Fermilab Today Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, July 28
3:30 p.m.


Tuesday, July 29
Summer Lecture Seminar - One West
Speaker: R. Pasquinelli, Fermilab
Title: Engineering at Fermilab
3:30 p.m.


Click here for NALCAL,
a weekly calendar with links to additional information.


WeatherMostly sunny

Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Monday, July 28
- Spicy beef & rice soup
- Corned beef reuben
- Honey Dijon glazed pork loin
- Vegetable lasagna
- Chicken Oriental wrap pineapple
- Assorted slice pizza
- Pacific rim rice bowl

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, July 30
- Pecan crusted chicken salad
- Carrot cake

Thursday, July 31

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


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Computing Division picnic

Employees at the Computing Division organize massive amounts of data in Fermilab's databases, networks and Web applications, and seem to have a knack for organizing themselves evenly at picnic tables as well.

You would never find a jar of mayonnaise left baking in the sun at a Computing Division picnic. If anyone can spot a potential hazard, it’s this group of Fermilab employees.

The CD had a record year for safety and celebrated at its annual picnic July 23 in front of Kuhn Barn. This is the sixth straight year the division has gone without work time lost to injury, setting the standard for the laboratory.

“It’s a huge achievement!” Victoria White, Computing Division head, told the crowd of more than 250 people at the catered event. “Let’s do it again next year.”

The division won a National Safety Council award in June. The division has recorded more than three million hours on the job with no reportable injuries during the past six years. While many people may not associate the words “computing” and danger, the CD has many potential safety hazards including heavy equipment, repetitive motion tasks, combustible materials and a machine shop.

“We face many of the same dangers as other divisions,” said Qizhong Li, co-leader of the running experiment department. “There are high voltages and hazardous materials to avoid.”

The CD keeps up its stellar record by making safety a priority every day, even at picnics.

-- Jennifer L. Johnson


URA creates Visiting Scholars Program, seeks applications

To support joint Fermilab-URA research initiatives, the Universities Research Association has initiated a Visiting Scholars Program that will provide researchers with more than $400,000 per year for the next five years. The program will support visits by researchers from URA member institutions to work at Fermilab for periods of up to one year. The application deadline for the next round of scholarships is Sept. 1.

As part of a commitment under the new FRA/DOE contract for the operation of Fermilab, the 88 URA member institutions each have agreed to contribute $5,000 per year, for the next five years, in support of joint Fermilab-URA research initiatives. The seven regional URA representatives on the FRA Board of Directors are administrating the Visiting Scholars Program. Applicants must be employed by, or in the case of students, enrolled at a URA member institution.

"This program is for students, postdocs and faculty doing research in high-energy physics experiments, astrophysics, theory, accelerator physics, material science and computer science related to the Fermilab mission," said Northwestern University physicist Heidi Schellman, one of the URA regional representatives on the FRA Board. "We will judge the applications on their scientific merit. Individual awards may be up to a maximum of $50,000 in any 12-month period."

Visits eligible for scholarships include trips to conferences and summer schools as well as year-long stays at Fermilab. The scholarships can pay for costs such as transportation and lodging during short visits or can provide stipend support during a longer visit. To obtain more information and to apply for a scholarship, visit this Web site.

Since January 2007, URA and the University of Chicago jointly manage the laboratory as the Fermi Research Alliance, LLC. Last year, the University of Chicago announced a Strategic Collaborative Initiatives program as part of its FRA commitment.

-- Kurt Riesselmann

Safety Tip of the Week

Screwdriver safety

The DeWalt power screwdriver bit pictured has a self-retracting guide sleeve that can reduce the likelihood that the drive head will slip off the fastener and cause an injury.

During the past 10 years, Fermilab employees have had 15 injuries associated with both power and manual screwdriver use. In two-thirds of these cases the accident occurred when the drive head of a manual screwdriver slipped off the item being worked on. Usually, the screwdriver slipped off a fastener, but sometimes the screwdriver slipped off an object that the employee was trying to pry open with the screwdriver. In two cases, power screwdriver bits slipped off and caused injuries. Other screwdriver injuries were due to excessive force and repetitive motion.

You can avoid screwdriver injuries if you follow a few simple guidelines.

  • When using a power screwdriver, attach a bit that holds the screws. The stability will help to facilitate work and protect your fingers.
  • Avoid holding the item you’re working on in your hand. Instead, place it on a work surface and use a vise or a clamp to hold the material.
  • Limit screwdriver use to driving or removing screws. Avoid using screwdrivers for prying, punching, chiseling, scoring or scraping.
  • Use a screwdriver of the correct type and size. The end should fit snugly into the slot of the screw.
  • If holes are properly piloted and screws are fitted, you should not have to apply great force. If carrying out work causes you pain, stop and modify the job appropriately.
  • It’s a good idea to wear eye protection when using any tool.
Accelerator Update

July 23-25
- Two stores provided ~25 hours and 45 minutes of luminosity
- Recycler stash lost due to failed relay
- MI finds cause of ground faults

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Have a safe day!

UEC elections underway
Elections for the 2008-2009 Users Executive Committee are now open. Votes must be cast by Aug. 5. More information is available here.

Pidgin: on site IM client class
Aug. 26 or Aug. 28

Learn what instant messaging has to offer and how to use Pidgin, an instant messaging client supported by the Computing Division.
More information

Free osteoporosis screening Aug. 8
Wellness Works and Delnor-Community Hospital will host an osteoporosis screening between 7:30 and 11 a.m. on Aug. 8 in the Emergency Operating Center on the ground floor of Wilson Hall. Only Fermilab employees who have not participated in a previous screening are eligible. The free heel scan is an ultrasound test that measures the bone density in the heel. Participants will need to remove their sock and the shoe from one foot. (Ladies, please do NOT wear panty hose.) Participants with heel/ankle fractures or surgery to both feet are excluded from this screening. Sign up instructions are on the ES&H homepage.

Fidelity representative at
Fermilab July 30

Fidelity representative, Jim Stair, will conduct individual counseling sessions at Fermilab on Wednesday, July 30. Sessions will take place in the Aquarium conference room located on the 15th floor of Wilson Hall. Call Fidelity at 1-800-642-7131 or visit the Fidelity Web site to make appointments.

Fermilab women's lunch July 29
Fermilab's women's organization will host a lunch at 12:30 p.m. on July 29 at Venice Tavern, 31 N. River St. in Batavia. To attend, please contact Supriya Jain.

Great America Fermi Days tickets on sale
Tickets for Fermi Days at Six Flags Great America are on sale in the Recreation Office, WH15W. Fermi Days Weekends are July 26 and 27 and August 9 and 10. Tickets are $28.25 each.

Additional Activities

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.