Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

PPPL Colloquium: March 21, 2007

The Path to Magnetic Fusion Energy:
Crossing the Next Frontier

Robert J. Goldston
Director, PPPL

Jonathan E. Menard

Principal Research Physicist, PPPL

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Princeton, New Jersey

Moving beyond ITER toward a compact magnetic fusion demonstration reactor (Demo) will require the integration of high plasma performance in steady-state with advanced methods for dissipating very high divertor heat-fluxes, while respecting strict limits on tritium retention. Expressing power exhaust requirements in terms of Pheat/R, future ARIES reactors are projected to operate with 60-200MW/m, Component Test Facilities (CTF) 40-50MW/m, and ITER 20-25MW/m. However, new and planned long-pulse experiments (such as EAST, JT60-SA, KSTAR, SST-1) are currently projected to operate at values of up to 16MW/m. The considerable gap between upcoming experiments and a CTF or fusion power plant motivates the proposal of a new experiment – the National High-power advanced-Torus eXperiment (NHTX) – whose mission is to study the integration of high-confinement, high-beta, long-pulse fully-non-inductive plasma operation with a fusion-relevant high-power plasma-boundary interface.  Systems code studies find an optimal aspect ratio A=1.8-2 simultaneously maximizes the achievable P/R and non-inductive IP (bootstrap + neutral beam current drive). The PPPL site power and TFTR test cell and neutral beams are well suited to the NHTX mission, and with PAUX = 50MW and R0=1m achieves P/R = 50MW/m.  The resultant initial NHTX design point is A=1.8, R0=1m, IP=3-4MA, BT=2T, κ=2.7-3, HH98Y = 1.3, βN=4.5, βT=15%, fGW=0.4-0.5, fBS≥ 65%, fNI = 100%, τpulse up to 1000s, and Τwall ~600 °C for hydrogenic isotope retention studies using a range of plasma facing materials, including liquid metals.  A highly flexible divertor coil set is a crucial design element which facilitates testing of many divertor geometries including an ITER-like divertor and a wide range of poloidal flux expansion = 3-30.  TRANSP simulations of the beam-driven current, the role of other possible current-drive sources, and future engineering and physics analysis work will be discussed.

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Created: 02-Mar-2007
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