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Updated 12 October, 2003
Natural Hazards, Human Impacts, and Disaster Reduction
USGCRP Seminar, 22 May 1997
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What makes a natural hazard into a natural disaster? Is the seeming increase in the occurrence of natural disasters real? What are the likely causes? What trends are making society more vulnerable to natural hazards? Are there measures society can take to mitigate these disasters or the conditions responsible for them? Are there measures society can take to reduce loss of life and damages?


The Honorable Dr. James Baker
Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC; and Co-Chair, Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR)


Dr. William H. Hooke
Director of the U.S. Weather Research Program Office, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD; and Chair of the Interagency Subcommittee for Natural Disaster Reduction

Natural Disaster Reduction: A Growing National Challenge

Annual U.S. losses to natural disasters are highly variable. Over the last few years, however, they have averaged $50 billion per year, or roughly $1 billion per week. Of even greater concern are the long-term trends in costs, which show a doubling or tripling of the damages each decade, in constant dollars, over the last 35 years. The impacts caused by natural hazards are increasing as a result of societal changes such as urbanization and technological interdependence. While disaster losses are expected to vary considerably from year to year, it is also expected that they generally will continue to increase, even as a fraction of the gross national product (GNP), at least in the short run.

Domestically, natural disasters are a sustainable development issue. Internationally, they threaten global security. Reducing societal vulnerability to natural hazards - thereby reducing the extent of or damages from natural disasters - is important, possible, and cost-effective. Accomplishing this will require a diverse, interconnected range of actions: Comprehensive hazard identification and risk assessment; wiser land use; improved structural design, building codes, and practice; greater public awareness, education, and training; improved predictions and emergency response; and more effective relief and recovery. These steps would be accelerated by a coordinated, multi-level government response, with particular attention needed at the state and local levels. Steps involving financial instruments such as mortgages, property taxes, and insurance can be strongly influential.

Natural Disaster Reduction: The Links to Global Change

The frequency, strength, and location of hazards - storms, floods, droughts, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, etc. - are intimately connected to longer period global change, whether due to natural variations or human-induced changes. Focusing on developing a coherent and effective societal response to the range and nature of natural hazards will increase the options that society has for coping with global change. Steps taken to reduce the impacts of natural hazards will provide new opportunities to experiment and learn how most effectively to prepare for global change. Each of the opportunities for building resilience to natural hazards will have its own set of hazard-specific, cultural, and technological aspects, and each will help provide insights about opportunities for responding to global change. Focusing on natural disaster reduction in the context of global change will also help reinforce the need for observing systems required for global change detection and study. Focusing attention on the reduction of natural disasters also offers the prospect for greatly strengthening international cooperation on a host of related environmental issues.

What has become quite evident is that by building local resilience to natural extremes, we can increase global resilience to long-term changes in average conditions and can become more prepared for any changes in extreme conditions.

Biography of Dr. William H. Hooke

Dr. William H. Hooke currently holds two national responsibilities: Director of the U.S. Weather Research Program Office, and Chair of the interagency Subcommittee for Natural Disaster Reduction of the National Science and Technology Council's Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. He has worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and antecedent agencies since 1967. After 6 years of research in fundamental geophysical fluid dynamics and its application to the ionosphere, the boundary layer, air quality, aviation, and wind engineering, he moved into a series of management positions of increasing scope and responsibility. From 1973 to 1980, he was Chief of the Wave Propagation Laboratory's Atmospheric Studies Branch. From 1980 to 1983, he rotated through a series of management development assignments. From 1984 to 1987, he directed NOAA's Environmental Sciences Group (now the Forecast Systems Laboratory), having responsibility for much of the systems research and development for the National Weather Service Modernization, as well as for a range of other weather and climate research activities. From 1987 to 1993, he served as the Deputy Chief Scientist and Acting Chief Scientist of NOAA.

For 2 decades, Dr. Hooke was an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Astrophysical, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Colorado, teaching courses and supervising students. He has served on several panels and committees of the National Research Council, and is also a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and an AMS Councilor.

Dr. Hooke received his B.S. degree from Swarthmore College (1964), and his S.M. (1966) and Ph.D. (1967) degrees from the University of Chicago.


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