in the Albertine Rift: Graduate level courses

START and the Institute for Resource Assessment (IRA) of the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, with funding from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, are implementing a program of education and training to build capacity in the Albertine rift region of Africa for conserving biodiversity in a changing climate. Webpage

During July and August 2008, twenty early- to mid-career conservation professionals and practitioners from the Albertine Rift countries of Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Congo participated in intensive Master’s level courses at the University of Dar es Salaam.  Program participants are currently in various stages of executing guided externships at several locations within the Albertine Rift region.

Baseline Assessment Report


Advanced Institute on "The Asian Monsoon System: Prediction of Change and Variability

In collaboration with the APN, International Pacific Research Center (IPRC) based at the University of Hawaii, and East-West Center, START sponsored an Advanced Institute entitled, “The Asian Monsoon System: Prediction of Change and Variability.” The Institute made contributions to the Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) project of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and the Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS). It was held at the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii (Honolulu, HI) from 2-12 January 2008.

Institute Website

Advanced Institute for African Scientists on Global Environmental Change and the Vulnerability of Water Resources in the Context of the Millennium Development Goals

The START-sponsored three-week intensive seminar session of the “Advanced Institute for African Scientists on Global Environmental Change and the Vulnerability of Water Resources in the Context of the Millennium Development Goals” was held during 21 September through 07 October 2007 at the headquarters of UNESCO-IHE in Delft, The Netherlands. Twenty one young scientists, representing 8 African countries, spent three weeks learning about water issues in seminars, field trips,intensive one-on-one mentoring and by making presentations to one another. Each attendee prepared a research proposal.  The scientists whose proposals are accepted will receive a grant from IFS to conduct a one-year research project. A final synthesis workshop willbe held in October 2008.  The summary report of the Advanced Institute can be found on the START website.

Download the latest edition of the START Briefing Notes
June 2008 Briefing Notes

Congratulations to AIACC Principal Investigator, Vincente Barros, who was recently elected co-chair to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control (IPCC) Working Group 2 (WG2)! - September 2008 - NEW POSTING!

AIACC Final Report submitted by Vincente Barros

Second 2008 issue of Oceanic Waves is now available! - NEW POSTING!

Oceanic Waves is a quarterly newsletter produced by the START Oceania Secretariat. This issue: reports on recent environmental activities and events, highlights current research, and conveys news from the Oceania region.

Newsletter | Contribute to Oceanic Waves | START Oceania Website

New ACCFP Workshop Report is now available! - September 08 - NEW POSTING!

Download Full Report

Download Executive Summary (English)

Download Executvie Summary (French)

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - The African Climate Change Fellowship Program - August 2008

The African Climate Change Fellowship Program (ACCFP) aims to support African professionals, researchers and graduate students to undertake activities that will enhance their capacities for advancing and applying knowledge for climate change adaptation in Africa. Fellowship opportunities are being offered for Policy Fellows, Doctoral Research Fellows, Post-Doctoral Fellows, and Teaching Fellows. The program is jointly administered by the global change SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training (START), the Institute of Resource Assessment (IRA) of the University of Dar es Salaam and the African Academy of Sciences (AAS), with financial support from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada. The deadline for applications was 17 September 2008. Invitations for Full Proposals were issued 25 September 2008.

Pan-African START Secretariat Site

START sponsored Young African Scientists’ Session
at the 4th IGBP Congress: ‘Sustainable Livelihoods in a Changing Earth System’ 5-9 May 2008, Cape Town, South Africa

Final Report Available - NEW POSTING!

START sponsored 14 young African scientists to participate the 4th IGBP Congress and to present papers and posters at Working Group Session B5, entitled “Young African Scientists’ Session on Global Environmental Change (GEC) Research in Africa” on Thursday, 8 May 2008. This session was meant to showcase the research on GEC being conducted by young African Scientists who have benefited from START programs including 8 who are START/NORAD PhD Fellows, or who have been recipients of other START awards for capacity building, including START’s Advanced Institutes, START’s African Small Grants Program or START’s Visiting Scientist Fellowships. The session promoted interaction among young African scientists and representatives of the ESSP family and also provided opportunities for the young scientists to network and discuss potential collaborative projects with their peers.

More information | IGBP Congress site | More on START's African Doctoral Fellowships

New Publication - 7 August 08 - NEW POSTING!

With support from ICSU and in collaboration with SCOPE (Scientific Committee for the Problems of the Environment), START and the Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Studies Program have published a special volume titled "Changes in the Human-Monsoon System of East Asia in the Context of Global Change."

More information

2008 START/PACOM Grant Awardees - 11 June 08

The names and proposal summaries of awardees for the 2008 round of START/PACOM Grants have been posted. This program awards research grants to scientists based at African institutions for research projects related to global environmental change.


Global Change Processes and Impacts in Africa: A Synthesis

This book synthesizes the current knowledge of global change processes and impacts in Africa. It is the result of a collective effort by young scientists from Africa commissioned by the Pan-African Regional Committee of START. It was made possible by funding from a NORAD grant administered by START. Soon to be available in limited quantities. For more information, contact Skip Kauffman,