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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Photo Construction Log


Before Construction


Before construction photo from inside the courtyard facing west.

Inside the courtyard facing west.


the new visitor center

Inside the courtyard facing north.

Inside the courtyard facing north. Photo above shows the garage on the left and the residence on the right. Photo on the right shows the lookout tower between the two aforementioned buildings. The lookout tower has block windows with red construction tape around their perimeter.


the new visitor center

Inside courtyard facing south.

Inside courtyard facing south.


the new visitor center courtyard

Inside the Visitor's Center during the first phases of demolition.

Photo above is during the early phases of demolition. Photo on right shows one of the new gallery spaces.

one of the beautiful rooms at the new visitor center





Inside the Visitor's Center facing southeast.

Inside the Visitor's Center facing southeast towards the beautiful Open Space fields.


a room overlooking the open space fields

Garage entrance of Visitor's Center during early stages of demolition.

Inside the courtyard facing north. Photo above shows the original 3-car garage openings. Photo on right shows the new main entrance.


in the courtyard at the new visitor center

Original 3-car garage.

Inside courtyard facing northwest towards new main entrance.


the new visitor center

Original main entrance during early phases of demolition.

Photo above shows the original main entrance. Photo on right shows the new plaza with the Temporary Gallery and Multi-purpose Room beyond.

a view of the west side of the visitor center





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