Monterey Institute of International Studies - an affiliate of Middlebury College

Mission Statement

CNS combats the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by training the next generation of nonproliferation specialists and disseminating timely information and analysis.
Symbol of Peace & Disarmament, UN building New York
Past Stories...

Feature Story

A number of factors, including US presidential elections, may open opportunities to negotiate a treaty combating WMD terrorism and move toward nuclear weapons disarmament. More...
Posted: Oct 23, 2008 Image: Symbol of Peace & Disarmament, UN building New York

Recent Features

Senators Barack Obama and John McCain Barack Obama and John McCain on Nuclear Security Issues
Examining the similarities and some important differences in the policies of Obama and McCain.
A CNS Feature Story by Stephen I. Schwartz.
Rate of Nuclear Thefts 'Disturbingly High,' Monitoring Chief Says
Cristina Hansell was quoted at length in this New York Times article.
Four Statesmen Promote Revitalized Interest in Nuclear Disarmament Efforts
an article by Sarah Diehl for WMD Insights.
White Knight States Deviate from Long Held Nonproliferation Ideals as Nuclear Suppliers Group Approves Waiver
an article by Johan Bergenäs for WMD Insights.
Iran and the IAEA: The Road to "Gridlock" and an Uncertain Path Forward
A way out of the present stalemate over the Iran nuclear issue is only possible through a pragmatic approach from Washington and more flexibility from Tehran.
A Feature Story by Liviu Horovitz and David Peranteau.
The Costs of U.S. Nuclear Weapons
an Issue Brief by Stephen Schwartz for the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
Congressional Oversight of U.S. Nuclear Weapons
an Issue Brief by Stephen Schwartz for the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
Avoiding a Perfect Storm: Recharting the NPT Review Process
an article by Jean du Preez for the Arms Control Association.
The Risks and Challenges of a Cruise Missile Tipping Point
an Issue Brief by Dennis M. Gormley for the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
Sweden's "White Knight" Status in Question after Joining NSG Consensus Without a Fight
an op-ed by Johan Bergenäs on the recent Nuclear Suppliers Group exemption for India for the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. [Swedish only]
China cozies up to Seoul
an op-ed by Jing-dong Yuan for the Asia Times Online.

Upcoming Events

Evidence from Imagery: The Iran and Syrian Nuclear Program—An Open and Shut Case?
Dr. Frank Pabian
November 6, 12:15—2:00pm
Monterey, CA
Rethinking the Unthinkable: Four Critical Mistakes in Thinking about Nuclear Weapons
Ward Wilson (Grand Prize Winner of the 2008 Doreen and Jim McElvany Nonproliferation Essay Contest)
November 7, 12:15—2:00pm
Monterey, CA
Nonproliferation Review Special Luncheon Briefing
NPR presents the winners of the 2008 Doreen and Jim McElvany Nonproliferation Essay Contest, featuring presentations by the authors.
November 12, 12:00—2:00pm
Washington, D.C.

[RSVP instructions in the link]


New Job Opportunities
· Research Associate
· Postdoctoral/Sabbatical Fellows

Recent Activities

Nonproliferation & Disarmament Calendar

The Role of Nuclear Weapons in Russian National Security Policy: Current Status and Possible Evolution
Major-General (Ret.) Vladimir Dvorkin, Professor, Senior Research Fellow at IMEMO Russian Academy of Sciences
October 30, Monterey, CA
Seizing The Moment
A one-day consultation on breakthrough measures to build a new east west consensus on weapons of mass destruction and disarmament. An event co-sponsored by CNS.
October 24, New York, NY
2009 Nonproliferation Challenge Essay Contest announced
This contest, featuring a $10,000 grand prize, is open to students, professors, journalists, policy analysts, activists, and others worldwide.
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