January 15, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR DESIGNATED AGENCY ETHICS OFFICIALS FROM: STEPHEN D. POTTS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Applicability of the Clinton Administration ethics guidelines Attached for your information and use in counseling individuals who may be concerned about the potential applicability of the Clinton Administration ethics guidelines is a copy of a letter from President-elect Clinton's Transition Office to Secretary Card who is heading President Bush's Transition Office. This letter makes clear that the Clinton Administration ethics guidelines will not apply to individuals in career positions, regardless of their pay grade, nor to the non-career personnel who may be asked to stay on after January for a brief period. It will only apply to individuals appointed to senior, non-career positions by the Clinton-Gore Administration. Please make an effort to provide this information to employees of your agency to alleviate any unnecessary concerns or questions of theirs. Attachment _________________________________________________________________________ Office of the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect January 7, 1993 Honorable Andrew H. Card, Jr. Secretary of Transportation Department of Transportation 400 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Card: We have heard that there is considerable concern inside government--on the part of both career and non-career personnel--about the scope of coverage of Clinton Administration ethics guidelines. To allay that concern, we would like to suggest that the Office of Personnel Management be asked to issue the following notice, drafted by our Transition Counsel, to all government personnel: In response to number inquiries from current government employees concerning the coverage of the ethics pledges the Clinton-Gore Administration will require of its appointees, the President-elect's Transition has advised the Office of Personnel Management of the following: The ethics pledges that will be required of senior appointees of the Clinton-Gore Administration, which will impose new restrictions on the activities such senior employees may engage in after they leave government service, will have no applicability to individuals in career positions, regardless of their pay grade, nor to the non-career personnel who may be asked to stay on after January for a brief period. The new restrictions will apply only to persons appointed to senior, non-career positions by the Clinton-Gore Administration. We are aware that many senior administration officials--career and non-career--are trying to solidify their plans for the future. We feel strongly that this statement might clarify an important issue in their plans. Thank you for your continuing assistance. Sincerely, Mark D. Gearan Alexis Herman P.O. Box 8086, Little Rock, AR 72203-8086 501-374-3322 1120 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20270 202-973-2600