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SAMHSA News - May/June 2007, Volume 15, Number 3

Focusing on Children's Mental Health

The second annual National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day focused on increasing services that allow children with mental health challenges to thrive at home, at school, and in the community.

SAMHSA’s briefing, held on Capitol Hill on May 8, coincided with National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week and Mental Health Month (see SAMHSA News online, May/June 2006).

“Providing access to community-based services for children and youth with serious mental health needs is necessary for their success,” said SAMHSA Administrator Terry L. Cline, Ph.D.

A coalition of national organizations joined SAMHSA to call for access to mental health services for children and youth with serious mental health needs and their families.

This year’s briefing presented members of Congress with the latest SAMHSA information and research about issues that affect children and youth with mental health care needs. Speakers emphasized the need for children to have access to mental health care services and called for parity in service delivery.

The event emphasized the positive impact that effective school- and community-based mental health services have on children and youth as well as their families.

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Speaking Out

Several honorary spokespersons shared their personal experiences and perspectives on the need for improvements to mental health services for children.

Consumers. Howie Mandel, well-known comedian and host of NBC’s “Deal or No Deal,” shared his story of managing obsessive-compulsive disorder and mysophobia (fear of germs). He spoke of the need for parity in mental health care and the barriers of stigma that face many youth and families.

“We take our kids to a dentist a couple times a year to get a cleaning, to get a checkup, to go get x-rays,” said Mr. Mandel. “We want care to be preventative, but mental health is not part of the school curriculum. It would be great if that was in place.”

Families. Deborah Marriott Harrison, an advocate for youth with mental illnesses and their families, shared her battle to secure services for her twin sons living with bipolar disorder. “I felt like I was drowning,” Ms. Harrison said of her journey to get help for her sons. “Back then, I had to learn on my own what to do. But things are changing now.”

Her son, Scott Harrison, shared his experience as a student with bipolar disorder. “Nothing could have prepared me for what I underwent. I’m speaking out so students now will have it better.”

Youth. Marvin Alexander, a 20-year-old licensed social worker from Arkansas, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder as a child. He discussed the challenges of navigating the juvenile justice system as a young person.

Mr. Alexander also talked about stigma, explaining that he didn’t want to take his medication in school when he was first diagnosed. Now heading into a graduate program in social work, he said, “I see the benefit of treatment.”

“Mental health is essential to overall health, and that’s especially true for children,” explained Gary Blau, Ph.D., Branch Chief of the Child, Adolescent and Family Branch at SAMHSA’s Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS). “Everyone knows someone with mental health challenges. We all need to know that mental health issues are treatable.”

For more information about this event and coalition members, visit
. For details on child and adolescent mental health, visit

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