US Climate Change Science Program
Updated 20 June, 2007

CCSP Working Group Members :: International

Co-Chair: Brown, Lou
CCSPO Coordinator: Allen, David

>> Agency Acronyms

 Allen, David CCSPO
 Barrett, Ko NOAA
 Brown, Lou NSF
 Datla, Raju NIST
 Demoz, Belay NASA
 Filmer, Paul NSF
 Furlow, John USAID
 Hirsch, Leonard SI
 Konneh, Kabineh NOAA
 Laborde, Kent NOAA
 Maring, Hal NASA
 Moodie, Linda NOAA-NESDIS
 Muller, Duane USAID
 Neale, Patrick SERC
 Padgham, Jon USAID
 Patel-Weynand, Toral USGS
 Petty, Rick DOE
 Stokes, Carrie USAID
 Thurston, Sidney NOAA
 Tupas, Louie USDA

 Agency Acronyms:
  • CCSPO.  Climate Change Science Program Office
  • DOE.  Department of Energy
  • DOT.  Department of Transportation.
  • EPA.  Environmental Protection Agency
  • NASA.  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • NSF.  National Science Foundation
  • NOAA.  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • USAID.  U.S. Agency for International Development
  • USDA.  U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • USGS.  U.S. Geological Survey (Department of Interior


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