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Trademark Electronic Application System - TEAS Application

Preliminary Amendment Form
TEAS - Version 4.4 : 01/10/2009

For more information regarding any of the following questions or topics, either go to HELP or click on the underlined word. You may use the following Preliminary Amendment Form to:
  • Request a change to an application prior to examination; or
  • Request a change to an already-examined application, where no other mechanism exists; i.e., no other TEAS form provides the opportunity to propose a change; e.g., amendment of the mark when submitting an Amendment to Allege Use (if after a Notice of Allowance has issued, you must use the specific Post-Publication Amendment form).
Advisory Note: You must maintain an accurate correspondence address with the USPTO. All changes must be made in writing, or through the electronic Change of Correspondence Address form.

Please answer all of the questions below to create a Preliminary Amendment Form showing only sections relevant to you. To have many of the fields of your form automatically completed using the Trademark Operation's database (based on your original filing), please enter the serial number of your application. Finally, click on the NEXT button; or, to start over, click on the CLEAR button.

WARNING: This form has a session time limit of 60 minutes. Your "session" began as soon as you accessed this initial Form Wizard page. If you exceed the 60-minute time limit, the form will not validate and you must begin the entire process again; you can, however, extend the time limit. You should always try to have all information required to complete the form prior to starting any session.

Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*). NOTE: Fields containing the symbol "*" must be completed; all other relevant fields should be completed if the information is known. A declaration will automatically appear at the end of the actual form in each instance. To satisfy legal requirements, the declaration at the end of the preliminary amendment form must be signed if a "#" symbol precedes a specific item listed on the form, OR if the original application were submitted "unsigned." The declaration must be signed by someone who is a "proper party to sign on behalf of applicant" under Trademark Rule 2.33. If not required, the declaration may simply be left unsigned. However, the information for the Preliminary Amendment Signature section must always be entered.

NOTE: This form has a session time limit of 60 minutes. A session begins once you create and enter the form via the Form Wizard. If you exceed the 60 minute time limit, the form will not validate and you must begin the entire process again. Therefore, you should have all information required to complete the form available prior to starting your session.

: (required only if completing a new Preliminary Amendment form; otherwise, access saved form, below)

STEP 3: If this is a new amendment, answer each question below to build a form appropriate to your application.

NOTE: You must wait approximately 7-10 days after your original submission to file the Preliminary Amendment. Please first ensure that all of the original application data has been fully loaded into the USPTO's TARR database before attempting to use this form.

WARNING: While you may successfully submit a Preliminary Amendment, the filing will NOT result in any information being automatically uploaded into the USPTO's databases. An examining attorney must review the amendment to determine whether the proposed change(s) is acceptable. Also, you may submit a Preliminary Amendment for an application filed under the Madrid Protocol (Section 66(a)) only for limited purposes.

1. Do you need to change/delete an existing classification number; modify listing of goods and/or services; add/modify dates of use;add/substitute a specimen and/or submit a foreign registration certificate ?

2. Do you want to make any additional statement(s) of record to address a requirement, e.g., a disclaimer, claim of a prior registration, Section 2(f) claim, or amendment to the Supplemental Register?

3. Do you want to modify your mark? (i.e., either change the mark itself or submit a better quality image)

NOTE: While minor changes in the mark are sometimes permitted, any material alteration will NOT be permitted and will result in a refusal being issued on that ground. If submitting a new mark image, it MUST be in the JPG format (only attachments in other portions of the form (e.g., specimens, evidence) can be in the PDF format).

4. Do you want to correct any applicant or entity information?

5. Do you need to ADD a new class of goods and/or services? (Note: If simply CHANGING an existing classification number, use Question #1, above.)


6. Do you want to pay an additional fee?

7. Do you need to change correspondence address?

8. Do you need to submit a Signed Declaration to verify an application originally submitted UNSIGNED?

STEP 4: If you have reviewed the Office action to confirm that your answers to the above questions properly correspond to all issues raised in the Office action, click on the NEXT button; or to start over, click on the CLEAR button.

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Tue Jan 13 23:23:30 EST 2009