Fermilab Today Monday, July 7, 2008
Layoff Information

New information on Fermilab layoffs, including an up-to-date Q&A section, appears on the layoff Web pages.

Furlough Information

Information on the furloughs at Fermilab, which stopped May 31, 2008, is available on the furlough Web pages.


Monday, July 7
2:30 p.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: J. Bunton, ICT Centre, Marsfield
Title: ASKAP - The Australian SKA Pathfinder
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
All Experimenters' Meeting - Curia II
Special Topics: CMS Installation and Commissioning; CDMS Progress and Plans

Tuesday, July 8
Summer Lecture Seminar - One West
Speaker: S. Dodelson, Fermilab
Title: Fundamental Physics from Space
3:30 p.m.


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a weekly calendar with links to additional information.



Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Monday, July 7
- Not available

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, July 9
- Stuffed portabella mushroom
- Salad of field greens
- Fresh fruit tarts

Thursday, July 10
- Green bean, feta & walnut salad
- Medallions of beef w/cabernet sauce
- Roasted baby potatoes
- Vegetables of the season
- Pear tart

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


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Fermilab, DOE, elected officials celebrate science funding

At Wednesday's all-hands meeting, Acting Deputy Secretary of Energy Jeffrey Kupfer (left) announced that Fermilab will receive about $29.5 million in supplemental funds. Other speakers at the event (from left): Fermilab Director Pier Oddone, Senator Richard Durbin, Congresswoman Judy Biggert and Congressman Bill Foster.

Fermilab employees breathed a collective sigh of relief on Wednesday at an all-hands meeting on July 2. Acting Deputy Secretary of Energy Jeffrey Kupfer announced that Fermilab will receive about $29.5 million in supplemental funds for the current fiscal year, including $9.5 million for the NOvA neutrino experiment. Thanks to the funding, Fermilab can avoid the involuntary layoff of about 90 employees.

“We all recognize our ability to innovate and discover depends on our willingness to support the kind of fundamental research that is the mission here at Fermilab,” Kupfer said. “I commit to you that we will do whatever we can to continue to support your vital mission.”

The standing-room only meeting came just days after President George W. Bush signed a supplemental spending bill that included $62.5 million for the DOE Office of Science.

“Today we celebrate the first steps toward restoration of basic science funding in our country,” Congressman Bill Foster said at the meeting. “The door that was slammed shut in the omnibus bill last Christmas is now cracked open. We have the light to see a brighter future for basic science at Fermilab, and we have the oxygen we need to get to work on that future.”

Director Pier Oddone applauded Fermilab employees for their dedication and success despite furloughs and the threat of layoffs. He pointed out the many accelerator records the Tevatron had set during the last six months and described the benefits of basic science research at Fermilab.

“All of the above could not be possible without the support of the public and of our elected representatives,” Oddone said. "Mayors, teachers, union members, the business community, our neighbors and universities and professional societies rose together and spoke for the importance of the science and technologies that we do and for its future in the nation.”

Sen. Richard Durbin as well as Congressman Foster, Congresswoman Judy Biggert and Director Oddone expressed their appreciation of the communities that supported the laboratory in its continued success.

“The fact is that you’re here today in celebration, not only of the money coming in, but the community spirit that came forward. Here at the lab, the surrounding towns, organized labor, the business community, across the board, that kind of support made the real difference,” Durbin said.

Attendees gave standing ovations to Director Oddone, for his leadership through a difficult time, and to elected officials, for their successful efforts to restore funding.

Foster cautioned that the battle is far from over. “While this is a substantial and terrific victory, we must ensure that our scientists are able to do the work that is vital to the long-term future of our country,” Foster said.

View the streaming video of the all-hands meeting

-- Rhianna Wisniewski

Editor’s Note:
Since December, Fermilab has kept a log of news stories and their headlines to chronicle the budget crisis. By beginning at the bottom of the page, in December 2007, and scrolling up, readers can view Fermilab’s roller-coaster journey.

In the News

New, next life for Fermilab

From Kane County Chronicle Editorial, July 7, 2008

There was much celebrating at Fermilab last week, when political heavies showed up to an "all-hands" meeting to mark a funding boost to the U.S. Department of Energy facility.

This is welcome news, of course. But it's unlikely leaders at Fermilab will rest on these laurels. The lab faces huge challenges that will require continuous innovation and creativity on the part of scientists at this lab.

It's in the community's overwhelming interest that Fermilab remain viable and visible.

In December 2007, Congress authorized $320 million for Fermilab, roughly $52 million less than requested and $22 million less than the laboratory received in 2007.

Thanks in large part to lobbying by U.S. Rep. Bill Foster, D-Geneva, and U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, as well as other members of the Illinois Congressional delegation, threats of layoffs, furloughs and doomed programs have subsided.

Read more

Safety Tip

Is this up-to-date?

Do you use up-to-date documents for your work and hazard analyses?

Using out-of-date manuals and safety documents can be a serious safety hazard. Fermilab reviewed the employee ES&H Manual use as part of its preparations for the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 registrations. The review found workers using out-of-date materials.

In response, the laboratory put together a new chapter of the ES&H Manual that outlines content control procedures. Here are some recommendations for keeping your ES&H information up-to-date:

  • Add yourself to the ES&H mailing list to monitor ES&H Manual changes. You will receive e-mail alerts every time this document is revised.

  • Track the status of your internal documents. Is there an obvious revision date for each document? Are out-of-date versions tossed out or clearly marked as obsolete?

  • Keep external documents, such as equipment manuals, up to date and make sure that end users have ready access to current information.

  • Avoid stockpiling paper copies of electronic forms for use in the “distant” future.

To make sure that all employees always have access to the most current ES&H materials, the complete Fermilab ES&H Manual is available online. Following the latest ES&H procedures and precautions will help you keep yourself and your colleagues safe.


Have a safe day!

Cap lifted on vacation balance
Because of the supplemental funding that the laboratory will receive, Director Pier Oddone has removed the special cap imposed on vacation time balances earlier this year. Employees can again accumulate vacation time according to standard laboratory policy. The Payroll Office will remove the special vacation cap statement ("max. vac. hrs/days permitted in Sept. 08") from all payroll stubs issued after July 14.

Fermilab Housing Office reservation requests due July 14
Reservation requests can now be made to the Fermilab Housing Office for houses, apartments and dormitory rooms for the remainder of 2008 and spring of 2009. Since there will be a large influx of experimenters and requests may exceed our available facilities, please submit your request for reservations to the Housing Office by Monday, July 14. Requests can be made for any period and need not commence on any particular date. For further information, please contact the Housing Office at (630) 840-3777 or via e-mail. Individual housing requests can be made by using our online housing request form . Requests for multiple housing units are best handled by direct e-mail.

Tango lessons
Beginning July 23, the International Folk Dancing group and NALWO will start a new group and offer Argentine tango lessons by experienced tango dancers from Chicago. The lessons will take place in Ramsey Auditorium on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. for beginners and 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. for intermediate/advanced level. To sign up call Pamela Noyes at (630) 840-5779 or e-mail her.

Accelerated C++ Short Course
On August 4, Fermilab will offer the first session of Accelerated C++: A Short Course in Practical Programming by Example. The eight-session course teaches computer programming in modern standard C++. Participants receive TRAIN credit upon successful completion of the course. No tuition is charged; the only cost is for the required textbooks. A subsidy is available for most students. Walter Brown, who participates on Fermilab's behalf in the international C++ standardization effort, is the course instructor. Register here.

Fermilab pool to offer children's swimming lessons
Fermilab employees and users can now enjoy the Fermilab pool. The pool opened last week and will host swimming lessons for both youth and pre-schoolers. The Naperville YMCA will offer three sessions of swimming lessons between July 7 and Aug. 11. Swimming lesson registration information and forms are available at Fermilab daycare and daycamp. For more information on lessons please contact Peter Wilson (pjw@fnal.gov, x2156). Daily admission to the pool is $5. Memberships are payable only by cash or check and are available at the pool through Tuesday, July 8. For information about the pool and memberships please contact Dee Hahn (dhahn@fnal.gov, x2354). For more information on pool hours and swimming lesson sessions, see the Fermilab Today article on July 2.

Additional Activities

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.