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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

National Hospital Available Beds for Emergencies and Disasters (HAvBED) System

Appendix G. HAvBED EDXL Data Elements

HAvBED Data Elements

This is a listing of the data elements that will be transmitted by Web services communication in an XML schema for the HAvBED project.  Each class, such as emergencyDepartment and hospitalBedCapacity, is detailed below.

Field Description


Unique identifier (AHA Number) for this hospital.


The name of the organization (hospital).


The hospital's emergency department status.


The hospital's bed capacity.


The hospital's ventilator status.


Whether the organization's mass decontamination resources are currently operating.


One or more comments.

Emergency Department

The following data points describe the ability of an emergency department to treat patients.

Field Child Field Valid Values Description


status (string)


Accepting all EMS traffic.



Requesting re-route of EMS traffic to other facilities.



Not Applicable. This hospital does not have an emergency department.



Hospital Bed Capacity

The schema is structured so that a message specifies Bed Capacity information for each of the Bed Types.  This is displayed in two tables rather than expand the bed capacity fields for each bed type.

Bed Types

Field Description


Capacity status for adult ICU beds. These can support critically ill or injured patients, including ventilator support.


Capacity status for medical-surgical beds. These are also thought of as ward beds.


Capacity status for burn beds. These are thought of as burn ICU beds, either approved by the American Burn Association or self-designated. These beds are NOT to be included in other ICU bed counts.


Capacity status for pediatric ICU beds. Similar to adult ICU beds, but for patients 17-years-old and younger.


Capacity status for pediatrics beds. These are ward medical/surgical beds for patients 17-years-old and younger.


Capacity status for psychiatric beds. These are ward beds on a closed/locked psychiatric unit or ward beds where a patient will be attended by a sitter.


Capacity status for negative airflow isolation beds. These provide respiratory isolation. NOTE: This value may represent available beds included in the counts of other types.


Capacity status for operating rooms which are equiped, staffed and could be made available for patient care in a short period of time.

Bed Capacity

The following information is specified for each of the bed types.  Top level complex schema type defining bed capacity counts given a specific type of bed.

Field Valid Value Description

status (string)


The type of bed is available.



The type of bed is not available.

availableCount (numerical)


The number of vacant/available beds to which patients can be immediately transported.  These must include supporting space, equipment, medical material, ancillary and support services and staff to operate under normal circumstances. These beds are licensed, physically available and have staff on hand to attend to the patient who occupies the bed.

additionalCapacityCount24Hr (numerical)


Estimate how many beds above the current number could be made vacant/available within 24 hours. This includes institutional surge beds as well as beds made available by discharging/transferring patients.

additionalCapacityCount72Hr (numerical)


Estimate how many beds above the current number could be made vacant/available within 72 hours. This includes institutional surge beds as well as beds made available by discharging/transferring patients.

commentText (string)



Provide information about the availability of ventilators at this facility.

Field Description

availableCount (numerical)

The numbers of ventilators that are present in the institution but are currently not in use and could be supported by currently available staff.

commentText (string)


Mass Decontamination Facility Status

Provide information about the availability of mass patient decontamination at this facility.

Field Valid Value Description

status (string)


Mass decontamination is available.



Mass decontamination is not available

commentText (string)


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