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U.S. Food & Drug Administration
Seafood Products Research Center
Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition
Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia
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RFE nomenclature Tables

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Sort by genus Name

  1. A - E (22 Species)
  2. F - J (10 Species)
  3. K - O (27 Species)
  4. P - R (20 Species)
  5. S - Scz (9 Species)
  6. Sda - Szz (28 Species)
  7. T - Z (15 Species)

Sort by family Name

  1. A - E (22 Species)
  2. F - J (14 Species)
  3. K - O (17 Species)
  4. P - R (18 Species)
  5. S - Sci (13 Species)
  6. Scj - Szz (37 Species)
  7. T - Z (10 Species)

Total Number Species:  131

Automatic generation of this HTML script by Delphi 2 Application written by Brad Tenge
RFE Data Tracking Paradox/Delphi Databases designed/maintained by Brad Tenge and Ngoc-Lan Nguyen.
Specific taxonomy field design elements for databases contributed by Warren Savary.
See RFE Contacts for all Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia RFE Team Collaborators.
For general CFSAN and RFE Web information, contact Fred Fry at

Taxonomic family designations for finfish are extracted from "Fishes of the World" 3rd Edition by Joseph S. Nelson (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1994) ISBN 0-471-54713-1.

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Last updated on 2002-DEC-30 by bjt/frf/nln