Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 4/1/92

Series: Information Resources Management

Part 377: Telecommunications

Chapter 2: Telecommunications Handbooks

Originating Office: Office of Information Resources Management

377 DM 2

2.1 Purpose. This chapter addresses the purpose, authority, issuance, availability, and description of telecommunications handbooks for use in the Department of the Interior. These handbooks expand upon general policies and procedures as stated in 377 DM 1, Telecommunications Management. The handbooks provide detailed instructions on telecommunications procedures and information on specific activities.

2.2 Authority. Authority is issue, amend, or revise telecommunications handbooks within the Department resides with the Director, Office of Information Resources Management.

2.3 Issuance. The Director, Office of Information Resources Management (PIR), will periodically issue handbooks relating to telecommunications management. The handbooks, and amendments or revisions thereto, will be issued for Departmentwide use through distribution lists prepared by the Division of Telecommunications, PIR, and maintained by the Division of Printing and Publications, Office of Administrative Services (PMO). Requests for additions to the distribution lists should be directed to the Division of Telecommunications, PIR. Single copies of the handbooks are available from the Division of Telecommunications, PIR.

2.4 Availability. Telecommunications handbooks are currently available on Telephone Systems, Data Communications, and Radio Communications. Each handbook provides procedural information for the management and operation of those telecommunications disciplines.

2.5 Description of Handbooks. A brief description of each handbook follows.

A. The Telephone Systems Handbook contains policy and procedural information with regard to the management, use, and operation of long distance and locally switched voice telephone systems, networks, and facilities.

B. The Radio Communications Handbook contains policy guidance and design information required in the field of radio communications management, spectrum allocation and utilization, radio call signs, operational procedures, mandatory five year frequency review program, and procedures for obtaining a radio frequency authorization. It will be revised as necessary to incorporate and reflect pertinent revisions to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's "Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management."

C. The Data Communications Handbook contains information on data services such as centralized and distributed networks, data communications facilities, equipment and services, inventory requirements, and security.

4/1/92 #2938

Replaces 10/13/83 #2527

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