OGE Letterhead



August 30, 2007






TO:                  Designated Agency Ethics Officials


FROM:            Carolyn W. Chapman

                        Associate Director for Education


SUBJECT:       Ethics Training Symposium: Time to Get Creative



            The U.S. Office of Government Ethics will conduct an ethics training symposium in Washington, DC
on October 3-4, 2007.  This symposium is being offered to assist ethics officials with designing and delivering model ethics training programs.  The symposium is intended for ethics officials of all levels of experience.  Please disseminate the symposium announcement and attachments to your ethics officials as soon as possible.             





U. S. Office of Government Ethics
FY 07 Ethics Training

Ethics Training Symposium: Time to Get Creative
October 3-4, 2007



Symposium Overview


In an effort to provide agencies with the necessary tools to deliver model ethics training programs, the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is conducting a symposium entitled, “Ethics Training: Time to Get Creative.”  The symposium is intended for ethics officials of all levels of experience and showcases creative and innovative approaches that agencies can adapt for their own use.  The agencies who received OGE’s 2007 Training Award will also be on hand to discuss how they developed their model training programs.  Join us for some extraordinary presentations on how to design and deliver effective ethics training!

Imagine learning how to:

  • Employ today’s technology to your training
  • Use different methods to present interactive training
  • Use E-Learning effectively
  • Develop effective PowerPoint presentations
  • Become a confident speaker
  • Foster ethical leadership
  • Measure the effectiveness of training


Actually, you don’t have to imagine, join us for the Ethics Training Symposium: Time to Get Creative on October 3-4, 2007 to learn these great tips and more!


Session Topics


·  Training in the 21st Century

·  Award Winning Ethical Leadership Training

·  PowerPoint Rules for the Road

·  Criteria for Training Awards

·  Training Award Showcase (Exhibits)

·  E-Learning:  Repurposing Classroom Material for the Web

·  How to Improve your Presentation Skills

·  Effective Presentations from Start to Finish

·  PowerPoint for the TV Generation

·  Effective E-Learning:  Going Beyond “Page Turner with a Question”

·  Course Design:  What it is and Why it Works

·  Ethical Leadership Training:  Different Approaches

·  Training 101:  It’s Not All Abut You!

·  Train-the-Trainer:  A Helping Hand to Good Instruction

·  Evaluation:  Entertainment ≠ Learning


See Attached Session Descriptions and Agenda


Symposium Location


Office of Personnel Management

1900 E Street, NW

Washington, DC  20415


Registration Information


To register for the symposium, please visit the Training Workshops and Seminars section of OGE's website at www.usoge.gov and complete the online Registration Form.


The registration deadline is five (5) days before the symposium or until the event is full, whichever occurs first.  E-mail confirmations are sent to registrants prior to the symposium.


For information regarding the registration process, please contact:


Gwen Cannon-Jenkins

Education Assistant

E-mail: gcannon@oge.gov

Phone: 202-482-9219


General OGE Course Information


For information about OGE training courses, please contact:


Kaneisha Cunningham

Education Training Specialist

E-mail: ktcunnin@oge.gov

Phone: 202-482-9228

Ethics Training Symposium: Time to Get Creative

October 3-4, 2007 (Session Descriptions)


Training in the 21st Century


·        Training is an important aid in achieving the objectives of the ethics program.  When it comes to training, the basic law is to take complex material and make it easy to understand. 


The 21st century brings access to numerous delivery methods, everything from instructor-led, video-based, web-based, simulations, etc.  The challenge that will test ethics trainers in the 21st century is how best to use the different methods to present interactive, realistic training that provides a foundation for ethical behavior.  While content is important for any delivery methods, expert teachers are a must when it comes to instructor-led training.   


Hear about the escalating trends in training and what they mean to you as you design, develop, and deliver training in the 21st century.  


Award Winning Ethical Leadership Training


·        It started with a debate about ethics rules vs. values.  Today it has morphed into training on ethical leadership.  Don't miss the chance to hear two recipients of the 2007 OGE Ethics Training Award discuss how their agencies caught the vision and taught ethical leadership to their agency leaders.   Hear how they structured their programs and learn how it was viewed by the attendees.


PowerPoint Presentation Rules for the Road


·        We've all experienced it, PowerPoint slides full of text being read to us by an instructor.  But that isn't the way it ought to be.  There are rules (lots of rules) on what makes for a good PowerPoint presentation.  Discover:


-                     The importance of white space

-                     What text is difficult to read

-                     How to critique PowerPoint presentations

-                     And more


Criteria for Effective Training


·        When the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) announced awards for effective ethics training, agencies submitted instructor-led training, e-learning, games, and job aids.  From the more than 70 entries, 10 programs received awards.  In this session you'll learn:


-                     What makes training effective

-                     The principles that are at the heart of effective training

-                     The criteria OGE used to assess the effectiveness of the products.


E-learning: Repurposing Classroom Material for the Web


·        The latest figures are in:  instructor-led training represents 62% and e-learning represents 15% of all training delivery, with more and more e-learning being developed every year.  Yet, most employees say that they prefer instructor-led training over online training.  The reason can often be attributed to poor online training.  Taking material from one medium and converting it to another medium requires significant changes.  Discover:


-                     The true reason for e-learning

-                     The benefits of e-learning

-                     Why so much e-learning misses the mark

-                     The types of changes required to move materials from the classroom to the Web


How to Improve your Presentation Skills


·        Public speaking is the one thing that people worldwide fear the most.  Fear of public speaking causes gifted talented people to miss opportunities to showcase their talents, and inform, influence, and entertain others.  Discover how to:


-                     Tame your fears

-                     Dispel the beliefs that keep you from succeeding

-                     Stop sabotaging your efforts

-                     Gain confidence


Effective Presentations from Start to Finish


·        Every effective presentation has a beginning, a middle, and an end.  What you do in each determines the success of the event.  Don't miss the chance to hear:


-                     How to set the stage with great openers

-                     How to manage the body of your presentation

-                     How to use summaries to motivate participants to apply what they learn


PowerPoint for the TV Generation


·        It's always a challenge to make training interesting.  It's even more challenging to make it interesting for audiences whose expectations have been raised (and whose attention spans have by lowered) by television.  Don't miss this chance to learn:


-                     How the motion picture industry uses information about attention span to capture the audience's attention

-                     How to incorporate knowledge of the audience's attention span in your presentations


Effective E-learning: Going Beyond "Page Turner with a Question"


·        Everyone's under pressure to train more employees in less time, with fewer resources, i.e., time, staff, and money.  E-learning was supposed to solve most of our problems, allowing us to train more people in less time.  For many organizations the solution stopped at turning pages, whether scrolling down or clicking.  Join this session to learn why more is needed, how to engage employees with meaningful interactions, and the cost of that engagement.



Effective Course Design:  What it is and Why it Works


·        Training starts with a destination.  For you, that destination is solving problems your employees have with performing ethically.  Course design is your road map.  It tells you how to get to your destination and what terrain you must traverse along the way.  The better your design, the better the training, the better the learning.   Effective course design asks and answers several questions:


1.     What do employees know

2.     What do they need to know?

3.     What problems are they having?

4.     What are the best ways to solve the problems?


Learn how to create successful course content that maximizes your employees' interaction and puts them on the road to learning by doing.


Ethical Leadership Training: Different Approaches


·        Explore the connection between an agency's ethical culture, and attitudes and behaviors of agency leaders.  Learn how agencies are addressing the issue by providing ethical leadership training for their supervisors, managers, and leaders.  Learn how ethical leadership training can help your agency avoid becoming tomorrow's headline.  Discover:


-                     Why the training was develop

-                     Why it is important to go beyond the ethics rules

-                     The focus and goal of the training

-                     How ethical leadership training impacts agencies' ethical culture

-                     How the training was viewed by agency management.



Training 101: It's Not All About You!


·        As a trainer it is so easy to focus on what you are going to say and do during a training session when instead the focus needs to be on the participants.  What do they need?  How do they best learn?  How do you ensure that they get it?  Come learn about tried and proven techniques that trainers can employ to ensure that participants acquire the knowledge and skills they need to behave ethically.  Learn:


-                     Strategies you can use to increase retention and application of concepts

-                     How to address the different learning styles of your audience

-                     How to make your training programs effective


Train-the-Trainer: A Helping Hand to Good Instruction


·        Whether you're a reluctant or eager trainer, this session was designed for you! You'll gain confidence and discover how to increase your employees' potential to learn.


In this session you get an opportunity to apply tips and strategies for effective instruction.  The session focuses on learning styles, body language, pacing, and delivery style and gives you an opportunity to practice facilitating a group.


Become a more confident, effective, and prepared trainer.  Come to this session if you want to increase employees' learning and get rave reviews!


Evaluation: Entertainment ≠ Learning


·        Too many training programs equate entertainment with learning and being liked with being effective.  Discover how to go beyond the typical evaluation form and determine whether participants view the information presented as relevant.  Discover:


-                     Why evaluations are important

-                     How to develop an instrument to measure effectiveness

-                     What to do with the feedback you receive

Ethics Training Symposium:  Time to Get Creative

October 3-4, 2007



Office of Personnel Management

Washington, DC



Wednesday, October 3, 2007


  9:00 -   9:15


  9:15 - 10:15

Training in the 21st Century

10:15 - 10:30


10:30 - 12:00

Award Winning Ethical Leadership Training 

PowerPoint Rules for the Road

12:00 -   1:00


  1:00 -   1:30

Criteria for Training Awards

  1:30 -   3:00

Training Award Showcase (Exhibits)

  3:00 -   3:15


  3:15 -   4:45

E-Learning: Repurposing Classroom Material for the Web

How to Improve your Presentation Skills




Thursday, October 4, 2007


  8:30 - 10:00

Effective Presentations from Start to Finish

PowerPoint for the TV Generation

10:00 - 10:15


10:15 - 12:00

Effective E-Learning: Going Beyond "Page Turner with a Question"

Course Design:  What it is and Why it Works

12:00 -   1:00


  1:00 -   3:00

Ethical Leadership Training:  Different Approaches

Training 101:  It's Not All About You!

  3:00 -   3:15


  3:15 -   4:45

Train-the-Trainer:  A Helping Hand to Good Instruction

Evaluation:  Entertainment ≠ Learning