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Activities for the Classroom and Informal Settings
Life - Are You Out There?
Looking for life elsewhere in the solar system means that we need to know how to identify characteristics of life. To do that, we must understand life here on Earth, particularly in the extreme. Knowing what life is like on Earth can then be used to look for life Out There. Many curricula could incorporate these activities: biology, environmental science, astronomy, earth science, aquatic science, life science.
Activity Title:  Creature Feature
General Description:  Participants observe teacher-made creatures and record data simulating future sample return.
Content Standard:  Life Science: Understand Biological Evolution
General Topic:  Sample Collection & Examination
Source:  Fingerprints of Life?
Body:  Neptune
Grade Level:  K-4
Activity Title:  Imaginary Martians - Searching for Life on Mars activity #1
General Description:  Participants draw creatures based on literary readings.
General Topic:  Earth and Space Science
Body:  Mars
Grade Level:  5-8, 9-12
Activity Title:  It's Just Right
General Description:  Participants examine the relationship between temperature and the growth and survival of organisms in extreme environments.
Content Standard:  Life Science: Regulation and Behavior
General Topic:  Life
Source:  ARES: Astrobiology
Body:  Venus
Grade Level:  5-8
Activity Title:  Mars Critters
General Description:  Participants create, construct, and write about a type of organism that might survive in the Martian environment.
Content Standard:  Life Science: Organisms and their environment
General Topic:  Modeling
Source:  Destination: Mars
(Lesson 5, Activity 3)
Body:  Mars
Grade Level:  K-4
Mission:  Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Background:  Missions to Mars
View Teacher's Notes
Activity Title:  Searching for Habitable Worlds (Extreme Environments)
General Description:  Activity 3- What Makes a World Habitable: Participants Assess the possibility of life in the solar system.

Activity 4- What Can Life Tolerate?: Participants play Life on Edge, a rummy-type game, to explore the idea that organisms living under extreme conditions on Earth can serve as analogs for possible extrerrestrial life.
Content Standard:  Life Science: Matter, Energy and organization in living systems
General Topic:  Life
Source:  Life on Earth and Elsewhere?
Body:  Sun
Grade Level:  5-8
Activity Title:  Size and Shape Matters
General Description:  Participants gain appreciation for the importance of relative size and morphology in identifying microscopic structures as viewed with the scanning electro microscope. In this activity, participants sequence unlabeled electron micrographs.
Content Standard:  Science and Technology: Understand about Science and Technology
General Topic:  Size and Shape Comparisons
Source:  Fingerprints of Life?
Body:  Mars
Grade Level:  5-8
Mission:  Mars Global Surveyor
Activity Title:  Stopped Dead in Its Tracks
General Description:  Participants consider what scientists look for when searching for traces of extinct life on another planet.
Content Standard:  Life Science: Regulation and Behavior
General Topic:  Life
Source:  ARES: Astrobiology
Body:  Mercury
Grade Level:  5-8
View Teacher's Notes
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