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Indian Health Service National Diabetes Program
Resources for Diabetes Education Online Ordering System

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Contact Laryssa Chavez at the IHS National Diabetes Program Office at if you have any questions not covered here. The IHS Area Diabetes Consultant and Model Diabetes Programs in your Area are also available for assistance.

How many can our program order and how much to they cost?

At this time, the materials listed in this catalog are provided free of charge. "Reasonable limits" are placed on the number of each item that can be ordered. In general, we ask that you base your order on the activity you will be using the material for and how many individuals will be involved. Keep in mind that most of the resources are designed to be used for individual counseling on various aspects of diabetes and diabetes care.

I didn't get what I ordered for use at the Health Fair. Why not?

There is a section in this catalog that addresses what is recommended and available for use at health fairs. Most items are designed for use in individual counseling and not for general distribution at large gatherings such as health fairs. We are seeking materials to be used for this purpose. If you have any to share, please contact this program.

Why didn't my order arrive when I wanted it?

Requests for materials usually come with an urgent plea such as "We need this by next week". Please be advised that all items are mailed using Media Mail. There are no exceptions! This means your order will arrive to you 2-3 weeks after it leaves the clearinghouse.

Why are there restrictions on the number of materials I want to order?

This program has a limited budget for developing and printing materials. Because of 333 new diabetes grant programs in IHS, tribal, and urban Indian programs, we are not always able to fulfill your order as desired. IHS developed materials do not have a copyright on them. Please consider making your own copies, if possible. You can do this by xeroxing, especially the one-page items or reprinting. We also encourage you to customize an IHS item to fit the needs of your program.

We no longer carry items bought from an outside source such as the American Diabetes Association or International Diabetes Center. A list of organizations that provide other diabetes education material is provided should you wish to purchase items directly.

What if I am ordering from outside the United States or from a private organization?

Due to mailing and handling difficulties, this program requests that organizations from outside the U.S. pay for postage and handling. One sample of IHS material can be provided to organizations that do not provide services to American Indians or Alaska Native clients.

This file last modified: Tuesday September 9, 2008  3:10 PM