Trademarks > Modifications to Design Search Codes


On or about January 7, 2006, the USPTO is planning to add approximately 80 new design search codes to the Trademark Design Search Code Manual. 1Many of the larger existing design code sections will be modified to create smaller sections. For example, 01.01.02 will be changed by removing any live documents that have a design with multiple stars with four points and putting these documents into a new code (01.01.12). This will leave all the single stars with four points in 01.01.02. It will also leave all inactive registrations in 01.01.02 whether they have one or more stars with four points. The new design codes will be applied to all new incoming trademark applications and to currently active (live) trademark applications and registrations in USPTO's automated trademark systems. They will not be applied to inactive (dead) registrations.

The following chart contains all of the design codes that have been modified along with the new search code numbers and descriptions.


Design Codes - Modifications

New Codes - Descriptions

01.01.02 - Limited to one star with 4 points

01.01.12 - More than one star with four points

01.01.03 - Limited to one star with 5 points

01.01.13 - More than one star with five points

01.01.04 - Limited to one star with 6 points

01.01.14 - More than one star with six points

01.05.25 - Removed suns with rays

01.05.04 - Suns with rays

01.07.25 - Removed globes with bars, bands or wavy lines

01.07.08 - Globes with bars, bands, lines not meridian or parallel lines

01.15.03 - Removed flames on objects/words/numbers

01.15.15 - Flames emanating from objects, numbers or words

01.15.06 - Removed thought or speech clouds

01.15.17 - Thought or speech clouds either empty or with wording/punctuation

01.15.08 - Limited to single drops

01.15.18 - More than one drop (including teardrops or raindrops)

01.15.25 - Removed sound waves

01.15.24 - Sound waves

01.17.11 - Removed state of Texas

01.17.12 - State of Texas

02.01.01 - Removed heads, portraits, busts in profile
and smiley faces

02.01.37 - Heads, portraits, busts of men in profile
02.11.16 - Smiley faces

02.01.20 - Removed merchants, store clerks and men in aprons

02.01.38 - Merchants, store clerks and men in aprons

02.01.32 - Removed nude men, men in underwear, bathing suits

02.01.39 - Nude men, men in underwear, bathing suits or brief attire

02.01.33 - Limited to men formed by letters, numbers,
punctuation or geometric shapes.

02.01.34 - Other grotesque men including men formed by plants and objects
02.01.35 - Snowmen

02.03.01 - Removed heads, portraits, busts in profile
and smiley faces

02.03.22 - Heads, portraits, busts of women in profile
02.11.16 - Smiley faces

02.03.26 - Limited to women formed by letters, numbers,
punctuation or geometric shapes.

02.03.28 - Other grotesque women including women formed by plants and objects

02.05.01 - Removed smiley faces

02.11.16 - Smiley faces

02.05.26 - Limited to children formed by letters, numbers,
punctuation or geometric shapes.

02.05.27 - Other grotesque children including children formed by plants and objects

02.11.01 - Removed hearts on playing cards and as background

02.11.12 - Hearts on playing cards
02.11.13 - Hearts used as background or carriers

02.11.02 - Removed smiley faces
02.11.04 - Removed smiley faces

02.11.16 - Smiley Faces

02.11.07 - Removed some gestures and hand imprints

02.11.14 - Gestures formed by hands, fingers
02.11.15 - Imprints of hands; fingerprints

03.01.08 - Removed silhouettes of dogs

03.01.07 - Silhouettes of dogs

03.13.02 - Limited to mammals

03.13.05 - Skeletons, skulls, bones of fish, birds, reptiles, insects, dinosaurs

04.01.02 - Removed objects with halos

04.01.03 - Halos appearing on objects, letters, numbers and symbols

05.05.01 - Removed roses

05.05.02 - Roses

05.05.25 - Removed lotus flowers

05.05.06 - Lotus flowers

05.11.25 - Removed peppers

05.11.09 - Peppers

05.13.25 - Removed cotton and marijuana plants

05.13.08 - Cotton plants
05.13.09 - Marijuana plants

06.09.08 - Removed golf courses

06.09.09 - Golf courses, golf holes, putting greens

07.11.07 - Changed to roads without lines

07.11.11 - Roads, streets, highways without lines or dividers

09.01.02 - Moved pockets with stitching to 090316

09.03.08 - Removed neckties and bowties

09.03.15 - Neckties and bowties

09.05.25 - Removed mortarboards

09.05.11 - Mortarboards (graduation hats)

10.07.25 - Removed stethoscopes

10.07.05 - Stethoscopes

11.03.01 - Removed glasses with stems

11.03.15 - Glasses with stems

11.03.03 - Removed coffee mugs

11.03.16 - Coffee mugs

15.05.04 - Removed computer mouse

15.05.08 - Computer mouse

16.03.07 - Removed monocles, lenses

16.03.08 - Monocles, lenses

18.11.25 - Removed oars and boat paddles

18.11.07 - Oars and boat paddles

20.01.01 - Removed quill pens and inkwells

20.01.09 - Quill pens and inkwells

20.05.01 - Removed open books

20.05.05 - Open books

21.01.25 - Removed rattles, pacifiers, teething rings

21.01.15 - Rattles, pacifiers, teething rings

21.03.01 - Removed soccer balls, volley balls, golf balls,
bowling balls, footballs, baseballs, basketballs

21.03.15 - Soccer balls, volley balls
21.03.16 - Golf balls, golf tees
21.03.17 - Bowling balls
21.03.18 - Footballs, rugby balls, elliptical shaped balls
21.03.19 - Baseballs, softballs
21.03.20 - Basketballs

21.03.04 - Removed golf clubs and hockey sticks

21.03.22 - Golf clubs
21.03.23 - Ice hockey, field hockey and street hockey sticks.

21.03.12 - Removed targets with crosshairs and alignment guides

21.03.24 - Targets with crosshairs and alignment guides

21.03.25 - Removed skateboards, surfboards, body boards, snowboards, golf tees

21.03.26 - Skateboards
21.03.27 - Surfboards, body boards, snowboards
21.03.28 - Golf bags
21.03.16 - Golf balls and golf tees

24.01.03 - Removed shields and crests with numbers

24.01.04 - Shield and crests with numbers

24.09.01 - Moved checkered flags to 24.09.04
Moved American flags to 24.09.05


24.17.14 - Removed emoticons

24.17.21 - Emoticons (icons that show emotions)

24.17.25 - Removed Yin-Yang, recycling and peace symbols

24.17.18 - Yin-Yang symbol
24.17.19 - Recycling symbol
24.17.20 - Peace symbol

26.01.15 - Limited to three circles

26.01.30 - Four circles
26.01.31 - Five or more circles

26.01.26 - Removed helixes

26.01.29 - Helixes

26.01.28 - Moved thought or speech clouds

01.15.17 - Thought or speech clouds

26.03.13 - Limited to two ovals

26.03.14 - Three or more ovals

26.05.13 - Limited to two triangles

26.05.14 - Three triangles
26.05.15 - Four or more triangles

26.07.01 - Removed diamonds with decorative border

26.07.02 - Diamonds with decorative borders

26.07.13 - Limited to two diamonds

26.07.14 - Three diamonds
26.07.15 - Four or more diamonds

26.09.13 - Limited to two squares

26.09.14 - Three or more squares

26.09.28 - Removed thought and speech clouds

01.15.17 - Thought or speech clouds

26.11.13 - Limited to two rectangles

26.11.14 - Three or more rectangles

26.11.27 - Removed oblongs as carriers

26.11.26 - Oblongs as carriers

26.11.28 - Removed thought and speech clouds

01.15.17 - Thought or speech clouds

26.13.13 - Limited to two quadrilaterals

26.13.14 - Three or more quadrilaterals

26.15.28 - Removed thought and speech clouds

01.15.17 - Thought or speech clouds

26.19.25 - Moved pyramids to 26.19.05



28.02 - Other forms of communication


28.02.01 - Braille, Morse Code, Sign Language

1 The Design Search Code Manual is available at, and will be updated accordingly.


KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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