Fermilab Today Monday, June 30, 2008
Layoff Information

New information on Fermilab layoffs, including an up-to-date Q&A section, appears on the layoff Web pages.

Furlough Information

Information on the furloughs at Fermilab, which stopped May 31, 2008, is available on the furlough Web pages.


Monday, June 30
2:30 p.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: F. Iocco, INAF
Title: Dark Matter Annihilation Effects on the First Stars
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
All Experimenters' Meeting - Curia II

Tuesday, July 1
Summer Lecture Seminar - One West
Speaker: W. Fisher, Fermilab
Title: Collider Experiments
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - One West
Speaker: M. Danuso, Fermilab
Title: Limits and Prospects of Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnets

Click here for NALCAL,
a weekly calendar with links to additional information.


WeatherMostly sunny

Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Monday, June 30
- Spicy beef & rice soup
- Corned beef Reuben
- Honey Dijon glazed pork loin
- Vegetable lasagna
- Chicken oriental wrap pineapple
- Assorted slice pizza
- Pacific Rim rice bowl

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, July 2
- Poached salmon w/scallion sauce
- Lemon orzo w/pine nuts
- Summer vegetable medley
- Chocolate Kahlua flan

Thursday, July 3
- Closed

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


Fermilab Today
is online at:

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Special Announcement

All Hands meeting 11:15 a.m. Wednesday in Auditorium

Fermilab Director Pier Oddone will hold an All-Hands Meeting on Wednesday, July 2. Thanks to savings from voluntary separations and additional funding in the supplemental funding bill passed by Congress last week, Oddone expects to announce the end of involuntary layoffs. Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, Congresswoman Judy Biggert and Congressman Bill Foster will speak. The meeting will begin promptly at 11:30 a.m. Please plan to be in your seats by 11:15 a.m. There will be overflow seating in One West.


CMS 101 tutorials prepare students for analysis

Attendees at the recent CMS 101 tutorials

As a fourth-year graduate student, Mike Anderson has paid his dues. He has written software for CMS collaborators to use for data analysis. He lived at CERN for two months. He has completed his coursework. Soon Anderson hopes to start his analysis. The CMS 101 tutorials on June 18-20 at Fermilab brought him one step closer.

Roughly 35 U.S. CMS members attended the workshop, and more than 15 connected remotely via videoconference. The LHC Physics Center at Fermilab offers the tutorials every six months to help U.S. CMS collaborators get up to speed on the experiment's data analysis software. Largely intended for students, the workshops begin with a general overview of the CMS experiment and then progress to software and computing instructions.

Anderson, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, feels that the tutorials help establish a common computing language for the collaboration. He plans to use the knowledge gained from the workshop on his analysis. "They dump information on you as though it's a bucket of water," he said. "Hopefully some of it sticks."

The CMS 101 tutorials allow students to take advantage of the large number of experts in the LPC. "There is a high density of people who have this knowledge here," said Fermilab's Liz Sexton-Kennedy, who along with her group organized the workshop.

In response to requests to expand the tutorials, the recent CMS 101 workshop included more hands-on exercises. "The hands-on sessions force participants to try something new," said Sexton-Kennedy. "On their laptops they try commands to see if they work. The exercises take you through what you need to do to conduct an analysis."

Those who couldn't attend CMS101 may view the talks online. Videos of the tutorials will be made available soon.

-- Elizabeth Clements

Photo of the Day

Computing Division logs
3 million safe hours

Computing Division employees celebrate
3 million hours worked without a DART case. They celebrated June 23 on the lawn of the Feynman Computing Center.

In the News

'Frozen' stars could shed light on dark matter

From New Scientist,
June 26, 2008

The universe's first stars were the rock stars of the stellar world: they lived fast and died young, burning out in only a few hundred thousand years.

But new research suggests some of them might still be around as a result of interactions with dark matter, which halted their growth and curbed their blazing excess.

"These stars can be frozen for timescales longer than the age of the universe," said Gianfranco Bertone of the Paris Institute of Astrophysics in France.

Such frozen stars might still linger at the centre of the Milky Way, scientists say, and could provide important insights into the elusive nature of dark matter.

Many of the stellar firstborns, called population III stars, are thought to have formed inside dense dark matter clouds.

Read more

Safety Tip

New online map to raise
traffic safety awareness

An interactive vehicle accident map identifies where accidents have occured on site this year.

You can learn about traffic accident hot spots at the laboratory with a new interactive, online map. DOE Site Office representative John Scott proposed the map and Fermilab Traffic Safety Subcommittee members Dave Peterson, Jean Reising and Chuck Morrison put it together.

Fermilab officials hope the map will raise awareness of traffic safety and thereby reduce accidents. There were 56 vehicle accidents in 2007. Fortunately, none of these resulted in personal injury.

To find out where accidents occur on site, click on the map or access it from the the Security home page, located under the Business Services Section. An X marks the spot of each accident. Clicking on an X will initiate a pop-up window with the date, location and cause of the accident as well as photos of damage to the vehicle.

For example, the current map shows several accidents near DZero. Tight parking contributes to backing-up and turning accidents near the facility. Also, in winter weather people tend to slide off the sloped access road to this facility. Sliding because of winter weather caused 10 of that 14 accidents in December.

Traffic Safety Subcommittee members will update the map as accidents occur. But hopefully, your vehicle won't end up as an accident statistic on the map. You can prevent most on-site accidents by simply slowing down and taking extra care when backing up.

Accelerator Update

June 25-27
- Three stores provided ~37 hours of luminosity
- Problems with Booster Watchdog trips resolved
- TeV/MI experts conduct injection studies

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Martial Arts Classes begin June 30
A new session of Kyuki-Do, a mixed-martial art that combines Taekwondo, Judo and Hapkido, begins at Fermilab on June 30. Classes take place from 5-6 p.m. Monday and Wednesday at the Recreation Facility in the Village. The class costs $45 per session. Sessions last six weeks. You will need to register through the Recreation Office and also have a Recreation Facility membership.

Make housing reservations now
The Fermilab Housing Office is now taking requests for reservations for houses, apartments and dormitory rooms for the remainder of 2008 and the spring of 2009. Please submit your request to the Housing Office by Monday, July 14. Requests can be made for any period and need not commence on any particular date. There is a block of women-only dormitory rooms in Aspen East.

We ask that any person living on site will make steady use of the housing for the period reserved. If the space will not be used for some portion of the visit, please notify the Housing Office.

A fee equal to two weeks rent will be charged to an individual or group if notice of cancellation or postponement is not provided to the Housing Office two weeks prior to the scheduled arrival date. For further information, please contact the Housing Office at: X3777 or e-mail housing@fnal.gov. Individual housing requests can be made online here. Requests for multiple housing units are best handled by direct e-mail to: housing@fnal.gov.

NALWO Chicago boat trip
Fermilab's women's organization, NALWO, will host a sightseeing boat tour of Chicago's historical skyline and architecture on Wednesday, July 9. An air-conditioned bus will leave from 9:45 a.m. from the Lederman Science Center and return at 4 p.m. The tour will cost $20 for adults and $10 for children ages 3-12. Children under age 3 can attend free of charge. Reservations are required and will be accepted until July 7. For more information or to make your reservation, contact Margie Nagaitsev at mnagaitsev@hotmail.com or (630) 232-7308.

Additional Activities

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.