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Sec. 146.43  Domestic status.

    (a) General. Domestic status may be granted to merchandise:

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    (1) The growth, product, or manufacture of the U.S. on which all 
internal-revenue taxes, if applicable, have been paid;
    (2) Previously imported and on which duty and tax has been paid; or
    (3) Previously entered free of duty and tax.
    (b) Application. No application or permit is required for the 
admission of domestic status merchandise, including domestic packing and 
repair material, to a zone, except upon order of the Commissioner of 
Customs. No application or permit is required for the manipulation, 
manufacture, exhibition, destruction, or transfer to Customs territory 
of domestic status merchandise, including packing and repair materials, 
except: (1) When it is mixed or combined with merchandise in another 
zone status, or (2) upon order of the Commissioner of Customs. When the 
Commissioner orders a permit to be required for domestic status 
merchandise, he may also order the procedures, forms, and terms under 
which the permit will be received and processed.
    (c) Return of merchandise of Customs territory. Upon compliance with 
the provisions of this section, any of the merchandise specified in 
paragraph (a) of this section, may subsequently be returned to Customs 
territory free of quotas, duty, or tax.