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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards

Barlow, Sarah

Institution: Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO
Grant Title: Improving Obesity Care in Pediatric Offices
Grant Number: K08 HS13901
Duration: 5 years (2003-2008)
Total Award: $540,000

Project Description: This project has four goals:

  1. To describe the current frequency of evaluation of obesity in children 6-17 years of age by pediatricians.
  2. To assess experiences and attitudes of pediatricians in diagnosing and discussing this condition, with particular attention to the interpersonal barriers to labeling a child overweight.
  3. To assess experiences and attitudes of adolescents, and of parents of elementary school age children in discussing obesity with the pediatrician to learn what approaches are acceptable or alienate or motivate them.
  4. To test the effect on pediatricians' self efficacy of an intervention that teaches pediatricians how to address obesity to create an alliance with patients and families and motivate them to make changes.

Career Goals: Dr. Barlow is clinically experienced in the challenges of obesity care, and has performed descriptive research about obesity care by pediatric provides. She also has experience in health outcomes and clinical effectiveness research. Her long term goal is to identify and implement best practices in obesity for primary pediatric providers.

Progress to Date: Dr. Barlow is currently enrolled in a doctoral level course in qualitative analysis. This course has covered the interpretive phenomenology theory and the grounded theory of qualitative research, in depth challenges of publication of qualitative research, and it has provided a hands-on opportunity to interview, observe and transcribe. She has clinical responsibilities for hospital coverage of pediatric gastroenterology service.

Future Plans: In 2005, Dr. Barlow will enroll in Applied Data Analysis. She will also attend the annual meetings of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO) and the AcademyHealth. The grantee will be enrolled in Qualitative Analysis which covers: study design of qualitative projects, writing Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocols, data analysis, and data presentation.

Highlights and Accomplishments:

  • Presented keynote talk for the American Dietetic Association's Course for Certification in Childhood Obesity Treatment.
  • With an advisor, presented a workshop at the Society of Adolescent Medicine annual meeting on Treatment of Obesity in Teens.
  • Will monitor a presentation on treatment of obesity at the Pediatric Academic Societies meeting.
  • Member of a mentoring committee, a project in the department of pediatrics to improve the process for junior faculty members to receive career development guidance.
  • The pilot data of rates of diagnosis of obesity among children in the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey was presented in October at the annual meeting of NAASO.

K-Generated Publications: None thus far.
AHRQ Research Portfolios: Care Management; Training.
AHRQ Goals: Effectiveness

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