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National Institutes of Health

Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee Events

Meetings of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) under the Combating Autism Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-416)

Upcoming Meetings

Recent Workgroup Meetings

Past meetings of the IACC under the Combating Autism Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-416)

Date Agenda Highlights
July 15, 2008 HTML file   
May 12, 2008 HTML file HTML file
March 14, 2008 PDF file, 2 pages HTML file
November 30, 2007 PDF file, 2 pages HTML file

Past Meetings of the IACC under the Children's Health Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-310)

Date Agenda Highlights
November 17, 2006 PDF file, 2 pages PDF file, 23 pages
May 9, 2006PDF file, 2 pages PDF file, 21 pages
November 18, 2005PDF file, 2 PagesPDF file, 26 pages
May 16, 2005PDF file, 2 pages PDF file, 16 pages
November 19, 2004PDF file, 2 pages PDF file, 12 pages
May 11, 2004PDF file, 2 pages PDF file, 16 pages
November 21, 2003PDF file, 2 pagesPDF file, 12 pages
May 13, 2003PDF file, 2 pages PDF file, 12 pages
November 22, 2002PDF file, 2 pages PDF file, 9 pages
May 24, 2002PDF file, 2 pages PDF file, 20 pages
November 19, 2001PDF file, 2 pages PDF file, 18 pages

Autism Summit Conference: November 19-20, 2003

Complementing the activities of the IACC, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Education sponsored an Autism Summit Conference. The summit provided a public forum to disseminate, evaluate, and integrate the latest practice- and science-based autism information among Federal, academic, and community participants. The summit included keynote addresses from public officials and sessions focused on issues such as implementation of optimal services, early screening and diagnosis, and biomedical research.